As you can see, this map isn't exactly 'finished'. The reason for that is it'd be too busy if we put all the houses and buildings, and leaving it open allows others to write in their own location.

You can see that there are walls within the walls. The reason for this is that the city used to be smaller, but grew, and as it grew the walls grew with it. For more on how law works around those walls check the law page and look under rank.

The five sided building in the south part of town is the Takara family castle. It's as old as Cliff Heights and was build out of town so the Takara's could study in prvacy, but be close enough to town, that they didn't have to take too much time if they needed to make a trip. Now it's the center of the magic district and neighbor to the Stormshadow School of Magic (not placed on map yet)

city of Serenity

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