Welcome to my Thanksgiving Page!

It's that time of year again. The time when people start thinking about and spending time with their loved ones for the holiday season. This time of year, more than any other time we let our families and loved ones know just how much they mean to us.

This time of year is so beautiful here in Michigan. All the fall colors....the leaves in various shades of green, brown, orange, yellow, and red........what a wonderful time to go on sightseeing drives through the country sides!

Why is it this time of year everything just smells so good? We all do more baking, cooking, decorating, etc. Just a plain old fun time season for all.

Since my family lives over 300 miles away, this time of year can sometimes be harder than any other time for me when it comes to missing them. Of course, that only makes it that much more meaningful when we get together to celebrate the holidays!

I remember our Thanksgivings as a child......everyone piled in the car and went to Grandma's for the day for a wonderful feast and good times visiting with the family we didn't see very often, except at holidays. My mother is one of 11 children, so with 10 brothers and sisters and their families......what a busy time it was! But also a very fun time for all.

Who could forget the wonderful aromas that fill the house around this time of the year! The smell of roasting turkey, homemade dressing, candied yams, and pumpkin pie! Just the thought of it is enough to make you hungry!

It's amazing......as children, we view holidays as times of fun....vacations from school.....extra playtime........and as we grow older, we realize the importance of family, friends, and the true meaning of holidays..........

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