My Best High School Memory

The Wanderlust Concert

Perhaps the thing I am remembered for most at Pocono Mountain High School, is that I brought in national recording artists, Wanderlust, to the school for a concert. I won the show from 98.5 KRZ, the local Top 40 radio station. Here's the story:

I used to call up KRZ's former night guy, The Taz Man, all the time. Most of the time to just request a song or talk when I got bored at my ice cream parlor job. (We actually became really good friends from this, but I am straying from the point of the story, like I always do) So, Taz told me about this contest the station was holding for area high schools. He said I should be in charge of representing Pocono Mountain. The contest was entitled "The KRZ School Spirit Contest," and took place in October of my senior year (95-96). What each school had to do was collect pennies, or higher denominations to give to Toys for Tots. The school who raised the most would win the concert from Wanderlust, a rock quartet hailing from Philly. Needless to say, I jumped right into the contest. I had an immense amount of school spirit!! I made all these neat little collect boxes covered with KRZ bumber stickers and placed them in the cafeteria and main office. I made a huge one, and would sit in front of the cafeteria with a few friends and hound the crap out of my fellow students and even teachers for spare change. Now, our school also had a morning TV news show, whiich I was on. So, every morning I would be seen and heard in every classroom and hallway beggin for money. I put ads in our weekly school paper promoting the event. I did everything I could. Soon, the whole school was calling me "Wanderlust Girl." Well, on the day of the deadline, me and a few of my good friends rolled up all the change and rubber-banded up the dollars. We had $538 in front of us!!!! I was estatic! We drove the cash up to the KRZ studio, hoping that no other school had more than us.


After I was informed that we had won the contest by a land slide, and the concert was in two days, the principal told me I had to find 12 faculty chaperones. Uh-oh! With two days notice, who can do it?? I asked everyone in the school, and I did find 12. Our principal was suprised that I met that challenge. I had a lot to do. I had to clean out this old storage room for Wanderlust's dressing room. I had to get food for thier hospitality and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I'd hate to ramble on, but man, it was a blast. Now, PMHS is a huge school. We had over 1,000 students in the high school. 400 showed up for the concery--which was a great turnout! The KRZ gang was there to introduce the group too. I got to go on stage and thank everybody for helping us win. It was so cool! The students were cheering for me and stuff! I never felt so, I don't know, respected. The music was great! The kids were dancing and there was even a little mosh pit! It was overall the best event of the year!!!

And go figure...Now I work for the company!!!

Check out the Pictures!!

Myself and "Taz" introducing the band to the school

The legendary mosh pit!

Wanderlust jamming!

After the show, Wanderlust and KRZ signed a banner for the school

Well, everyone will always remember me as the "Wanderlust Girl". That is how about 50 people signed my yearbook, and what many kids yelled as I got my diploma on graduation day. Now, did I mention that Wanderlust was a great group of guys?? Oh yeah! They were so nice! I actually hung out with them that night a lot, and then a few months ago, they did another show near Wilkes. I hung out with them again! They are the best! Check out there site, and better yet, check them out in concert or buy their last albumn, "Prize"!

Click here to meet Wanderlust!!! You'll be glad you did!!

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