As Time
Goes By

..Alistair Deacon Fan Fiction

For the first season of As Time Goes By, one of the subplots was that Lionel Hardcastle's publisher, young Alistair Deacon, developed a crush on older woman Jean Pargeter and pursues her. Meanwhile Jean's daughter, Judith, has a crush on Lionel. This is all solved in the final episode of the season in which, by dint of a picnic at which Lionel and Jean spend all their time napping while the two young people go off for a walk, it is conveyed to them that their respective amours are too old.

The actor who plays Alistair, Philip Bretherton, stated in an interview that his relationship with Jean had been 'unique' and he wished it had continued longer.

So did I! This 'May-December' relationship to me was the most intriguing part about the whole program. Also, of all the characters, Alistair Deacon was my favorite.

So here is my fan fiction featuring the relationships between Alistair and Jean. The stories are not sequential (although eventually I'll be writing sequels to each story) but I use as my starting points various points in the episodes where an idea occurs to me for a 'better' plot path.


World Enough And Time
Part One: The Party - loaded October 22, 2002
Part Two: Norwich
Part Three: The Pursuit

One offs (for the moment)
From December to May - loaded October 10, 2002

External Sites

To purchase videos of Judi Dench, Philip Bretherton, and the rest of the cast of ATGB, go to the

ATGB Cast Store.

Philip Bretherton photos, articles and interviews:

Below are a list of links from the external website, the As Time Goes By Tribute. The website is devoted mainly to Judy Dench, but here are the Philip Bretherton links:

pic from Inspector Morse
another pic from Morse
yet another pic from Morse
Pic from Casualty
As Time Goes By cast pic
ATGB Photo As Time Goes By cast photo
Bretherton in Importance of Being Ernest on stage
Importance of Being Ernest
Bretherton photo
PBS Meet and Greet 1
PBS Meet and Greet 2
PBS Meet and Greet 3
PBS meet and Greet 4

I'd have more time to write fan fiction if my on-line bookstore (through would become so popular as to allow me to become a lady of leisure. See the

ATGB Cast Store

for books and movies featuring Philip Bretherton, Judi Dench, etc.

Or, click on a cover below to buy the DVDs:

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Philip Bretherton Page
As Time Goes By: A Tribute
The Francis Files: A Website dedicated to Clive Francis (From May to December, The Piglet Files, The 10 Percenters)

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