Summer '99 of Jacob Volkmann

A great big HELLO to all of you. This is Jacob Volkmann writing to say hi to the people I've met this summer and those I've known. Since I have been busy, I thought it would be nice to write a general letter just to say hi!

I'm sending out my greetings to everyone! I hope you all have had great summers. Mine has been a blast!

To begin, for Memorial Day I was asked to recite the Gettysburg address in two local communities. I found that to be a great honor. Even though there were a few days of school left after that, I still thought of it as the start of summer.

Starting out in June I had a Leadership Institute in a nearby community of Mankato, Minnesota. It was a day long event based on the theme of "Oh the Places We Will Go." The day was ended by a community service project in which we brought food that the Mankato State University collected to a Homeless shelter, and then we reflected what the experience was like.

Then in Mid-June for a week I was at Minnesota Boy's State. I was chose by the local American Legion to represent the city of Janesville. It was a learning experience in which 500 guys stayed at the St. Olaf University and experienced hands on government and listened to many speakers. We were divided in counties and cities. I'm absolutely positive that the city I was in had the most fun. We weren't any good at sports, but if there was a sportsmanship award, we would have won it.

When I came home from Boy's State, the next day I was honored in our city parade. It was our annual Hay Daze celebration and I and the girl who went to Girl's State were asked to ride in the first float on the parade route. Since we were at the start of the parade, everyone still stood as we rode by. Then just as the float got to the end of the route, we both quickly ran to the start of the parade route and jumped on our school's National Honor Society Hay Wagon and rode through the parade once again.

Next, during the last week of June I was at the National Student Council Convention which was held in Minneapolis for a week. The convention was attended by 1,800 high school students from around the nation. There were even 60 some students from Australia there. Boy, do the Australians know how to have fun!! The week was filled with activities including a night at Valley Fair (a roller coaster amusement park), the Minnesota Zoo, and an evening at Minnesota State University.

Minnesota Delagates at the National Convention

Then came the exciting month of July. The first week was a week I spent with my family. We had an awesome Fourth of July party at our relations, in which that night from the yard we could see fireworks from six different cities all at the same time.

Then in Mid-July I was off to Washington D.C. for a MADD Youth In Action program that was highlighted by a National Press Conference. While at Washington I experienced many firsts. My first taxi ride, first subway ride, first time eating many new foods, and most importantly, my first Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream experience. Needless to say, I made sure I had another peanut butter cup/ chocolate fudge ice-cream cone at the airport before departing to return home.

Katie Tilley and I at the Washington Airport Ready to begin the adventure!!

The mid to last week of July was filled by the Waseca County Fair. Due to my family being active in 4-H and I competing in many events, let's just say it seemed we lived at the fair:-)

August started out with a great Minnesota Association of Student Councils/Minnesota Association of Honor Societies Leadership Rocks camp. It was held at the University of St. Thomas. Talk about having a lot of fun with a lot of great teens. While at the event I experienced another first. For the first time ever I was grounded. Not by myself, the entire group of teens was grounded because of dancing on the building's roof and getting caught. Not one person was allowed to say a word after mid-night on the last night and we all were to have our lights out. Luckily I did survive the first ever grounding.

Golden Yellow Group!

Well, those were the big things, but there were others things I have done this summer too.

At mid-June I was notified that I was selected by the Minnesota State MADD Office to apply for a youth position on the MADD National Board. I took it to heart by being asked, for I think it is a great honor to be given the chance to try for such a position. So then I typed up a three page question and answer application and then sent it in. A while later I was notified that I would have a phone interview with the national nominating committee. I was real nervous when talking to nine others on the other end of the line, but I was so glad to have the experience.

On June 30 I turned 17!!!!!!!!

On July 1, I had a piano recital. I played Rondo by Mozart on the piano with a musical orchestra background provided by a CD. I also was glad to get to have a duet with a girl in my class who I admire her musical abilities. This September will mark my 10th year of piano lessons!!

During the summer I had also played piano at the local nursing home during their worship services. I love to see the happy expressions on the faces of the people as they hear young people play the piano. I like to get to the service early that way I can play many songs, and usually I play for about 15 to 20 minutes after the service also.

This summer I didn't get a job to start earning money for school, but I believe that all my traveling and things I done this summer has earned me memories and experiences that are priceless!

I think that's about it. I would love to be able to write to each and everyone of you individually but it is nearly impossible since I've met so many people this summer. I would love to hear from each of you and I will do my best to drop you a personal line.

To every one of you I hope you make the most of the rest of your summer and have a productive school/work year! Never stop reaching for the stars and always smile. A saying says that smiling improves your face value :-)

And may God richly bless all of you!!

Jacob Volkmann 3374 343rd Ave. Janesville, MN 56048

(507) 234-5846

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While here, do leave your greetings to all others.

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