Matthew (Matt) Andrews Dooley


Age: 24 (October 31, 1835)

Description: He has dark brown hair, and he’s 5’ 6”. With his baby blue eyes and charming smile the girls can’t help but be attracted to him.

Actor: Michael Landon

Description: Growing up his natural athletic ability, coupled with his charm, wit, and good looks made him popular with not only his classmates but with many of his teachers as well. He has a laugh that’s warm, inviting, and contagious. He’s able to laugh at himself as well as laugh with others---a characteristic that endears him to friends and family. Despite the occasional disciplinary action for his high spirits, humor, and love for practical jokes; Matt managed to do well in school with very little effort.

Matt is able to persuade Mike to do just about anything he wants him to do, often resulting in the two of them being involved in various predicaments and adventures. On rare occasions, however, Mike persuades Matt to go along with ideas of his own. Mike and Matt are inseparable and are always there for each other.

Matt is hot-headed, hot-tempered, and impulsive, a combination that often leads him into dangerous situations, such as picking fights or accepting a job as Sheriff in a dangerous town. The young man often finds himself in a position of trying to prove himself to his older brother, and most importantly to himself which may explain his willingness to take dangerous risks with himself and his propensity towards trouble. This tendency to be impulsive and risk-taking, as well as his position of being the youngest, results in his brother being somewhat over-protective of him. Fortunately for the young Mr. Dooley, he appears quite able to fight, shoot or talk his way out of most any situation he finds himself in

Parents: Deceased

Summary: He's been traveling throughout the west with his older brother. All of their saloons have failed for one reason or another. But now Mike tells him that they will have better luck in Three Crossings, so he's willing to take another chance. Besides he really likes one of the orphan girls that's going to work for them. So he hopes that they will have better luck in this new town.

Love Interest: None!

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