Time: Evening
Location: AmKelosh: Royal palace collection of Kayos, Synderix's room.

Synderix A yawn slipped from the barrier it once was held behind as the mandible came to a violent close.. Shades of pink danced within the mouth until finally given permission to roam freely as it wished.. The skillful tongue roamed out of the darkness of the mouth, lathering the crimson tainted lips until falling back into its slumber.. The slender physique slid further behind, placing the back regions upon the head rest of the bed as abyssbal orbs shifted to lazily view her room.. She was in, obviously, a lazy mood as she just came from soaking in the bathtub for quite a long time.. The black robe hung loosely to her visage, for she had no reason to tighten it up.. She didn't expect any visitors.. Her legs were nestled slightly beneath her, while a limb rested upon her lap.. (post lost saying how she had a rose, had ripped off all the petals and was squeezing the throns into her hand.)

Master Kayos does not bother to knock, why should he? He owns this empire. There were Amazons following him, but they do not even atempt to enter into Synderix's room with him. Which is a good sign, if he were brining them with him it'd be a sign he was mad at Synderix. But then again he'd leave them behind if he was really, really mad too becuase he wouldn't want the Amazons to get caught in any crossfire. He doesn't seem mad today, but he isn't in one of those overly horny moods either that normaly brings him here. He steps in and shuts the door behind himself as his eyes subtly take in evrything in the room as if looking for something. He inhales deeply through his nose and then his eyes stop on Synderix. He notices the rose stem and looks at Syn in question.

Synderix At first she didn't pay head to the arrival of Kayos.. Giving him a few moments to stare at her until she would look back at him.. Her orbs slowly roamed to meet with his as a almost child like smile came to the lips.. It didn't last long.. The innocence of a child could never touch Synderix, as even with a smile there laid more meaning behind it.. " It cut me so I decided to rid it of its beauty.. " She said with a mere wink as she continued to allow her hand to be stained with the blood it continued to draw out of her.. " So.. what brings you here? Did I do something wrong? Oh wait.. I always do somethign wrong, don't I? " She chuckled lightly as she for a moment looked down at her hand then back up to him..

Master Kayos is amused by her response. He remembers the thief that broke into his chambers and how he robed her of her beuaty by turning her into a man. . and enslaving her. Somewhere in the back of his mind is a little voice that says he wouldn't be here today had he not robbed someone of her beauty. He would not be a High Power, had he not ever cut that first one he met. "I was passing by and smelled your blood." He's not really a vampire, but many belive he is and he often plays off on that misconception. He is undead after all and has simular traits as vampires. He just doesn't need to eat anything at all, and would never think of drinking blood. He can't imagine that would be either filling or good tasting.

Synderix For a second her bottom lip was taken prisoner, being caught between the set of teeth until finally released for her to speak.. " Is it that alluring? " Her digits began to move a bit quicker upon the thorn, instead of caressing it, they began to push themselves further onto the thorns.. The beast was breaking through.. It has been for a while now.. Her tongue slid to the roof of her mouth, pressing against she began to make a purring noise for a brief few seconds than she stepped.. Still watching Kayos, but she wasn't the only one.. She needed to snap out of it, but she didn't even know he was waking up.. She hadn't paid attention to him for so long, she forgot how it was like for him to move within her..

Master Kayos never noticed before if Synderix is a masochist. That could work out since Kayos is sometimes sadistic, but he doesn't tend to like those that enjoy is as much. That takes out all the fun of hurting someone. He gives a little shrug. "I came to make sure all we well. " This is the truth. He had thought she might be injured or under attack and stepped in to see about her. Or like that one time he found her injured and helped her take a bath, then she danced for him. He was feeling sadistic that night, he can remember. "Why are you doing that? You'll cause stains."

Synderix It has been so long since she knew what the beast was like roaming around her that she forgot.. It was openly roaming within her and she didn't even know it.. It was waiting.. patiently.. Start this time out slow and easy.. Then she would fall into the same state she was in before.. If Kayos didn't ruin the plan.. She cringed as the numbness for a second wore off and she could feel the entire pain of her hand swelling but then it dissappeared as quickly as it came on.. For that brief second the beast let its attention down and focused on something else but it quickly realized what it was doing and went back to the plan.. " It's only a scratch or two.. Just a couple droplets of blood.. Nothing to worry about.. " Her pupils were slowly growing, just like they did when the beast almost emerged before.. THey would grow until they fully taken over the entire eye..

Master Kayos reguards Synderix strangly. He seems to remember her being like this before, yes? What did he do that time? He kissed her didn't he? First real kiss he gave her, might be the last. He's got all those little curses that enable him to turn most women on just by touching them. In fact a few easy marks have had orgasims from it. It's hard to find a woman that won't mind a litlle foreplay first. Damn curses. He thinks of slapping her this time to see if that will snap her out of it. She does seem a little off or something. Maybe she's cursed too? He steps closer toward her, but his demonic features don't show any sign of what he's thinking or feelings.

Synderix Her orbs wandered across his body, like they usually do as her head lolls slightly to one side.. She came to rest upon his stomach regions for a few seconds until moving back up to his eyes.. She didn't know what the strong urge was within her to watch his eyes, she just obeyed it.. Her hand having a life of its own as it continued to have the digits lash the thorns in, the thorns were now reaching the wrist area.. Her body weight shifted again, sending her further back against the head board.. " Want a drink ? "

Master Kayos moves quickly all of the sudden with no warning. He himself didn't even know he was about to make his movement, which is why he doesn't give it away. That's one of the things that makes him so dangerous in battle. Only a warrior that knows their next move can give a hint of it before they make it. Kayos never knows his next move, he's too chaotic. His fast movement is to reach for her hand adn the rose. He intends to remove it from her hand, even if he hurts her a little more in the process. If he successed in this task he'll toss aside the bloody rose like the trash it is. He seems almost slightly angry now.

Synderix She wasn't paying attention to his movements, therefore the snatch was caught offguard.. She couldn't feel as it dug across her flesh even worse, but thet beast could.. The beast was outraged by this move but kept himself settled the best he could.. " Why did you do that? " A slender brow arched as she asked hte question..

Master Kayos isn't sure how to respond to her question, by the time she asks it, he's no longer mad about it. Why be mad at something that is no longer a problem after all? "Because you shouldn't hurt yourself. You'll get blood stains in my palace." He reaches out for her hand, taking it in both of his and starts a healing spell. This is most likely the first time he's used magic in front of Synderix and most think if his as a warrior, but he did teach Zelda all she knows. Kayos is the best magic user in his empire. He just prefers to let others do magical things. A small healing spell isn't much though and unless she pulls away, it'll be enough to heal the wounds. It won't clean up the blood though. What a mess.

Synderix She wasn't even paying attention to what he was doing, too focused upon his eyes for some reason.. Most of the colour of her own was gone.. "But.. don't you kill people all the time in your palace and create blood stains? It was only a few drops.. " She still didn't realize fully how much blood she let loose from her hand.. She shifted her weight swiftly, pulling herself from leaning against the back board to a full sitting posture, though her arm never moved nor did her hand from his..

Master Kayos finishes his spell and gives Synderix a strange look. His palace is spotless. She must be more out of it then he thought. His people know not to fight in AmKelosh without very good reason. Kayos doesn't want stains everywhere. He sighs and frows at the blood, they should clean it up now. "Why do your eyes look vacant? What is wrong with you?" He has yet to drop her hand for some reason, but continues to hold it, almost in a caring manner.

Synderix Her head quirked to the side as she listened to him.. " Nothing is wrong that I know of.. I don't know why my eyes look that way.. I just came from the bath and came up onto the bed and was caressing a rose..." Her voice even seemed to be slipping away.. She broke the eye contact looking down at his hands, but not noticing the blood as of yet.. " Why can't anyone ever love me, Kayos? " She didn't even know why she asked that question, it was one of those random questions that happened to slip by the thought process and go directly into words..

Master Kayos still does not drop her hand though he looks down when her own gaze moves there. Bath? He likes baths, they're fun. The more women that join you, the more fun they are. "Something is wrong with you. You're not right. Snap out of it and take notice. And you are perfectly loveable. If soemone like me can be loved, then someone like you sure as hell can." It still blows his mind why anyone would ever mildly love him, but it's happened before. At least once that he's noticed.

Synderix A deep sigh left her as she began to answer him.. " I am just.. depressed.. I guess.. It's really pathetic, isn't it? I mean.. I'm acting like a bloody human.. Getting all emotional wondering why no one could love me.. " Her head bowed downwards, crashing her chin into her chest as her eyes fell upon her lap.. " No one can ever love me... You are easy to love.. But me.. Sheesh.. That's impossible.. "

Master Kayos laughs loudly. "Every creature that has a soul gets depressed, loves, and is loved. You are very young. I was 3,000 before I was ever loved for the first time. You need to snap out of this. . . whatever it is you're in. Did someone curse you?" Kayos doesn't really get depressed. He likes his life and is too busy to notice if he's alone or not. He's got many followers and devotees all around him all the time to kepe him from feeling lonely. "This isn't just another ploy for you to try and get closer to me is it? I've already shared more with you than I should have." He has never forgotten the first time he met her, she was trying to get close to him just to get information for Dacklyn. Synderix will always be that girl that came between Kayos and his only real friend.

Synderix She smirked lightly.. The beast was toying with her emotions and she was slowly catching onto it now.. She could feel it move as the darkness that once was absorbing the colour of her eyes was slowly vanishing.. Her eyes rolled up to look at his, her head still bowed down heavily as she spoke.. " The beast again.. Just forget about what I was saying.. It was toying with my weak and emotional side.. I know the truth, the truth is I will never be loved and will continously to be a virgin for the rest of my dying years and continue to remain upon the council until my time is up.. " She slowly pulled her head up, resting it back into its normal position with a half grin on her face..

Master Kayos reguards her for a bit. He remembers she's mentioned this 'beast' before, but not all the details about it. He never has to remember details, that's why he has people around him. They worry about memorizing things, he just goes on about his daily life and running the empire. "Nonsense. You'll be loved. You might need to be a little nicer to people in order for it to happen, might not. I wasn't that nice to Kai after all and she still loved me. You'll find a love one day. Though I'm not sure you'll desrve it after what you did to Dacklyn. You took away his love twice, drove him over the edge, adn turned him against me." He can feel his anger growing adn decides to dismiss these thoughts. Synderix is of good use and he'll need her to take over the Council.

Synderix The half grin soon faded away as she listened to his words.. " I killed his love because I didn't think she was right for him.. I fell for him then I was told I wasn't right for him and believed it.. " Her eyes drifted from his once again, a common habit of hers when she goes into deep thought..She pulled her bottom lip between the sets of teeth and bit down on it quite hard, but no blood was drawn.. The beast was back to its slumber but now she had the emotions to deal with he left out.. She had them so securely bottled up but it was so easy for him to break them loose.. Now the pain staking task of putting them back in..

Master Kayos isn't sure he feels like dropping it. Isn't sure he feels like pushing these buttons again. Though normaly when he's yelling at her for it, it feels like he's pushing his own buttons. He can't tell if it affects her or not, but it reminds him how dangerous she is. "She wasn't right for him, but he only allowed it becuase you told him he wouldn't be alone, but then you left him alone. No matter what you say, his destruction is on your hands. You're the one that pushed him over the edge, that cuased him to go into a dark rage." He's not as angry about it as he'd normaly get. It feels more like he's lecturing one of his children on paying more attention to the affects their causes will have.

Synderix " I left him alone thinking it was for the best, but obviously it wasn't.. I figured I would only cause him harm and I did.. If I could change back the sands of time I would.. But I haven't learned that skill yet.. " She did feel like one of his children as her body sunk back to rest against the head board.. " I really was falling for him.. Then I was told I would only do him harm by various people.. It got to me for some reason or another so I figured by leaving him I would do him a favour.. I didn't think it would destroy him.. " She couldn't believe what she was saying, she was actually opening up to Kayos again.. She did on rare occassions but not this deeply.. The Beast really did fuck things up..

Master Kayos knows of someone that can affect time. It's a man that could one day become a High Power. The man doesn't seem to have any real ambious, maybe Kayos will let him become a High Power after he's killed off those that stand against him. People without desires of power don't care what you do and leave you alone. They're the best kind to have as your 'equals'. Dacklyn was one such type of creature and would have helped Kayos take over. .. maybe. "Of course you destroyed him, you killed his only love and then moved in on his best friend. You just didn't think about what you were doing. You just need to think more in the future, or you might mess up my plans and cause me to go over the edge."

Synderix A look of confusion painted over her features as she listened to the last of his words.. " How would I make you go over the edge? I doubt that is possible.. "Her digits curled inwards, holding onto the hands that held onto hers.. She chuckled lightly at a thought as she looked back up at him.. "Am I that hideous that if you saw me naked again that you would run off that edge?" A few strands of hair fell over the ivory flesh of the face, slightly obscuring her view but not enough for her to make a move to brush them away..

Master Kayos looks over Synderix. Was she joking, or insane? It's hard to tell sometimes with this one. He just doesn't know her enough, he should spend more time with her and get to know her better. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He's not sure which one she is. She came to him as his enemy, but claims she's his friend. "Any creature that has dark power can Rage or worse, Dark Rage. I am undead, I too can slip into that state of severe and total anger." Maybe she just needs to get laid? No, sex doesn't solve any emotional problems, it's just fun. "I like seeing you naked, but you're too temping with your clothes off."

Synderix The last part of what he was saying sparked her interest, her inner interest, as a grin slowly came to the surface of the crimson laced lips.. She tried to pull that innocent thing but it wasn't working.. " Too tempting? Really? For what to happen? " The limb that was free slid inwards, digits caressing the only thing holding together the robe from falling off of her.. She pulled herself closer to him, from leaning against the headboard to merely a couple inches away from his face.. " Is it a bad thing ?"

Master Kayos has to think about it. He knows there are reasons he fights the temptation to just take her. But he just knows himself a little too well, if he were to take her, he'd lose all respect for her and then never want anything to do with her again. He doesn't try to pull away from her or put any distance between himself and her. She's attractive and should be an interesting lay, but he'd like her to become more than just that. She could be so useful to him and the empire. The empire is more important than anything else, even himself. A wicked grin spreads across his dark features. "Depends on what you mean by 'bad'."

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