Guillermina Isabella Vasquez y Deloera

Nickname: Mina

Age: 18

Birthday: May 1, 1841

Mother: Consuela Lucia Deloera y Santiago de Vasquez

Father: Arturo Jose Vasquez y Rivera (deceased)

Occupation: Runs the General Store

Actress: Daphne Rubin-Vega

Summary: She was born in Spain, but her parents moved to the US when she was young. She grew up in Three Crossings. Her family settled there in 1845 when she was 4. Her father was able to buy the store from its original owner, who was giving up to move back east. When her father died a couple years ago, the ownership of the store was transferred to her mother because her father had no sons. Her mother's sister and husband had also migrated to America, and they asked her mother to come live with them in Chicago. Mina, however, decided to stay behind in Three Crossings, and she now runs the store. Her mother retains ownership of it but leaves all the decision-making in Mina's hands.

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