Carrie Jenkin's Intro

16 months ago

Carrie Ann hurried into the house. She couldn't wait to tell Terrance the good news. After 3 long years of trying they would finally complete their family and maybe things will be better. Ever since they found out his uncle was sick a year ago, Terrance was worried they would never have a family. He laid blame on her saying she did not want to have his child, she assured him she did. She loved him with all her heart. Since then he would go out and stay until the early hours of the morning. Coming home smelling of cheap liquor and women's perfume. She didn't want to believe that the sweet man who brought her flowers professing his love would seek comfort in another woman's arms.

She climbed the steps after not finding him in his study. She stopped and listened. She heard laughing. She followed them to their bedroom door. It was slightly ajar and the sounds of a woman's laughter reached her ears. She walked slowly inside to see her husband laying in bed with another woman, her best friend. Her gasp snapped his attention to her.

"Carrie Ann." Before he could get out of bed to follow her, she turned and left. She ran down the stairs tears streaming down her face. Terrance raced after Carrie Ann, she was suppose to be visiting friends until the next day. He grabbed her arm before she could run out the door. "Wait."

Carrie Ann jerked her arm away and waited for him to speak. Terrance glared at his wife. How dare she show such disrespect. He raised his hand to hit her but was stopped when Sandra grabbed his arm.

"No Terrance." she said. She looked over at Carrie Ann. "I'm sorry."

Carrie Ann cut her off. "I thought I smelled your perfume. I never thought my best friend would do something like this."

Terrance grabbed her arm again. "Listen to me I won't let you spread this around. We are a happy family, and it will stay that way." He growled out squeezing her arm tight. She grimaced in pain." You will stay and give me the son I want."

She was so mad she started to shake, Terrance felt her shake and smiled misunderstanding the meaning." That's right be the good little wife and go upstairs."

She raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face. "Never." When he let her go she ran from the house.

9 months later

Carrie Ann held her beautiful baby boy in her arms. She had spent the last six months on the run. Terrance managed to find her only once. There was no way to hide how far along she was and he grinned knowing that the baby belonged to him. She managed to lose him in the growing crowd that was at the traveling sideshow. She didn't waste anytime packing up and leaving. Old Mrs. Waters took her in the day she left her husband. She gave her money and the name of a good friend of her late husband's who would help her in getting the divorce papers drawn up.

Becky sat on the side of the bed and smiled. "He's such a beautiful baby.

What are you going to name him?"

Carrie Ann smiled. "I'll call him Daniel." She kissed his small head as he drifted off to sleep.

Becky was a widow who ran a boarding house for women. Her husband was killed by robbers when he tried to help stop them. They became instant friends, Carrie Ann told Becky what happened when she left her husband and how violent he had become when she tried to leave. Becky said that she could stay as long as she liked, but Carrie Ann knew she had to get as far away as she could from Terrance. "I'm sorry Becky but I will have to leave as soon as I'm able."

"I understand."

Over the next few days she grew stronger. As she was walking home from the store someone grabbed her and forced her down an alley. "Where is my son?" said a voice Carrie Ann came to hate.

"He died."

"Lier!" He grabbed her arm. "I heard about him from the doctor said he was a healthy baby boy." He saw the look of shock on her face. "That’s right. Why would he refuse to give information to a father." He tightened his hold. "You are going to take me too him then we are going home to be a family. I won't let you cheat me out of my money."

Carrie Ann frowned, "Money, what are you talking about?"

"My uncle. He says that if I don't have a son to pass the business off too, I will be out of his will, and I won't let you ruin it." He dragged her out of the alley and down the street.

She had to think fast there was no way she was going back with him especially with Daniel. "He's with a friend. This way." She pointed in the opposite direction.

"You better not be lying to me." She shook her head no. As he dragged her along he had to let her go due to the amount of people on the street and he didn't want to attract attention.

Carrie Ann waited for her chance to run and it came when old Mrs. Parker stopped them. Carrie Ann introduced him to her and she started chatting away about how her husband was in the same business as him. She ran home as fast as she could. Becky had just finished changing Daniel. "I'm sorry Becky I have to go Terrance is here and it won't

Take long for him find out where I am."

Becky helped her pack a few things then handed her a piece of   paper. "This is a close friend. He can help you."

"Thank you so much I will never forget you." Picking up Daniel she hurried to the train station.


Carrie Ann stepped from the coach. She looked around and headed to the hotel, her hotel, she smiled at the thought. After she left Becky's, she meets her friend who contacted the old owner who sold her the hotel. He advised her to change her last night that way it would help her disappear better .She looked down at the piece of paper in her hand, she was suppose to meet Seth Johnson. She went in and looked for him.

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