Angel's Doesn't Need Help!
Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Time: late lunch
Location: Watch Tower of Serenity You see here:

Zachariah_Justus is sitting on the steps of the Tower watching the people moving around the street as he eats his sausage on a stick for lunch.

� angelicia_Croxx raises her hand to the back of her neck, she had the paper in her hand crumpled partly she wanted blood for it being written. she causally tosses it in a bin close by. Her gaze drifts to the tower she sighs and heads there seeing Justus' familiar hair of blond hair...."Oh boy!! here we go...."

Zachariah_Justus takes another bite of his lunch and nods with a smile to a lady that passes by him.

� angelicia_Croxx looking at Justus she causally waves and rushes herself towards the tower, then up the steps. "Nice day out." ~extends her hand quickly to the door and heads into making like nothing happened.~

Zachariah_Justus looks up to say hi to his friend and then looks at her back funny as she goes into the Tower. He stands and follows her in assuming she must want to apologize in private.

� angelicia_Croxx mills about looking for some reports....she busies herself with work , not realizing or very well hoping Justus does not make a sense. She speaks to the man behind the counter, "any more news about the Ja'jaha

Zachariah_Justus watches as the guards in the Tower clear out of the room, giving their Captain all the time he needs with his friend. Everyone feels a bit awkward, but they know she as just . . drunk?

� angelicia_Croxx says, "or is it Jar'ha....I can never remember." The man shakes his head and she just frowns

Zachariah_Justus says, what is Ja'jaha?

� angelicia_Croxx turns to Justus....then back to the man she speaks with...."local vamps upon the west coast.....i think iam still learning of them."

Zachariah_Justus frowns at the man behind the counter and wonders if the guy was doing Angel a favor without letting his Captain know what was going on. Typical of the way Matt ran the Talon Knights.

� angelicia_Croxx says, Justus back away....i asked if there was info that is all....

Zachariah_Justus says, wait a minute, we're on the East coast, but you said local. Are they a group based out of the Gulf of Dreams in the east? That's heave vamp territory. . I've lost men there before.

� angelicia_Croxx says, you do like the power trip don't you

Zachariah_Justus says, Back away? That guy works for me. . I am the Captain of the Talon Knights. Don't get mad at me for trying to do my job.

� angelicia_Croxx says, there are two groups a core group along the west coast....lately there have been attacks upon neighboring towns closer inland and made this far

Zachariah_Justus says, how come I haven't heard of any of this? I'm going to need all the reports my knights have been keeping from me so I can report it to Constable Shikara.

� angelicia_Croxx says, "they have kept nothing from you. I asked....i gathered the information....." She nods to the man and heads to the door.

Zachariah_Justus says, if I didn't know then they kept it from me.

� angelicia_Croxx says, "Why not? You keep things from me" She stops at the door....

Zachariah_Justus glares at the man behind the desk, and thinks now that is why the other cleared out. They didn't want to see the wrath of their captain.

� angelicia_Croxx says, I know your hiding something

Zachariah_Justus says, "Hiding something? like what?" He looks up to Angel again.

� angelicia_Croxx shakes her head....."I doesn't matter....I'm doing this on my own

Zachariah_Justus says, You've got to learn to trust people, Angel. Haven't I proved my loyalty as a friend yet?

� angelicia_Croxx moves to pull the door open......her thoughts race as she thinks about the Jar'ha....

Zachariah_Justus says, One day you'll have to face the fact that everyone needs help from time to time. . .even you.

� angelicia_Croxx says, yes ...but not with this

Zachariah_Justus says, what do you mean, I thought we were in a guild together. All for one and one for all. . that means when you've got a problem, you let the rest of the guild help.

� angelicia_Croxx says, the jar"ha are rude and very dangerous, most of them are royalty to the point you know not who is what....your darkness....the pits of hell have nothing on them. I don't have a problem." Looking him over she frowns.

Zachariah_Justus says, They sound like a problem to me. Fine you won't work with me, Then I'll just have to do it on my own. But I'm going to have help.

� angelicia_Croxx says, just.....its not that....i don't think you should work with me right now

Zachariah_Justus says, well then get some of the other guild members to work with you. I'm still going to do my job as the Captain of the Talon Knights. If the Constable wants me to go get rid of the vampire problem then I will.

� angelicia_Croxx says, "fine do what you have to.....but i won't be responsible.... "As she turns back to the door a gold pendant falls out her pocket she frowns and bends to pick it up

Zachariah_Justus says, "Why do you think you can do it all by yourself and I can't even do it with help? Do you think that badly on my skills?" He sounds a little hurt.

� angelicia_Croxx says, no. i think greatly of your skills.....~gripping the pendant she looks it over....~ i just don't think its wise to place two lines on the line for just a thought.....that there could be trouble

Zachariah_Justus says, that's why you need me.

� angelicia_Croxx says, why?

Zachariah_Justus looks at her with his puppy eyes, he doesn't always mean to give that look, it's just the way the werewolf in him comes across when he really wants something or is trying to persuade some body in the manner he is now. "Because there might be trouble."

� angelicia_Croxx tries to understand....knowing that she had come face to face with a Jar' a not so glamorous moment. "i can handle it...i did the other night"

Zachariah_Justus says, if you thought you could handle it so well then you wouldn't be worried about me getting killed for going with you. You know working in a team greatly reduces your chances for getting killed. Or at least it does when your team knows what it's doing.

Zachariah_Justus waves a finger at her as if he was her father and just caught her doing something wrong.

� angelicia_Croxx says, or someone getting killed if not one then both Justus stop it!

Zachariah_Justus says, then just agree to take me with you. Don't worry, I'll leave Coby at home, I know this is too dangerous for him. He's not ready yet.

� angelicia_Croxx growls

Zachariah_Justus says, is that a yes?

� angelicia_Croxx says, your so......sooooooooo......~argh!!!!!!~ throws her arms up and leaves the office

Zachariah_Justus smiles charmingly. He walks out of the office and follows her in the street if need be. "That was a yes?"

� angelicia_Croxx just as she opens the door....reporters line the steps. A reporter bursts right in towards her....questions flying

Zachariah_Justus takes a step back and looks at the reporter funny a bit and then moves to step between his friend and her attacker. "Hey, slow down and speak Common. No she's isn't drunk right now and we're not alone. .

� angelicia_Croxx the reporters fly of the handle with thoughts and accusations...."you and angel your together...what of your girlfriend...what about.....blah blah blah...."

Zachariah_Justus points to the empty desk where the guy was sitting just a few seconds ago. He hangs his head and blushes, the guy must have gone to lunch.

� angelicia_Croxx steps back and heads for the back alley away from everyone. stepping out the door she leans against it with a deep sigh

Zachariah_Justus is stuck with the reporters suddenly and they move like sharks to suround him and go in for the kill. "Look, she just got a little drunk the other day, but that was all. Everyone's made mistakes. Now GET OUT OF MY OFFICE before I arest you all for harasment."

� angelicia_Croxx says, "angelicia've done it now" She looks at the pendant....the thoughts still racing...."your killed or become one..."

� angelicia_Croxx she closes her eyes and grips the pendant once more

Zachariah_Justus quickly steps out the back door to look for Angel, the reporters all slipping out the front like dogs with their tails tucked up under them.

� angelicia_Croxx pushing herself away from the door...."the choice is mine...."

Zachariah_Justus says, What choice? to go alone? Yes it is, but I'd really like to go with you.

� angelicia_Croxx says, "huh?" She looks to justus apparently unaware he heard her, she stammers now. Her face red as she tries to hide her thoughts and her actions, her right hand hiding behind her back. "the choice....what?" She frowns....steps down the back steps...."your not making sense...."

Zachariah_Justus looks at her funny. He had no idea anything was up, but now she's acting nervous and talking funny. He can smell the sweat and hear her heart speed up. "What are you hiding?"

� angelicia_Croxx says, hiding..? `she laughs...i hide nothing paranoid..." she changes her tone, glancing back at him

Zachariah_Justus says, than what's behind your back?

� angelicia_Croxx says, is sakura not wondering where you are?

Zachariah_Justus reaches out for her shoulder so he can spin her and look "no, I'm at work."

� angelicia_Croxx says, i mean you spend all your time here and out searching and protecting....yet.... sakura you don't spend time with

Zachariah_Justus steps closer so he can make her show him what's behind her back, "I do at night. I have to work."

� angelicia_Croxx frowns at justus, her right hand raises sharply smacking his hand away....."don't you ever......" ~catches herself before she speaks out against herself.....she bows her head a hand moving to her brow rubbing it. "justus.....let go......."

Zachariah_Justus withdrawn his hand with a slightly hurt look in his eyes. He rubs the back of the hand she slapped with his others, it stings a little at first, but the werewolf in him quickly heals it.

� angelicia_Croxx pulls her hand back, the gold pendant falls to the fall at his feet

Zachariah_Justus looks down and bends down to pick it up, "What's this?"

� angelicia_Croxx moves to grab it from him, her brow furrowing. "Justus give it here" She looks to the pendant...."it was given to me....." ~notes one with skill and ability to smells things would smell the scent of a vampire upon the pendant...

Zachariah_Justus had gotten a good enough look at it to be able to pick it out of a book later. "Given to you by whom?"

� angelicia_Croxx says, "that is not matter" She frowns...."why do you care?"

Zachariah_Justus stands back up without making another effort to grab the pendant, but his eyes narrow a little. "What's going on? And don't try to push me away by pretending we're not friends."

� angelicia_Croxx says, nothing? Why do you question me....its a charm that is all....." She rubs her neck, as she thinks upon the man that gave it to her.....jar'ha were hard to resist at time of self pity....and well in her state drunk....

Zachariah_Justus says, I question you because I'm worried.

� angelicia_Croxx looks at justus afraid he can read her like a book. "you need not be....I handled myself well..."

Zachariah_Justus says, I know there is definitely something up with you, you're jumpy, edgy, and you won't le t me go with you.

� angelicia_Croxx stands looking at him in her true solider stance

Zachariah_Justus says, if not for the way you're acting today, I wouldn't be worried.

� angelicia_Croxx says, you want to know, fine. The jar'ha have approached two occasions. This charm is for the choice i have to make.....

� angelicia_Croxx looks at him

Zachariah_Justus says, they want to embrace you? Or get you to betray Firestar?

� angelicia_Croxx frowns and turns from him....."it was not my best hour order not to betray firestar.....i have but one choice, to do the other." She starts to move from him

Zachariah_Justus says, if they embrace you, than you belong to them and you will betray Firstar. You're not telling me you're going to let them kill you are you? I don't think they will. . .

� angelicia_Croxx says, you don't understand......its me or firestar.....and the guild....I can't let that happen. Justus you are so ......~ sighs.....if it comes to betrayal i know you will do the right thing....~her eyes lock with his~ and kill me..."

Zachariah_Justus says, we can keep you safe from them. . You don't have to sacrifice yourself.

� angelicia_Croxx looks at him for a time...."its not me that they want.....i don't that yet.....but i are my friends....." She steps around him and starts down the street coming out of the alleyway

Zachariah_Justus says, "you're one of the few friends I have in life, don't let them take you from me. . " He runs after her.

� angelicia_Croxx says, justus.......don't do this okay....we will speak later i must go and find out what i can

Zachariah_Justus can count his friends on one hand, and it doesn't even take all his fingers.

� angelicia_Croxx pushes him back a step and walks away

Zachariah_Justus sighs and hangs his head. damn.

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