All programming by Ulrik Magnusson. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************** Basic search: *************************** * Enter a word/phrase in the textfield and press enter or click "Search!" if you want to search for only one word. A list of links to pages contained the word you entered will be produced (the titles of the pages are displayed). You can always interrupt a search by entering a word and starting a new search or simply by clicking "Stop!". * ***************** Advanced search: ************************* * You can use "+" and "-" to make a more specific search. E.g. : "+Ulrik-Magnusson+Java-Coffee" This will list all files that contain "Ulrik" AND "Java" but NOT "Magnusson" AND NOT "Coffee". * Also, you can use "|" as OR: "Ulrik|Magnusson" will return all files that either contains "Ulrik" OR "Magnusson" (or both). * Example: "Java Applet|Ulrik-Magnusson+Coffee" will return all files that contains EITHER "Ulrik" OR "Java Applet", AND "Coffee" but NOT "Magnusson". * ********************* Options: ***************************** * "Case sensitive" : On : "Ulrik" does not match "ulRIK" or "uLrik" etc. Off : "Ulrik" matches "ulRIK" and "uLrik" etc. * "Max results" : The Maximum of links you want the search to produce. Search will simply stop when maximum reached. * "fast search" / "parse search" : If you want the search applet to search through actual html documents on the site, select "parse search". "fast search" only searches a file where the webmaster has put keywords.