Time: night
Location: AmKelosh: Palace of the Dead

Iatha stepped through the portal that connected her palace in Amkelosh to one of her other palaces in the other realms she ruled. Her footsteps silent as she moved over the floor of her bedroom and out the door. Closing the doors behind her, she glanced around. There were a few gaurds, but other then that..the halls were silent.. A pity..she liked it when there were other sounds..or would havel iked it now..thignswere to silent.. Maybe she should find someone to troture..no.. Talk to one of her heirs then? She could go by their rooms, maybe they were up to something. A faint smirk forming over her lips, she moves down the hallway..and goes down the stairs.. Voric was around here somewhere..she could smell him..

Lord Voric is standing in a hallway, looking out at the night sky. The window is open, letting in a soft cool breeze. Voric has spent most of the years since he parted ways with Iatha in solitude. Having so many people aroung again is taking him some getting used to. Though on the bright side he proved not everyone goes insane after long periods of no social contact. Maybe it's becuase he's a vampire, or maybe it's becuase he's such an damned old vampire. He doesn't really know and doesn't really care. He'll do what his gods tell him to do. He takes the whole divinity of the High Powers seriously. Somewhere deep inside he knows they are not real gods and did not create the worlds, but as long as they act the parts, he'll treat them as such. The High Powers have imense power. He doesn't notice Iatha.

Iatha Exiting the stair well, she saw Voric's form near a window..close to where she was and she arches an eyebrow lightly. He seemed to be thinking..so intensly he didn;t notice her. Eitehr that or he did and didn't wish to speak with her. She studies him for a moment, before moving over. A hand moving up and resting upon his shoulder..her fingers stroke his neck lightly, for a moment. Not to be cruel..she felt a bit playful if anything.. "Pondering how soon until you will train the army?"

Lord Voric nearly jumps at the touch, his head jerks in the direction of the hand to see what it is, and then to the face of Iatha. He is imediatly put at ease however seeing it is her. He's still a little unsure how to act around her as she is a goddess now. His mind was far away on other things, more peacful things. Or maybe it was unimportant things. He's not used to having anything pressing to think about, the way a star twinkles is enough to draw him into a thoughtful trance. Though his way of thinking is often far more deeper and reflective than that. "Much has changed in these last melliena."

Iatha removed her hand as she felt him tense up. She studied him for a moment, her face saying nothing of how she felt..other then a faint smirk of amusment over her lips. She had learned a logn while back, how to hide emotions..even certain emotions from showing, if she wished. Though making her eyes not reflect them was hard at times. She nods lightly. Though she could only rememeber bits and peices..times had changed.. "And you wish it had not changed?"

Lord Voric is not good at hidding his emotions, for too long he hasn't had any need to. Maybe a long time ago he was really good at it, but he's changed over the course of time himself. He was once a very seasoned warrior, but he has been out of practice for a very long time. He's thinking it's something that will come back to him, it's in his nature. He was born a vampire. He is probably the last living vampire that isn't somehow related to the High Power Naomi. He thinks briefly on her question, but his statment was more of a fact than a lament. "The empire is much stronger now than it was so long ago. Before Kayos came, there was no empire, just a war band." He realizes he doesn't need to give Iatha a history leason, but his social skills have suffered from years of solitude.

Iatha nods lightly.. Not only had she seen some of it..but he had told her once or twice. Though he did not speak of it any longer.. and who could blame him? With all that was going on.. "You gave him aid the most. When I first recieved the postion..I was unsure if I was possible of such..but it appears..I was.. and now..you are back and are more then capable of helping my brother keep what he has earned." She studies him closely for a moment, then grins.. "You are tense..it doesn;t become you.."

Lord Voric wasn't even aware of his own tenseness, but he's always been one of those that thinks too much. More so now since he's had so much time to think over the years. He looks out the window again at the stars and thinks back on those times when Kayos was leading the little war band into the makings of a kingdom, which then grew and grew and grew until it was clear there was no stopping it. Voric led the armies of undead for almost a thousands years under Kayos' command until He went away to let Iatha take over his possition. One some levels it was a political desicsion to keep Voric tucked away like an ace up Kayos' sleave. On other levels it was a family decision of Kayos wanting his sister closer to himself in rank. Voric is not sour about it either way. It just happened.

Iatha When he does not respond with words, she observes him. Moving to his side, rather then behind him now, an arm slipped out and around his waist..or at least it tried to.. She glanced out the window..looking to the sky..that still managed to confuse hera bit..even though she had read about it in books.. It wasn't very itneresting. "Voric..I have been looking in at times..from my other palace..and what you do with the army..is much better then I would done..though..you do it as if..you re unfamiler with it a bit. Surly being here does not make you to nervous..or my presense.. "

Lord Voric is unsure of what to do when Iatha steps to his side and puts her arm around. He doesnt' make any move to stop her in anyway. He looks over at her as if confused of her actions. He glances down and then back up quickly. It is clear he is not used to physical contact again. He is sure she is right, his way is not her way. Though he wouldn't try to figure out which way is best. He is just the way he is. "I must reaquaint myself with many things I have forgotten about or how to do. Leading an army is just one of those things." He looks at her again and wonders if she makes him nervous. He didn't stop to think about it really. "You're a goddess now, that takes some getting used to."

Iatha felt the problem of being tense only get worse and a faint frown moved over her lips.. Damn. and her she thought it would be nice to have somebody she could tease ab it.. But she didn't want to make him any worse...besides it was praobly a weakness.. If anybody found out..but they wouldn't. "You'll be able to manage, i'm sure.." She nods lightly.. "Though I never intended to be one..it was only after my to be's death..that I found the stone. But that was a while back.. Though I would have liked to see what an heir with him would have looked like..much like the one I had with you.. but she is gone..no one knows..and she was to ashamed of me, when she came, to call me mother. Though amazingly..she became immortal..just to find me.." Iatha's features softened for a moment, then went back to normal. "Things occur like that at times though..besides.. I have much now that I shall need and an adopted heir is better then one that is not from your own blood.." She glances to him for a moment, then back out the window.

Lord Voric had nearly forgotten about the child. That might sound strange to some, but it was so long ago and the child didn't inherit Voric's immortality naturaly. He takes a deep breath and tries to relax a little more. There is no logical reason he should be tense around Iatha. She might be a goddess now, but he's sure he can trust her. He looks to Iatha and his eyes linger there. She hasn't changed phycialy in the time they've been parted, but neither has he. Is that a curse or a blessing of being immortal? He's not sure. Just the way it is. He doesn't let things he can't change worry him. "Should I try and get an heir as well?" He wonders if it's typical for all leaders in Kelosh to have one. He's been out of the loop so long.

Iatha Catching him glancing to her,,and into her eyes..a faint smirk moved over her lips. She still caught his eye..that wasa relief..considering the fact he looked just as good as he had then..now..to her. Even though nothing could ocme of it.. but she had accepted that... which was why teasing worked just aswell as anything else when it came to males.. especially Nick..or her sire..now that she knew he was around.. Though Nick was off limits and Voric..was to..for the time being. "You could take one easily..if you feared for your life.. Some do not have heirs.." Like a certain witch she was not mentioning... "I keep them becasue my brother thought it wise to tell me to have them about.."

Lord Voric keeps his eyes on Iatha as she speak and then he thinks about her words. As memories of how at ease he used to be around her come back he relaxes more. He thinks on the wisdome of having an heir and can see how it might be of good use. But what if his heir wants to overthrow him? Voric isn't a coward and doesn't really fear for his life. But at the same time he knows anything is possible. He is not vain. "Yes, I see the logic in that. I should start training someone to take my place if something were to happen to me." He didn't seem to do so bad in training Iatha, so odds are he won't do bad with his next heir either.

Iatha "There are many to choose from, from Amkelosh. I am sure Kayos would allow you to pick one.." She had three heirs that she was training..with a few others taht she would consider.. This system worked out fine..becasue the three she was training..knew they were in line..but not after who. So shoudl they get jealous..they wouldn't just kill another heir..or one that wasa possiblity. A faint smirk moved over her lips and she glanced down the hallway..to where the rooms of her heirs were..then back to him. "You may keeo the heir or heirs you choose..here if you wish..there is plenty of room."

Lord Voric is sure he'll find one or two worthy of training. The key will be keeping them alive though the upcoming Great Wars. But then again if they get themselves killed, they weren't worthy. This conversation should be over, so he wonders what to speak of next. Or maybe she's not done talking of heirs? He's forgotten how to tell when others are done with a certain conversation. But he is so out of practice he does not know what to speak on either. His eyes trail back out to the stars, is the place he was at visible from here? Was that home, or is this home? He's not sure. Does he even have a home? He looks back to Iatha. "Am I out of place?" The question holds many deeper conotations than most would be able to guess at. He's not just speaking phycialy.

Iatha studied him for a moment. When he spoke, she arched an eyebrow lightly.. She had seen this side of him..ever since he came..and she would speak to him..it was very weird. Would she get like this, when she got older? Pondering what everything was like? She was glad she wasn;t human anymore..except for small moments that could not be avioded..but they usually passed. "It would depend..on who you ask. If you ask humans..the whole legion of nocturnal creatures has no place..if you ask me..You need to relax and know that..your welcome here. Your always welcome here. "

Lord Voric is not so sure of his ability to lead an army. He doesn't feel like the leader of an army. But then should that ranking make him feel different somehow? He can't remember how it felt before. He does not doubt Kayos' ability to make desicions on such things. Kelosh wouldn't be as great a it is now if it's leaders were not good ones. But Voric isn't sure he'll messure up to the others, or to Iatha. He's got some pretty big shoes to fill. What an odd saying, her feet are much smaller. Does large feet give an indication of skill ability? He doesn't see how it could, so where did such a strange saying come from? "I'm sure you are right. And in a few more months I will probably be comfortable in my ranking and home, though right now I'm still getting used to it all."

Iatha nods, her gaze on him still.. She wanted him to feel comfortable..becasue if he wasn't..then those wishing to overthrow her brother..might turn againest Voric..or herself.But he had been gone for..a long while... where could one go..so they would come back like this? had he been killed and then brought abck to life perhaps? Or maybe among humans...Thatwouldmake one lonely.. "Voric..if you ever desire something to make you feel more at home..you may ask me..or..getit yourself.. You could redecorate part of the palace..if you wished even."

Lord Voric glances around the inside of the area they are in when she says this. He sees nothing wrong with the decorations as they are. He's not sure what it is he needs. He most likely just needs to relearn how to get back into the swing of things. All the people, all the hussle and bussle, the comings and goings. Deadlines are something he'll have to get used to again. But he did lead an army for a very long time. It shoudn't be too hard to fall back into the pattern of it. This army is much bigger than any he had and he's been authorized to raise or turn more if he needs them. "I will be fine."

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