DOB: September 5, 1843

AGE: 16

ACTOR: Christopher Lee Pettiet

Father: Reverend Robert James deceased. Died when Jesse was 3.

Mother: Zerelda Cole James

StepFather: Dr. Rueben Samuels

Brother: Frank James, 5 years older

Sister: Susan James, younger

Description and Summary: Jesse lived on his family farm in Clay County, Missouri until he was 12 years old. That was when Union Soldiers rode onto his family's farm looking for Southern sympathizers. When the James family gave no information, the soldiers hung their stepfather Dr. Rueben Samuels, burned their home and drug Jesse into the fields and beat him near to death. After this unfortunate incident, Zerelda James sent her youngest son Jesse to live on a homestead 5 miles East of 3 Crossings to stay with a friend of their family. Zerelda trusted a mysterious older fellow called The Doc to
look after her mischievous teenage son.

Jesse is well over 6 foot 3 and has soft sky blue eyes. His hair is a soft silky brown. His creamy porcelain skin is baby smooth and his voluptuous lips caress his every word. Jesse is trying to figure out his heart, morals, ethics and keep up with is studies, but with The Doc's murder by a band of outlaws, Jesse is left with no family or friends to help him. Jesse ventures into the town of 3 Crossings looking for odd jobs and places to sleep and grab a few bites of food. He writes home to his mother as often as he can, but has no address to send them to since their home was burned out.

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