My Thoughts on Country Music

It's simple. I love country music. There is no other genre quite like it.

I used to just like the music, but since I've been working in country radio, I've developed an extreme passion for not just the songs, but the entire industry.

The Music

Country music tells a story. You can actually understand the words. The music is written fom the heart. The music is made with real instruments. It's true. It's honest. It makes you cry. It makes you laugh. It can soothe you. It may have had an impact on your life. Maybe it changed your mind about something. It's real. Can anybody honestly say those qualities are present in any other genre of music?

I cannot tell you how many times a sad or upset friend has come to me for advice, and I quoted a country song. There are many positive messages in these songs, lessons you can learn and words of wisdom.

The Stars

Country stars are nice. They are just like your neighbor, the lady at the post office and you local gas station attendent. They are like you and they are like me.

With my job, I have the opportunity to meet lots of country music making folks. Everyone I have ever met has been nothing but generous. Sure, some may have been a little tired after a kickin' concert and may not have been as talkative as I had hoped. But they had the utmost respect for us radio folks, and when we escort contest winners backstage, they have always welcomed them with open arms, answering any question they may have, and will sign autographs, and flash their pearly whites for a photo. Sure, they will meet hundreds of fans...but they know that the fan just had the chance of a life-time to meet them, and that that picture will proudly sit on a mantle somewhere.

Our sister station is Top 40 radio station. I met the Spice Girls last was cool, I suppose to meet the pop icons, but they did not talk to anyone...they went down the line and shook hands...that's it....that's all...nothing. It is truly amazing the different treatment you recieve from people in the rock industry.

Another thing that makes country stars the nicest people in the music industry is the endless efforts to raise money for charities. Take for instance the Country Cares for St. Jude Kids Radiothon. About 100 country radio stations per year participate in this, Froggy 101 being one of them. The entire industry pulls together for this effort...Record companies, management companies, radio stations and of course, the artists. Randy Owen of Alabama actually founded the event.

What other genere of music would create an event like Fan Fair? Every year me and 23,9999 other country music fans (actually this is my first year going) take Nashville by storm to attend this week-long event at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. Anyone who is anybody in country music is there!! All of the record labels showcase their artists with shows each day at the fairgrouds, There are booths set up, where fans sometimes camp out in lines from 3am, where artists will sign autographs. This is the real deal!! Country stars care about their fans, and know they would not be where they are without them (and of course us radio people too!)

Sure, everyone who makes it will get caught up in the glamour for a little while, but deep inside they know they're just a human like me and you.

The Behind-the-Scenes People

Working in promotions, I sometimes get to hang out with our program and music director and the record reps after and before concerts, or when a new artist pays our radio station a visit. This is one part of the job I absolutely dig! I actually would love to work in Nashville at a record label, and I take advantage of these moments to ask a lot of questions, and take in the stories they tell.

I don't want to name any names, but there are about three or four reps that I just adore! Everytime they come to town, they are such a pleasure to work with and also fun to habg out with. I have already learned so much from them!!

At any rate, these people are just so nice! So , no wonder the artists are so's because they get to work with kind record company execs and management companies. Everytime I have been backstage, the tour managers have been nothing but helpful and courteous.

It's these people that make the country music biz go round. I just had to write something about them.

I could go on for days about how much I love country music, but I won't! Return Home!

� 1997 [email protected]

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