William David Johnson

Nickname: Will

Age: 18

Description: Strong Willed. Doesn't understand why his father won't go after the men that killed his mother. Bitter towards God for letting it happen. Good with guns, so he's also a good hunter. Even though he probably would not win in a gun fight, if he ever sees the men that killed his mother, he will call them out. He knows his father is hurting, and he is trying to be there for him, but gosh, he's hurting, too. He feels as though he has no one there for him. He is trying to be strong for his brothers and his father.

Actor: Stan Kirshe

Father: Seth

Mother: Marie Kathrine (deceased)

Siblings: Tom, Sid & Helen

Summary: He was traveling out west with his family when the wagon train got held up, and his mother was killed. His father, afraid of losing his children, decided to settle here in Three Crossings. He is helping the hotel restaurant by washing the dishes.

Love interest: None yet, but he does see the pretty ladies, he just doesn't know which one will be lucky enough to have him for a beau.

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