In this one, it pretty much tells you where they are and what's going on in the first several posts. This was the first time for these three chars to rp together. However, you might need to know the King's decree. The king made a law that no Croxx could attack or destroy a Jar'Ha on Jar'Ha land or any land other than Croxx while in Hana'Var. But the Croxx can slay the Jar'Ha in any other kingdom. The same law is reversed for the Jar'Ha. They can't kill a Croxx on any land in Hana'Var, but their own. And may kill us in any other kingdom.

Torvald Croxx is in the main castle of the Croxx, where his cousin Karel and Uncle Cecil live. He is in the conference room on the second level where he intends to meet with Karel and Cecil. They are gathering to talk about the problem of Angelicia being held by the Jar'Ha. Torvald has just sat down and watched the servant girl leave after setting down a picture and some goblets.

Karel Croxx remains sitting as ignores the servant girl as he takes the pitcher and pours a gobblet full for himself..

Cecil Croxx Navigates the empty castle halls, passing what few guards and others that might be about, having been called to the Conference Room. His silvery white hair coweling over his crystalline eyes, the blue flame of his iris's bleed out illumination before him. The Guardian Robes flow with each of his steps, conforming to his muscular form beneath. The mysterious pendent glows with arcane power around his neck, falling dim as it exceeds the confines of the thin aura that surrounds him. The twin Wyvren blades sheathed idle at his sides. He emerges into the room, greeting each Torvald and Karel with a slight nod of his head

Karel Croxx says, Good evening Cecil... Come in and sit down...

Torvald Croxx takes a deep breath and lets it out again after seeing that both Karel and Cecil are in the room. He reaches out and pours himself a goblet full before leaning back again. He keeps the goblet in his hand but doesn't drink. He looks down at the liquid with a forlorn expression. "They didn't take her by illegal means, but we'll loose the king's favor if we try to get her back openly." Torvald is too worried about what treatment Angel is getting at the hands of their enemies to waste time with formalities first. They are here to do business.

Cecil Croxx responds lowly to Karel "Thank you" turning to respond to Torvald as he himself sits before the goblet the servant left, he too will not partake in the cup for now and responds to Torvald "I don't see how legalities should be in the way of our retrieving Angel. The Jar'ha have caused enough pain for this family. I no longer see why politics should be any part of her retrieval. Any idea where they are holding her?" He obviously is agitated by the fact of Angel's kidnapping

Karel Croxx has a rather expressionless face at this moment.. there is obviously deeper thought and emotion in him but he does well in not showing it.. his lack of words may give him away slightly to those who know him well..

Torvald Croxx sighs again. He's the beat 'em up first and ask question later kind of guy, but there's no one to beat up in all this. He looks up at Cecil before speaking again. "I don't really know. But if we go into Jar'Ha land looking for her blindly, they'll slaughter us, and the other barons won't come to our aide. We'd be breaking the king's decree."

Karel Croxx says, You are absolutely right Torvald. What we need right now is inside intelligence ... and fast.

Cecil Croxx The very essence of the situation ate at him, from the inside. It actually caused him to be enraged if he concentrated enough on the fact that Angel was gone. Since his own half brother's death his view of the Jar'ha was simply that they needed to be eliminated, every last one of them...He says to Torvald" Have they presented any terms or given us anyway to locate her....As for breaking the King's Decree...So be it if it means Angel is back here where she is safe~ " the last sentence of that was meant as sharply as he said it. He had become absolutely tired of politics since the death of his half brother

Karel Croxx says, as fun as it could be, We can't kick around the whole bloody kingdom for one woman. It is simply not in our power.

Karel Croxx says, That of course isn't to say we wont do absolutely everything we can and beyond to see her safe return.

Cecil Croxx becomes quiet, something that should become a sign that he has obviously imputed all he can. He is a firm, strong willed man , but his silence signifies his frustration. He couldn't stand another Croxx becoming a victim to the Jar'Ha.. Breaks his silence suddenly "What if we hired secretly one from another land who could aid us....?"

Torvald Croxx starts to answer Cecil, but then looks shocked at Karel. He opens his mouth to scold Karel for the harsh words, not caring that Karel outranks him and is older too. Torvald has ever been bothered by such things. He always speaks his mind. He calms himself when Karel finishes that thought and hat to take time to compose himself again. He looks at Cecil again. "Well there is that assassin friend of hers. The one that killed Uncle Ferdinand. If he'd kill Angel's father to protect her, then he's bound to be willing to kill some vampires?"

Karel Croxx sits back, deep in thought as he continuously goes over possibilities among other things in his mind.

Karel Croxx nods quietly..

Cecil Croxx gets a concerned look upon his face "If needed I will go with him... I'm not afraid to break the decree of the King...I will gladly face exile to save Angel" To him, it was his downfall. His overprotectiveness sometimes made him think and say irrational things. He means well.. they hopefully know that

Karel Croxx says, we need to find a specific location in the very least, how many there are there, could be there. what their patterns are. We can organize a little vampire barbque if we know that.

Torvald Croxx often acts recklessly himself to safe a family member. In fact he's pretty well known for it. The week that Ferdinand was killed, a Jar'Ha paid the castle a visit on the tower where Angel likes to sit and think. Torvald had been with her and charged the vampire. Lucky for him, the vamp didn't want to break the king's decree, and didn't drop him over the edge of the castle. "But how do we go about finding the location?"

Karel Croxx says, That would be why we need someone who can get close without rising suspicions...

Cecil Croxx shrugs, most of the time he had answers, this time he didn't. He had no idea of how they would find Angel in the Jar'Ha lands. In that matter it wasn't for him to worry about. In his case it was more that he would wait till he knew. Then those sorry vampire fools would feel the bite of his Wyvren Blades...and feel the rays of holy light which was destined to destroy their undead patheticness so they would pay for the crimes and atrocities they have committed

Karel Croxx says, someone who can find out where she is. If they think we know, then they will simply move her. Or maybe panic and kill her.

Karel Croxx says, I am afraid most of us are too well known among the Jar'Ha to be asking such questions.

Cecil Croxx places his hands together in front of him on the table and just shakes his head and replies troubledly "It seems as of late, the more we discuss this the more impossible it becomes...Don't take me wrong I will be the last to loose hope...but..." Karel cuts him off and he says "I wouldn't be as well known, For I have been away on journeys for the past several years until the death of the former Baron...

Cecil Croxx says, But...I'm sure their scummy eyes have seen me..." he just shakes his head slowly back and forth ^ tack that onto the end

Torvald Croxx leans back in his chair, stretching his arm as far as it will go to set his full goblet down on the table before himself. His worry shows. Normally he's the one that keeps cracking wise remarks, but he has none for this. Angelicia is special. She's more than a cousin, she's a good friend. He nods at Karel's wisdom. They would be spotted immediately and become dinner before they ever found her. He looks up at Cecil upon his words. That is true, but he doesn't want Uncle Cecil to go in there alone. "What about that guy she almost married? His family hunts vampires too, maybe they have some information? The SolarWarriors I mean."

Cecil Croxx shrugs " But do we really want to involve other families...?"

Torvald Croxx says, "Well they did offer to give us aide before. Of course that was in exchange for Angel marrying that guy, and she almost killed him instead." He shrugs, not really sure.

Karel Croxx looks specifically at Torvald, "would have she trusted him?"

Cecil Croxx Shakes his head slowly " I wouldn't advise it. Last thing we want is them demanding that he marry her again. Something tells me if she didn't accept the first time she wouldn't want to now..." He pauses thoughtfully "But what do I know?" He finally takes a sip of the drink that the servant poured for him...

Torvald Croxx says, "Well what about that other friend of hers, the assassin? I heard he's some big shot in the DarkCrescent empire or something. Maybe he has ties, or strings he can pull. He's already killed once for her." He leans forward again putting his elbows on the table and folding his hands under his chin.

Karel Croxx says, I wouldn't rule out the idea of simply asking them for help. We couldn't save her life simply to give it away to someone else, however we should be willing to come to a fair agreement of sorts if they had any information that would help us

Cecil Croxx He comes out of thought..."I think I have an idea..." He looks at them both "What if I were to disguise us? Using some of the spells I have collected along my journeys I could make it appear we are just some random hunters...We go in slaughter the Jar'Ha that are holding her and get out?"

Karel Croxx nods to Torvald. "I do actually, like that idea better than involving another 'family' "

Karel Croxx says, I am not completely trusting of such spells. I would think our mind and the presence we give could identify us faster then if we went in with no disguise...

Torvald Croxx nods himself but can see some holes in that plan as well as the others. He likes it better than the others, but someone has to play the devil's advocate. "Won't they just assume that any hunters work for us anyway? They'll try to blame us automatically."

Cecil Croxx says in support of what he previously said "If we make some random stops along the way and make a few hunts totally out of the way.. It will look as if some hunters just happened to stumble upon it..."

Karel Croxx says, To a being who can read thoughts, a physical disguise is useless...

Karel Croxx says, can those spells change the thoughts the vampire may read?

Torvald Croxx nods seeing logic in that. They can always find people willing to give them abilities. The hard part would be telling the other family members and hunters that work for them, to stay behind. Everyone loves Angel. He looks up at Karel. "Read thoughts? I don't think the Jar'ha can?" He then looks to Cecil for confirmation on that.

Cecil Croxx Says "They cannot read my thoughts....I am immune to their psionical offensives....I can change everything from our thought patterns to our physical bone structures...I am an efficient user of the arts..Do not be mistaken"

Karel Croxx has taken a back seat in the family for quite some time attempting to live his own life.... he may be up to date skillwise but he doesn't know nearly what he should about his families enemies.

Torvald Croxx says, "But we still need to figure out how to find where they are keeping Angel. Maybe we should capture one of them?" He thinks that's a good plan. They can ask information. He really just wants to beat the crap out of a vampire to take out his frustrations and fears.

Karel Croxx says, is there a particular one of importance we could capture?

Karel Croxx reveals his first grin of the night.. and oh what a grin it is

Cecil Croxx Says "I can agree to capture one of them. But, The question is ...Can I hold back from killing it before it gives us what we need?" He takes another sip of his drink, looking at Karel. As of right now Karel wasn't too highly thought of in Cecil's mind. That grin just made him look foolish. And why would one grin at times like these. Cecil turns away and looks a Torvald who seems to be conscious of his bearings on the topic

Torvald Croxx says, "Well I've heard rumors that their Lord Lemekos is their brains. . . some kind of advisor to their Master or something?" He doesn't sound so sure. It's just rumors, and you can't always count on what a vamp says in those desperate seconds before they turn to dust. They're just making stuff up to save themselves most the time. "I can hold back. As long as we don't burn it or stick it in the sunlight it should survive right?"

Karel Croxx has almost always had a different expression then his actual emotion.. he could laugh at the idea of torturing a vampire.. or the irony of using the same tactic against them they used against us...

Cecil Croxx lets out a rather loud exhale, saying "I suppose we will have to try it. I don't see many other options. But of course I am not the Baron of this family...

Karel Croxx says, so... we disguise ourselves with this Cecil's spell... seek out this Lord Lemekos and take him alive ...

Karel Croxx says, we take him to a place and beat and torture him till he gives us the information.

Torvald Croxx looks over at Karel not missing the tone in Cecil's voice. It'd seem thought that Karel did miss it. Torvald is a little glad, he doesn't want to have to choose sides right now. Maybe if there were more family in here to choose with him, he would. "I think his land borders our own. But we might be able to get him to cross the border somehow, so we don't be breaking the law when we beat the crap out of him?" He looks between the two men to see their responses to that idea.

Karel Croxx simply nods agreed

Cecil Croxx Looks at Karel, and just shakes his head from side to side. Cecil thinks to himself. (Great..He just made it sound as if it was his idea. We are all going to die at this rate...) He then looks to Torvald "What if we disguised ourselves as I suggested. We could try chasing him. But I suppose that would gather too much attention" Cecil purposely said that and looked towards Karel. He subtly was giving Karel a chance to say something ...a chance for him to redeem himself by being a leader

Torvald Croxx starts to open his mouth to speak in response to Cecil, but catches the look in his uncle's eyes. He closes his mouth and glances toward Karel. A strange though suddenly occurs to him that maybe this is just two young men verses the old one? He shakes that thought from his head, it's ridiculous. They aren't rebellious teenagers, Croxx are forces to grow up quicker than that.

Karel Croxx simply sits there focusing as he reviews scenarios in his head...liking this idea but is searching for things we may not have thought of.. once again he sits there non responsive while he thinks to himself.

Cecil Croxx Looks at Karel with contempt, and then it catches up with him. He says, his hands gripping the sides of the table as he does..."Karel...You are the Baron of this family...Your incompetence will get us all killed. You are not only endangering yourself but us...It is frustrating to sit here discussing the kidnapping of Angel, looking to you as our leader...when you do not even know simple logic concerning our enemies....!!!" Cecil rose from the table then, looking at Torvald and says " I will meet with you when I have calmed..." He turns and leaves the room, the door closing behind him.. he paces slowly in the hall fuming

Karel Croxx just remains seating.. glaring at the door as it shuts...

Torvald Croxx leans back, as if trying to escape the scene, without having to run. He watches Cecil explode with an expression of shock and surprise, though it really wasn't either. Since the death of Ferdinand, the rift between Cecil and Karel has grown daily. Torvald just wasn't aware it was getting this bad. Ferdinand hadn't been dead that long before Angel was taken. The family is just under a lot of stress he tells himself. He cloeses his mouth and looks to Karel to see his reaction.

Karel Croxx just gets up.. trying to gather the patience... Cecil being almost half his age has just told him off and left...he paces the table... before he looks to Torvald.

Karel Croxx says, is one not allowed to plan something further then disguising ourselves and jumping in on them? as much as I despise the sneakiness I find it hard to believe that a vampire cant pick up on our mind pattern... if they cant do it then they don't want us to know they cant do it

Karel Croxx sighs and sits back down... well .. either his feelings are justified or they aren't. I plan on proving them not or die trying....

Torvald Croxx shrugs as if to say it wasn't a big deal not to worry about it. He leans forward and pick up that full goblet, downing every last drop. He doesn't respond to Karel, but sits back and takes in a deep breath. He holds the breath for a few seconds before releasing it. Next time he needs to bring backup, so he's not caught in the middle again. Maybe Dieago, if he can get him out of bed. And where is Mykail anyway?

Cecil Croxx Then finally justice had come to bare. He didn't know if it was his place. Hell at this point he didn't care. He reached down to his side, fingers entwining the hilts of the two Wyvren blades. The sound echoed through the hall as the metal edge furrowed the sheath as it drew. Cecil nudged upon the room door, opening it again. He emerged into the room both blades drawn, his eyes upon Karel. The amulet about his neck enhanced with power as the Guardian Robes under went their transformation. It seemed as if for a second they were liquid...Now the Guardian Armor was formed. It solidified, The Mesh and Plate combination sheen and refract the light within the room. The blue of his iris's burn with contempt. Karel had crossed the line...The Wyvren Blade's held ready..

Cecil Croxx . o O ( urghhhhhh )

Torvald Croxx hears the sound of Cecil's weapons, and knows the sound of weapon being drawn very well. He jumps to his feet when Cecil enters the room, causing his heavy chair to fall over backwards. Something seems to catch in his throat and he has to swallow hard. "Cecil, he's your nephew! Have you gone mad?!"

Cecil Croxx Looks to Torvald "No, I am not mad. I am protecting our future. Did you not hear him? He knows nothing about protecting this family. " (And since Karel is gone....What the hell?)

Torvald Croxx . o O ( i know, that kind of leaves us hanging. . . teleported away? *shrugs* )

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