Time: mid-morning
Location: AmKelosh: a rocky beach

Remi is on the beach on this fine, sunny morning. He's not dressed that odd for the beach really so he doesn't seem to stand out too much here. It's when he goes over to the mail place that he gets the wierd looks. He'll sometimes put on a pair of pants, but he really prefers to not wear shirts at all. He's a big guy, water puts a lot of preasure on the muscles, so those that live in water tend to have very large and well defined muscles. He's wearing what might look like a speedo and a small trasparent sarong of the same color. His clothing leaves very little to the imagination, but then clothing gets heavy in the water and thus gets in the way. Remi has come to the beach to return a run away ball to a group playing beach volly ball. He turns down their offer to join in and just smiles.

Synderix is laying down enjoy the sun's rays soaking into her flesh.. Jagged rocks that lay quite a bit off the beach is where she is found.. It is rare for anyone to dare go there due to how trecherous it was to climb up it.. She liked her privacy when on the beach.. It was apparent why if one came across her.. Qutie a small bikini outfitted her form, while the top was laid to the side.. Her arms folded beneath her as her head rested onto them.. Her stomach and the rest of her form found the coldness of the rocks beneath her quite soothing.. It didn't help much her mood though.. Usually kayos fufills her though they took a night off just to talk and relax in eachother's arms..

Remi is not so sure he likes the larger crowd on the beach, even though it's still early and it's not near as crowded as it gets later in the day. He looks around for somewhere quite to get. He doesn't really feel like going back to the water right now, or one of his people is sure to come find him and have something that needs his imediate attention. Well, it won't really. If he's not there someone else will take care of it. He's already told his people he's taking the day off. All the warlords just recently turned in their reports to Kayos and it's common for them to take time to themselves after that to relax before going back to work. Remi finds himself on the same little stretch of beach that Synderix is on. He makes his way over to her to say hi before he realizes who she is. "Hey there"

Synderix lazily did her eyes open looking up towards Remi.. She didn't feel like moving, not yet.. Though a smile graced her lips as she spoke back up towards him.. "Hey.. " She was surprised that he would even speak to her since the first time they've ever.. well sorta met.. was when Kayos and her were having their fun in the water.. Her weight shiffted lightly as the rocks dug deeper into her flesh.. It was better than the feeling of sand at least.. the rocks were cool and wet while the sand was gritty and dry.. She never was too keen on sand due to the fact it got into certain places..

Remi would probably not have come to greet her had he realized it was her before he got here, but once he had already made it to her to see who it was, it's too late to turn around. She might think he was rude and take offense if he did that. Becuase of the little bikini she wore, he had thought from a distance that she was one of his people. They all wear about as much as he does, or less in some cases. He looks a little uneasy and doesn't know if it'd be too rude now to turn around and walk away. He sits down on a rock near her and stretches his legs out. He leans back and looks up at the clear sky. The tone of his skin says he's no stranger to the sun or to the beach. He doesn't spend all his time below the water. "Nice spot you found here." Glad to see you kept your bikini on this time.

Synderix turns her gaze for a moment up at the sky above, the smile still heavily on her lips.. "Yeah.. It's the place I usually come to.. I don't like the whole crowd thing really.. " Her weight shifted as she pulled herself up.. She acted like nothing was wrong, even though her bikini top was off.. It wasn't like Remi didn't see her before.. She had no shame, and it was apparent.. An arm reached out as digits grasped onto the bikini top that once laid beside her as she begins to slip it back on knowing Remi probably would be getting uncomfortable if she left it off.. She shifted a bit in her seat as she attempted to fasten it behind her..

Remi would in fact get uncomfortable if she left it off, not even his people wear that little, well sometimes, but only when they are in their water forms, so it doesn't count. If she struggles with her top too long he will move to her and help her fasten it. He would then return to his little rock. "I'm Remi, by the way." He gives her a questioning look, unsure if she knows who he is or even cares. To his knowledge High Powers don't pay much attention to the Warlords, but if he thinks about it, he'd assume they would. The Warlords are after all second only to Kayos. Any one of the Warlords could take Kayos' place if he were to die. In theory anyway, Remi doesn't think he has that type of power. He's never tested his metal against a High Power, or even that high up of a lacky to a High Power.

Synderix allows her limbs to once more drift down to her lap as he begins to fasten her bikini for her.. She felt a bit odd though.. she wasn't used to anyone helping her dress.. She didn't see how Kayos could do it on a daily basis.. "I'm Synderix.. Syn for short.. Pleasure to meet you, Remi.. Though I have heard about you before.. " He probably knew who she was, but she did like hearing her name.. alot.. Her bottom lip was taken in as a prisoner for a few seconds before released.. "I'm sorry about the other day.. I never usually let myself get carried away like that.."

Remi thinks to tell her he knows who she is, but of course he does. He decides no to state the obvious there. But since she gave her full name before her nickname he figures he can do the same. "Oh, well mine is really Prince Remington. I just prefer Remi." It's pretty much drilled into his head that Prince isn't just a title, but a real part of his name. Kayos takes that sort of thing seriously and Remi has been his son for over five hundred years. Remi was one of those that started out with a different father, but when Kayos took over thier kindgom, he adopted the crown prince as his own. That was Remington. He blushes a little at her comment. and looks away, toward the comforting blue of the ocean. He thinks it's not the best thing to comment on, sounds like a no win conversation.

Synderix curiousity sparked within her as she saw the blush.. She never did recall getting Kayos to blush before.. It was probably an impossible task.. It was cute though.. She couldn't help but giggle lightly as she looks out towards the ocean.. "It must be great living out there.. It's so peaceful it appears.. " Her chest rises as a deep inhale is sought, soaking in the rich air that rolled off the waters.. The wind tossed her hair a bit around, throwing it into various directions before releasing it back to where it wished to lay..

Remi lets out a very slight laugh, and maybe a little cynical of a laugh. It's the kind you give when you know something someone says is too good to be true, but you wish it was anyway. His blush fades almost as quickly as it had come. "It only seems that way on the surface. It can get really chaotic down. But the reverse is the same. Looking up," He looks up as he speaks, picturing what he's saying in his mind. "the surface seems rather calm as well, but for a few waves." He looks at her before finishing, and though his words may not be all that upbeat, he still seems calm and in a good mood. "But then you step foot on land and realize it's not any better up here than down here."

Synderix smiles lightly as she looks back over to Remi from viewing the ocean.. "Looks can be decieving.. I probably know best of the chaos that goes on out here.. The same thing seems to spur it all the time.. " She shifted a bit as her legs came to cross one another while still sitting there.. Her eyes once more glance back over the ocean.. "Though it must be more beautiful out there than here.. "

Remi thinks on her words, causing his brow to wrinkle a little in thought. He thinks of his people and doesn't think they are as hard to read as those on land, but maybe he's bais. Or maybe land people are just taught to hide more than his people. He doesn't think on things like that much. "Well, I think it is. But then I live there." He looks back out at his beloved ocean again. "I come up here to meet people and do certain areas of my job that require it. But I much prefer the cold darkness of the sea. Down there, your world moves with you. Up here, you're just in it." Thinks this sounds a little too much like the philosophical conversations Nick is always trying to drag him into. Remi would really rather not think about living and just do it.

Synderix's smile grows as she looks back over to Remi.. "Just like my realm.. It moves with you.. That's why I love coming out here as much as possible.. It reminds me of home.. Though I haven't really explored that much out there.." She shifted lightly in her seat, arms coming to drape lazily over her lap while fingers began to twine a small tendril of shadow between them.. "Would you show me around some day perhaps?" It was uncommon for Syn to ask to be showed around, she was more of the type to wait for the invite.. If it didn't come, she'll keep dropping hints..

Remi looks back to Synderix and seems to be thinking about what she said of her own realm. He's assuming she's speaking of shadow in some way, but doesn't ask for any deatails. If she wants to give them, she will. He was raised a prince after all and when asked something in polite conversation, it's rude not to respond. So he doesn't want to put Synderix in that kind of spot. "Of course I will." He lifts a hand and points to a really nice, yet small palace sticking up from the rocks on the other side of a curve in the shore from them. "I live right over there." When looking closer, it's not hard to see that the palace doesn't stop at the rocks, but goes down into the water. At night the lights from the palace windows cause that area of the water to be dotted with shimmery light from below.

Synderix follows the point looking out to where he points to.. "Breath taking.. " She debated asking when, but hopefully he will be the one to set the date.. She already was the one to ask, so he should be the one to say when.. An arm rose from its resting position, sending fingers to run through the oynx coloured hair as it ruffled it a bit before dropping back down to her lap.. The sun's rays caused a bit of a shimmer onto the pale flesh, a tint of blue appearing..

Remi turns his bright blue eyes back on Synderix, the light glinting off them slightly as his eyes have an extra membrane covering that land dwellers don't have. This of course is to protect them from the salt water. "I'm always around somehwere, so anytime you'd like a tour, just go there seeking me." He wonders suddenly if he did that correctly, maybe she wanted it now and was hinting? He's not so sure he's good at picking up hints. Not like this. He's a warrior, he understands direct action. He's getting a bit dry and looks up once more, frowning at the sun as it gets closer to noon.

Synderix lips parted to speak but were abrutely cut off as a shimmer of purple casted across her form.. She felt the shadows draining from her along with her powers.. The purple became heavier from her waist down as a blast of its brilliant light engulfed her.. Eyelids quickly came to close as a growl formed in her throat.. She knew it was mekehlee.. Her eyes once more came to open to find out what she was up to this time.. From her waist scales of purple shades began to lower themselves down forming a mermaid's tail.. She quickly snapped her gaze around searching for Mekehlee as her voice billowed out.. "Mekhlee! This isn't funny! You already had your fun with me yesterday! CHANGE ME BACK IMMEDIATELY!"

Remi winces away from the sudden bright of the light which engulfts Synderix. When he looks back again, his jaw drops down in surprise and atonishment. He gets to his feet and looks around as if expecting to find Mekehlee, but sees no trace of her. He looks back to Synderix and reguards her for a few seconds, unsure what to do. He is of no station to demand anything of Mekehlee, so he can't really help in getting Syn changed back to normal. "Well, it could have been worse." He says with a little shrug, trying to lighten the situation. "At least you still breath air." He waves his hand out into the nothing around him to indicate the air.

Synderix wasn't amused in the least as arms came to entangle around one another.. She couldn't go anywhere.. Nothing to do.. As the words came from Remi's mouth, it sparked an idea of Mekehlee.. The shimmering purple once more came onto synderix, the sides of her neck.. She wasn't used to breathing at all.. Then began to feel the pressure within her chest as if she couldn't breath.. Her hand quickly rose up as she felt something on her neck.. Gills.. Of course he had to open his mouth.. The small flaps began to quickly open and close attempting to gain air as she leant forward trying to breath..

Remi realizes his mistake when he sees Syndeirx begin to fight for breath. He is startled for a second or two, trying to figure out what to do, then quickly moves to her side. He doesn't ask premission, but then he's seen some of the more water creatures beached before and sufocatting to death doesn't look like it's much fun. He scoops her up in his large, strong arms, one arm behind her shoulders, the other under the joint of her tail. He then turns toward the ocean and walks quickly to the water. He doesn't run, because he's not all that graceful on the land and he knows he'd only trip with her. The next wave of ocean seems to reach out for them, coming up higher, stronger, and fuller than it really should and a second after that it has carried them off again into the ocean with it.

Synderix doesn't resist as he scoops her up.. She was too busy grasping at the pains in her chest, but she wouldn't refuse anyways.. Blackness rolled over her vision as she fell limp into his arms from lack of air.. The water rolled over her form as deep breathes were taken in. Though she still remained unconcious.. The water carrying her form in its grasp, her hair billowing out around her though her body remained limp..

Remi sees that she has passed out and fears it is still from a lack of oxygen to her lungs. He knows if that's the case then he needs to get water flowing over her gills so she can breath. He reaches out for her hands, taking one in each of his, and then begins to back away from her, toward the deeper areas of the ocean. He's hoping that the sensation of moving through the water will not only stimulate her gills, but also her back to conciousness. He has some experiance with merepeople, but they are very much different than his people. He doesn't use lungs when in the water, but takes the oxygen straight from the water though his skin. Another reason his people wear very little. And clothing in the water gets too damned heavy.

Synderix moments passed before eyelids quickly strike open.. Her chest quickly falls and rises as oxygen quickly gets taken into her.. Her tail tries to move in two different directions at once, quite an akward thing.. She had no clue how to use this new tail nor how long it would last.. Her fingers quickly twine around his hands as a bit of panic washes over her.. It was apparent that she had no idea what was going on nor how to fix it.. Her hips twisted lightly sending the tail to strike through the water at an attempt to try to figure out this but failing miserablely.. Her life line was Remi.. Though she didn't get what Mekehlee was up to.. She seemed to be picking on each of the war lords..

Remi would disagree that he's the one being picked on here. He's doing what he always does after all. He's swimming. He frowns a little, yet also half smiles she attempts to learn to use the tail. Her slight movements in thrashing might would have gone unnoticed on land, but in the water, Remi can feel every move she makes this close. He can even feel the water moveing from her breathing. Water is funny that way, it doesn't like to give and cuases vibrations when it does. But Remi doesn't seem to be moving with the water, but more like it's moving with him. He finds no resitance. He continunes guiding Syn through the water, unsure what else to do. He's not even sure if she'll know how to communicate down here.

Synderix parts her lips as if to talk, but choking comes forth as water rushes into her.. Her eyes roam back up to the surface.. She wanted to visit the water, but not like this.. She couldn't even contact Kayos right now.. But then again.. All he'll do is laugh at her and probably think of something kinky.. She wasn't in the mood for that.. A frown lapped over her lips as she tried her best to mock Remi's movements but only finding herself sinking.. Shoulders slightly slunk in a depressing way.. She then began to picture dolphins within her mind and how they moved with the water.. The tail began to move slowly in a fluent motion..

Remi smiles as she seems to be getting the hang of it. He can't imagine it'd be that hard, but then he doesn't have a tail. He still has legs. When he needs to move really fast through the water, he can turn himself into water. That's a little more complicated than it sounds however. He's unsure if she'll descover how to breath if they stop moving, so he just keeps moving. As big of a guy as he is, his movments are extremely fluid and smooth in the water, as if he's just another wave in the endless vast of ocean. His voice carries to her though the water, though his mouth does not move. "Any idea why she did this or when it'll stop?" Through the questioning tone, there is encouragement in his voice.

Synderix allows the panic to leave her as instinct begins to take over.. The tail curls beneath her bringing her to a stop and to a straight posture.. Beneath the tail continues to waver back and forth keeping her afloat as she breathes in each time the water moves over her gills.. A few unsuccess tries of talking finally paid off as her words were carried through the water.. "She thinks it's funny.. You never know when Mekehlee stops, or if she ever does stop.. Look what she did to Kayos and it still there.. She already had her fun with me yesterday.. I didn't think she would do it again today.. I underestimated her again.. " A frown forms onto her lips as she looks down at the tail then back up to Remi.. "She blocked every sort of power I had it seems.. I can't even shift into the Umbra.."

Remi isn't sure of which of the things Mekehlee's done to Kayos Synderix speaks of, so he doesn't comment on it. He does see her point however in that Mekehlee doesn't always change back things she's adjusted. Remi is just happy he's never been on the recieving end of it before. At least not to his knowledge. "Should I send someone to get get Kayos? He might be able to get her to change you back?" He turns every so slightly to head toward the underwater palace. From down here it is clear that the place is a great deal bigger than it looks from the surface. It not only goes down the cliff wall, but also spreads out a bit on the bottom of the lagoon.

Synderix's eyes widen a bit as she shakes her head vigorously no.. " That is pointless.. All he'll do is laugh his ass off.. Mekehlee won't listen to him.. She likes her fun.. " The last thing she needed was to have Kayos see her like this.. It would give him more to make fun of her about.. She shifts once more, twisting the tail in order to follow him. It was still quite new to her and she wasn't as graceful as she was on land apparently.. She knows now how he feels.. But hopefully Mekehlee would get bored with her quite soon..

Remi smiles and most likely would have laughed if there were on the surface. He's not sure why she thinks that about Kayos, but then Remi is one of his sons, not the type that ever really has trouble from the man. Remi also knows Mekehlee used to hang around Kayos a whole lot. He's pretty sure they can influance each other, even where most others can't. He knows his father can be just as hard to speak to or presaude."At any rate, you're getting that tour you wanted." That's just his nature to try and see the lighter side of everything. Remi can always see the light in the dark. Even in the hotest desert, there is some moisture to be found, if one only knows how to look for it.

Synderix forces a smile onto her lips, though still isn't seeing the amusing part of all this.. Her gaze shifts wildly attempting to spot mekehlee as some sort of purple fish or dolphin.. "That's true.. Though I've never knew how tiring swimming can be.. Probably because I forgot how it's like to be tired.. " A few thrusts of the tail sends her closer to next to Remi.. It was apparent she was tiring as the gills began to flap wildly at her sides sucking in as much air as they could..

Remi stops moving thinking she's begining to have some sort of trouble. "Don't fight the water, or the water will fight you. Pretend you are home, you said there it moves with you, right?" He drifts with the current, but has stopped swimming. He thinks she's has enough time that she can learn to use her gills while still as well. It might be hard, but it can be done. He keeps his hands in hers and will hold her until she wants him to let her go. He doesn't want to lose her in the ocean, it's too big of a place, and Kayos would kill him. Especially if anyone from nearby Oshiana got ahold of her. They're still mad about what Kayos did to their ancestor. "Just relax, your gills will work on instint."

Synderix closes her eyes for a moment feeling the water rush over her.. She gotten used to the gills a bit, already being able to breath without moving.. The tail slowly comes to a hault allowing the water to move her instead of her moving it.. "It's much different in the Umbra.. It's a bit complicated to explain.. " Her fingers curl a bit tighter around his hand, she didn't want to let go of it anytime soon.. She was still uneasy about this whole thing.. "Perhaps it is best to contact Kayos on these matters.. " She hated to do so, but maybe he'd be able to bargain with mekehlee.. Her eyes continued to skitter around, still waiting for mekehlee to show up somehow..

Remi will do whatever Synderix thinks it best in this matter. He wouldn't even report it if she wished for him not to. He doesn't see any reason that'd cause trouble becuase she is an ally of the empire. And of course there are lots of rumors about her and Kayos, but that's to be expected. Kayos can be an evil son of a bitch, but his people love him. "If you think that's best. We can go to my palace and I'll send a messenger from there tell Kayos what has happened." He wonders if she wants that to get out however. "Or I can go to him myself?"

Synderix gets lost in thought for a few minutes before responding.. "I'm going to give mekehlee time to get bored with this.. To see if she lifts it.. If she doesn't.. We'll contact Kayos.. " Smiles lightly as a semi funny thing comes to her mind.. Her head lightly tilts to look over at Remi.. "Never knew I looked good in purple.. " A small grin forms over the smile as they make their way closer to the palace.. Her eyes soaking in the scenery about her.. It was quite breath taking indeed..

Remi nods as she says they should wait. If he was changed suddenly, he's most likely send someone imediatly for his father. But he can understand why Synderix is a little more hesitant. "I'm not sure I ever heard of Mekehlee getting bored before." But then maybe that was her being boring? Oh well, doesn't matter. He looks down at her tail and gives her an odd little look. He's not really into meremaids, but he can agree that she doesn't look all that bad with a tail. Her form is too small to pass for one of his people, but merefolk are often smaller in build. All around them, yet still at plenty of distance are his poeple going about thier daily lives, most just having fun swimming around.

Synderix frown once more as she thinks about it.. " True.. She'll probably just leave me like this if I'm no longer interesting to watch until she feels like checking back in and removing it.. It seems that she sometimes has something in mind.. A goal to reach of sorts.. When doing her trickery.. At least from my experience with her.. Though I could never figure out what she wanted me to do.. " Her gaze begins to look around his people warily.. Not really wanting to get attention.. In mainly fear of being recognized.. Though her trademark shadows were not around her..

Remi notices her unease and tries to figure what to do about it. "If you are worried about it, I can hide you in my palace and go get Kayos? That way only you, me, Kayos, and Mekehlee ever need to know about this." He's really very content staying right where he is, the heat of the day is almost upon them and stepping on the surface won't be as fun. It won't be hard on him, just not as fun. And he often gets wierd looks walking around dripping wet in his little clothing in the main palace. Not to mention the strange looks from the Amazons. "I can not begin to guess at Mekehlee's intentions or when she'll be done with it."

Synderix looks back over to him.. "Do you think they would recognize me? I don't know how to blend in.. But I don't want to cause any trouble onto you.. I am really hesitant about getting Kayos involved in this.. Perhaps I should just wait until tomorrow and if it hasn't let up then I'll contact him.. I don't know how she'll take it though.. He's already had a talking to her about her other recent tricks.. " Shifted a bit as the waves rolled over her.. She could feel the bikini top wishing to go free yet at the same time weighing her down.. " I know now why your people wear so little clothing.. Even this much is weighing me down and quite irrtating.. " Her head lightly ducks down looking at the fish tail as a thought pops up in her mind.. Kayos would probably start examining her trying to figure out where to put it in at..

Remi thinks about what she's said and looks over at the palace trying to figure out how to get hre in without getting noticed. "The longer you wait, the more likely my people will notice you and wonder why you're here like that." He looks back to Synderix once more. "I might be able to sneak you into the palace unseen." He suddenly feels like he's being rude, as if he's trying to rush her off. Maybe he's trying too hard to help her. He does not move from his spot however, yet the current very slowly drifts them closer toward the palace anyway.

Synderix lolls her head down slightly in a brief nod as the free arm slips up, brushing away the hair that brushes into her face quite annoying.. "How are you going to sneak me in?" Perhaps this was a way for Mekehlee to make Syn feel vulnerable.. or something.. For infact she very much felt vulnerable.. She didn't have that much control of herself.. She could even be easily killed if Mekehlee wasn't keeping an eye on her.. Her hand continued to hold onto that of Remi's in a stern grip.. She was too scared to let go.. "I'm sorry.."

Remi smiles softly, and thinks it's best if he doesn't go too much into explaining the hows or whys. He just smiles still past her apology, but doen't see that she needs one. "Just hold on tight." He pulls her closer toward himself and if she doesn't break free and swim away, he'll wrap his strong arms around her. Yurko may look more like their father in demonic looks, but Remi is a lot closer in build, seeing as how Kayos is also a large guy. Once she is in his arms he will turn his legs into water, the water will shift and turn all around him, bedning to his will. Then at an increadable speed, they will shoot toward his private entrance to his underwater bed chambers. The wake and bubbles created by the speed and water bending around them hides them well from everyone else.

Synderix allows him to pull her to him closely.. she never thought she would be ever this close to Remi.. But, life tends to throw you out these curve balls.. Her limbs warily wrap around him entangling him in a tight embrace.. He felt quite nice.. Something about him made the tension within her muscles ease, and it would definitely be felt in his arms.. Her eyelids come to close as she allows herself further relaxation as they shoot off to whereever they were goign to hed..

Remi lets her go once they are in the room, the momentum of their forward movment being carried through to spin him away from her a bit as he stops. He reaches out quickly before they completely stop to cease one of her hands so she won't drift away. The doors and windows all seem to shut on their own acord as Remi manipulates the water around them. He guides her over toward a very large shell, which she might be able to guess is his bed. He then will turn and look at her. "You wait here for me to return? I shouldn't take too long, depending on how hard Kayos makes himself to find."

Synderix opens her eyes as she feels the embrace ending.. Her fingers once more tightly intwine around his hand not wanting to let him go and it was apparent.. Her gaze for a moment looked down at his bed then up towards him.. "I'll wait for you here.. Am I suppose to um.. eat? "She was a bit puzzled by what she's suppose to do.. The breathing thing is fairly new to her and it takes time getting used to.. She hesitantly began to slowly let go of his hand but really didn't want to..

Remi does that wrinkles of his brow thing he does when he's thinking. Finally he gives his head a little shake. "I know it's lunch time, but I shouldn't be too long. I'm not sure you'd like what we eat down here anyway. We can't exactly cook it." He makes an odd little amused expression, finding the whole idea of cooking to be a strange one. Why people would set fire to their food before they eat it is beyond him. He gently pulls his hand away from her. "Don't worry, I shouldn't be long at all." Then after looking her over one more time to make sure she's okay, he turns and heads out the door that leads inside the palace. From there he'll reach the surface and head to the main palace. 1

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