My Family
Myself, Hubby (love of my life) and our son ( my pride and joy)
I met my hubby July 23 1988, I was out partying and there he was. From the time I saw him, I knew there was something about him, but I didn't know what it was. So for the next few months we began seeing each other, and he slowly moved into my house. By September I knew something was different because it was the first time a boyfriend of mine went to the field and I missed him. That was a new feeling for me and enjoyed it. Then 8 Nov. 89 our son was born. That night I will never forget, but then again hubby won't let me. We were fighing about me going to the hospital and I must say I'm glad hubby won because about an hour after I got there our son arrived. Then 19 Nov. 92 we went to Denmark to get married and I will never forget my wedding day. In the morning we got all dressed up went to get married and then we went back to the motel room, changed and hubby took me and his metal detector and did some hunting. On the bottom of this page you will find a link to his page and you will also find the coin there that he found that day.
In Jan. 93 we came to the States. It was a big move for me and I was also a little afraid to meet all his family. But now I'm glad I did. I love each and everyone of them. The the first time my hubby had to go somewhere without us was from April 95 - June 96 when he was in Korea I thought that year would never end. He missed all of the first year of our son's school year. The the next time he left us was from Feb. 98 - Aug. 98 when he went to Kuwait. And as I write this he is getting ready to go back to Korea. He will be leaving sometime in April again for a year. I just hope after he comes home this time that he will stay a little longer than just a few month. But in the Military you never know.
Our son is a great kid and I sure couldn't ask for a better one. He is smart even if he don't show it all the time but I guess that's the age. He wants to grow up and be a police officer just like dad. To him dad is always right but if I tell him the same thing before dad does I'm always wrong till he cleared it with dad......LOL. I call it the guy thing but hey at least it is his dad he looks up to not some guy out on the street so I can't complain.
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