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Friday, March 14, 2003


Keith Urban endured weeks of voice rest - even cancelling shows, but he is now ready to get back on the road March 22nd where he will join Kenny Chesney's "Margaritas & Senioritas Tour." Look to for tour dates.

Johnny Cash was admitted to a Nashville hospital March 10th for pneumonia, he should be home in a few days.


Darryl Worley's latest album, Have You Forgotten, originally slated for a late-May release, will be out in stores April 15th due to the great response the song has received.

It will be a "beautiful day" on April 1st when Chris Cagle releases his self-titled sophomore album containing the single "What A Beautiful Day." Both single and video are racing up the charts.

Gary Allan recently revealed that he has an album in the works and that it should be out sometime around June... stay tuned for details!

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