In this one, Second Brother has been given the name Jerek. However, the second son of Lord Croxx is now an active char, so Jerek has become the Second Son of Lord Croxx' brother. That makes Jerek Torvald's older brother and a cousin to Angelicia. Just look past anything that refers to him as a brother.

� Angelicia_Croxx she turns and steps towards Petter, her head tilts to the side, she stood between her brothers and Petter, "father will want to speak with him and determine what is to be done....Torvald back off. No one is throwing anyone off any roof tops

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx (Torvald) shrugs and sighs. Vampires can fly and when Petter flew, it'd prove he was a vampire. Torvald isn't sure why the guy keeps denying it, they already know he is.

Petter_Summers says, You're making a mistake by turning me into an enemy.

� Angelicia_Croxx she turns towards Petter....her dull gray eyes looking upon him..."tell me how to rectify this. how can I make you believe i meant no harm..." Her words were strong and full of dislike for what she had done, yet he was the enemy she had to protect her interest and her families interests as well

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx (Jerek) Moves back to the table and half sits/half leans on it. (Torvald) sighs but remains where he is, standing about three meters behind Angelicia, but where he has clear view of the flaming vampire.

Petter_Summers looks at Angelicia astonished. He glances at the two men, but then puts his eyes back on Angelicia again. He'd know she was after him, but he'd let his curiosity get in the way of his good sense again. He'll hear about that from Nick, so no point in scolding himself. (c)

Petter_Summers says, "You expect to rectify kidnapping me twice and putting me in chains? You're insane!" His hair seems to stand up a bit more almost as if it's mocking the flames of his anger.

� Angelicia_Croxx she waits for petter to calm himself, as she looks at him rather surprised at his amount of ability and power

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx Torvald and Jerek are both surprised by Petter's powers as well. Croxx normally give themselves fire powers to help battle vampires. They've never run across a vampire that uses fire himself. Vampires tend to be scared of flames.

� Angelicia_Croxx says, I did not kidnap you twice. the first time you passed out, i was actually curious to know if you were okay. Theoden attacked you not me, I got him to stop after you passed out. ~ her voiced raised a bit rather annoyed at his accusing her. "This time I could not let you refuse to help me...I'm sorry but i could not...As for the chains. those are Torvald way of welcoming you here.

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx (Torvald) "You kidnapped him before?" He waves and smiles to Petter upon her saying the chains were his idea. Really they were Oldest Brother's but that's only because he beat Torvald to the idea. They all know Torvald's ways toward vamps. (c)

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx (Jerek) "Wait a minute .Are you saying you took him home with you before?" He waves his hand toward Petter and seems a bit angry. How dare this vamp play his little sister.

Petter_Summers sighs "I did not pass out from that idiot. I passed out because of the concussion I got from you pushing me down on the sidewalk." Well okay, he fell on his own, but these other two guys don't need to hear that.

� Angelicia_Croxx looks at petter...."You fell on your own i did nothing to you..." she scoffs and turns to her brother..."I was protecting our interest, nothing more then what your thick head is thinking

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx Jerek quirks an eyebrow at Angelicia. How was she to know what he was thinking unless it did happen? "So you didn't take a stranger home with you?" Torvald snickers.

Petter_Summers says, What about the chains, the slap, and the kidnapped me twice? You expect me to just pretend none of that happened?

� Angelicia_Croxx says, I did not kidnap you twice...yes now but before I was helping you out then just leaving you in the street which you would have bitched at me for leaving you there had i. Nothing happened....!!! she turns to her brother..."Yes I brought him home...I had hoped to learn something in his unconscious state that was all. The chains were not my idea....if i release you would you listen then. ": ~ she thought to appeal to his honor and pride.

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx (Torvald) "He's on fire. . let's leave him chained." (Jerek) "Don't get too close Angelicia"

Petter_Summers pauses to think about getting the chains off. He'd make a bee line out of there that's for sure. He glances at the brother and then back to Angelicia. "So you're a liar too? You told me your name was Crystal."

� Angelicia_Croxx she looks at him her eyes fall to the floor. She was becoming everything she hated. "Yes but I did not want you to find out just who i was. Your crafty would have traced my family tree within days. That was why you were snooping about my apartment looking at my things. I could not tell Name is Angelicia Croxx, of a long and wealthy line of Hunters....these are my brothers....I am sorry it has come to this

Petter_Summers says, of course I'm crafty, I'm a kitsune. . . didn't I tell you that already? And I don't believe you're sorry at all.

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx Torvald rolls his eyes at Petter once again saying he was kitsune. If that were true he'd already have turned into a fox to prove it. Jerek is still fuming about Angelicia having had this man in her apartment. "Maybe we shouldn't send you on jobs by yourself if you're just going to drag strangers back home with you."

� Angelicia_Croxx says, You never told me anything . I am as skilled and trained as you I know what I need to know." she growled towards him, thinking he insulted her upon her skill of being able to spot a whatever he was...."I am sorry....sorry I ever took this assignment." ~ her anger grew her fists tightened up as she stepped towards him almost yelling

Petter_Summers says, is that your problem? You just want to know what I am? Why bother asking, you've already made up your mind regardless of what I say . . . *looks off to the side and up a bit upon saying this. She's not going to listen to him, why should he listen to her.*

� Angelicia_Croxx she turns towards her brothers, her hand moving across her brow, pinching the arch of her nose, the stress of this getting to her

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx Oldest Brother comes back in and sighs, looking like he has bad news. "Angel. Make yourself ready. There is a lady downstairs arranging your marriage with Mom and Dad. You have to meet her." Jerek sighs as well knowing how Angel takes to this sort of thing. Torvald snickers.

� Angelicia_Croxx says, what?....I told them I ......" she growls.....looking at Torvald...."its not funny..." She starts to pace suddenly forgetting about Petter. She frowns as she looks back the way that her brother came

Petter_Summers laughs at Angelicia as well, but stops when her brothers glare at him.

� Angelicia_Croxx she turns towards petter..."yuck it up. you in the right position to laugh aren't you now...." her eyes a darker gray now glaring at him.

� Angelicia_Croxx she looks to her older brother..."why are they not pestering you to wed....Your the eldest it should be you..."

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx says, (Oldest Brother) "I guess there aren't any women nobles around that will add to the family's wealth. It's your duty to make the family stronger by marrying a strong family."

� Angelicia_Croxx she frowns...."I'm just as strong as any of you here if not stronger." She turns and starts to fight with her eldest's words..."I will never marry hear me..."

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx says, (Oldest Brother) Not even if it is for the good of the Croxx?

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx says, (Jerek) "You'd better at least go get ready and meet the woman."

� Angelicia_Croxx says, Ready? why? I don' i won't speak to her.." She turns and leans back against the table behind her she had moved away from Petter and her back was to her brother's.

� Angelicia_Croxx she glanced down at her attire, wondering what was wrong with it

� Angelicia_Croxx she looks to her brother.....your coming to yes...I'm not facing this alone..." she moves towards them, pushing them out the door to the stairs... holding them at the elbow, and pinching she knew how to get the brutes.

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx Oldest Brother is shoved out of the way when Angelicia walks out and looks back at the other two, knowing there is no way for her to avoid this one short of death. He turns to follow her, and out of curiosity the other two can't help but go as well leaving Petter alone.

� Solyn_Dae is downstairs in a sitting room with Lord and Lady Croxx. She has just had a delightful conversation with them, and things went better than she'd hoped. But she knew they'd go along with the marriage, how could they not. (c)

� Solyn_Dae figures her biggest problem is that the groom will never speak to her again. She radiates, literally, though it's not dark enough to see that. Her clothing sparkles as do her eyes. Her hair is auburn.

� Angelicia_Croxx she sighs as she climbs the stairs, her boots clicking with every step, her hand pressing against the cold stone of the walls, she could hear voices, one being unfamiliar to her the others very familiar, she sighs and steps up, Her entrance was at the far side of the room, she pauses and looks down at herself before heading over, she straightens her attire

Jeffery_Salvador_Croxx says, (Father) "Ah, here's my Angel now." He holds both arms out to embrace his only daughter. Mother smiles sweetly, yet a bit sadly, wishing they could let Angel marry who she wishes, but they have duty to think about.

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