William Cody's Intro

Cody had his letter from Mr. Chrisman tucked safely in his pocket. He was on his way to Three Crossings to be a Pony Express rider. Coming upon a homestead, he saw a man trying to break a horse. He pulled up near the corral and watched as the man got thrown off.

The man brushed himself off and walked over to the young lad. "Howdy, can I help ya?"

"No, but it looks to me like you need some help." Cody stated.

"Naw, I'll have the lot of them broke as soon as the Pony Express line starts up."

"You working for the Pony Express?"

"Yep, this is the Sweetwater waystation. I've got some horses. They were already broke, but I found some wild ones and caught me some. The riders will pick up fresh horses here while on their runs. It's suppose to start April the third."

"Yeah, I know. I'm going to be a Pony Express rider. I'm on my way over to Three Crossings to meet a man named Teaspoon Hunter. But if you like I can stick around here for a few days and give you a hand breaking in those broncs."

"I sure would like that. I was just gonna take a break and have me some lunch. Would ya like to join me?"

"Well I am kind of hungry." Cody swung down off his horse.

"Well, put your horse up in the barn, and then come on in for some grub." Joseph hobbled into the house while Cody led his horse to the trough and then into the barn.


 Cody stuck around for about a week helping Joseph break the horses and getting the place all fixed up for when the riders would start delivering the mail. When the week was up he told Joseph that he would be moseying on.

"Well lad, I thank ya for helping me out."

"It wasn't nothin'," Cody replied. "Oh if you see any other fellas, send them along Mr. Chrisman told me that Teaspoon needed some riders."

"You mean that old coot hasn't found enough riders yet. He's getting slow in his old age, and you can tell him that from me." Joseph laughed at his own joke and Cody grinned.

"I'll do that." Cody nodded and then rode off for Three Crossings.


Several days later Cody rode into Three Crossings. He knew by the conversations that he had with Joseph that Teaspoon would probably be found at the jailhouse because he was the temporary marshal until a new one took his place. He stopped in front of the Three Crossings Jail and went inside. He spotted a man rambling through some wanted posters.

"Howdy lad can I do somethin' for ya?" Teaspoon asked as he stood up and went over to the bulletin board where he started posting the wanted posters.

"Well yeah, you sure can if you’re the man I'm looking for. Are you Teaspoon Hunter?"

"That would be me."

Cody handed him the letter that Mr. Chrisman had gave him. Teaspoon read it and then looked the lad over. "Well, welcome aboard. Cody is it?"

"Well actually I'm William F. Cody, but everybody calls me Cody."

"Well, come on Cody I'll show you the waystation and you can get settled in." Cody nodded and followed Teaspoon outside. They both took off out of town heading towards the waystation.

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