Sidney James Johnson

Nickname: Sid

Age: 11

Description: He is very compassionate. He too is strong willed, but only when it comes to those things he really believes in. He tries not to be bitter toward God for taking his mother away, but he just can't help it. He loved her so much. He often goes off by himself and just cries. He feels like he can cry in front of his father, but he thinks that if his brothers see him cry they will call him a baby. He leans on his father and brothers for support. He is also shy and stays in the hotel room a lot and helps out with his baby sister.

Actor: Myles Ferguson

Father: Seth

Mother: Marie Kathrine (Killed)

Siblings: Will, Tom & Helen

Summary: He was going to Oregon where his mother wanted to live when she was shot and killed. His father decided to stop and settle in Three Crossings. He is waiting to meet more boys his age.

Love Interest: What are girls good for anyway?

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