Calder Lloyd Cutler

Born: Feb 1, 1821

Age: 39

Description: He’s 6 ft. and has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He has a stocky build from years of hard work, and his face, neck and lower arms are stained a permanent tan from overexposure to the sun. He is a decent, hardworking, loyal, honest and loving man who cares deeply for his family and fiercely protective of each member. He believes strongly in treating his family, friends and neighbors with honesty and expects the same in return. He cannot tolerate people who are dishonest or deceitful, as he now believes his former friend Vin Bernard to be. 

Actor: John Waite

Wife: Cora Rae Alton

Children: 5 sons (Alton, Bryden, Corbet, Ford & Gage) and three daughters (Everley, Halsey and Jexa)

Birthplace: Charleston, South Carolina.

Summary: Calder and Cora Cutler and their young son Alton left Charleston, South Carolina after a fire ravaged the Cutler family business and home, killing Calder's parents. With money he had saved up through working and sale of the family property, Calder purchased a team of horses, wagon and supplies and they set off to find a new home and soon came to settle in Three Crossings.

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