The Tumbleweed!

May 11, 2006

God Bless America!!

We fall down and we get up!
We fall down, and we get up!
And the Saints are just the sinners
.. who fall down .. and then get up!
By Bob Carlisle

Add God, to your Race, and you got it all!


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Like branches on a tree, we grow different directions, yet our roots remain the same.
Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other!


You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. -Psalms 18:28

TumbleWeed Page II
Pa-pa & Gram -click to read about us!

Mykaela's Pages -click to read about her!
Moriah's Pages -click to read about her!

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Sincerely; Pa-pa & Gram


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