



Dancing Together In Harmony Throughout The World


It is unfortunate to report that the World Square Dance 2000 square dance will not be held as was expected. The project is on hold and will be reviewed in 2000.

It was hoped that a dance sometime in the year 2000 (possibly at a national or semi-national convention) would be able to create an event that would be heard "around the world".

Unfortunately, due to current computer limitations, it has been decided that the available technology is not ready to create an event that would be acceptable to most people involved in this event.

Specificly, most people's computers do not have the appropriate hardware necessary to technology-wise support this event, let alone access to the proper Internet facilities that would be needed to adequately transmit the information on a timely basis.

Most people who would be providing the hardware for such an event at each club's location (most likely a club member's personal computer, Mac or WinTel) would most likely be in the range of a 56K modem (which usually only provides up to 48K speed, at best) with no hardware-based MPEG support, severely limiting the size and quality of picture (and audio) that would be sent from a transmission site.

In most cases, the size of the image that could be received by most people's computers would be in the range of 150x300 pixels, making the image severely limiting, to say the least. In addition, the experience of many is that you still have commonly occurring delays, with dropouts of both audio and video commonplace, a major obstacle when it comes to dancing.

To receive an adequate transmission, it would probably require, at the very least, a dedicated T1 or ISDN level of service (if not higher), along with commonly implemented hardware-level MPEG support, something that most people are not able to provide, especially for a one-time type of event as this is. This would most likely be the case considering that this event would be held in halls normally used for dancing and not data communication.

Rather than staging an event that many (if not most) will feel is woefully inadequate (and thereby negatively affect any potential future event of this type), it's felt that it's better to place this project on hold and review it's potential for a future year where the computer hardware found on most computers will properly support the type of event that would be enjoyed by all concerned.

Those with questions or comments are requested to contact myself directly David Ameeti so that I can better answer or clarify any questions that are being asked.

Thank you all to those of you who showed their support for this project. It's hoped that when this project is ready, your support will be available then as well.

David Ameeti World Square Dance 2000 Chair


Since Square Dancing is a World wide activity and technology has advanced to the point that it is possible to communicate to the World, it would be of great benefit to Square Dancing and the World as a whole to perform a World Square Dance. A World Square Dance would help unite the activity as well as advance peace and understanding among the peoples of the World. The basic concept would be to have a group of Square Dance Callers perform live over the internet to all the Square Dancers in the World. It would be an 8 hour long dance. This would be a non-profit venture.


Projected Date: The date of the dance has not been set at this point in time. The dance would be an 8 hour time slot throughout the world. Time examples for different parts of the world are listed below based on an east coast time slot for New York of 11 A.M. to 7 P.M.

Los Angeles: 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.

Berlin: 4 P.M. to 12 P.M.

Honolulu: 5 A.M. to 1 P.M.

Perth: 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. next day

Amsterdam: 4 P.M. to 12.P.M.

Seoul: 12 P.M. to 8 A.M. next day

Jerusalem: 5 P.M. to 1 A.M.


There would be about 60 different callers from around the world performing during the dance. Each caller would perform 1 standard tip of about 7-8 minutes in duration. The idea here would be to give as many callers as possible the chance to "call to the world". It would also give the dancers a chance to dance to callers from around the world. The process for selecting callers would be defined at the time that a date for the dance is established.

Dance Program:

There would be a variety of programs presented. The amount of time devoted to each program should be determined by the concept of giving the most dancers the opportunity to dance. This suggests that in decreasing order of time allocated, the programs would be Mainstream, Plus, Advanced and Class.


Dance clubs could schedule a dance for either the whole or any portion of the event. Export of technology to other countries may preclude participation and limitations on internet bandwidth may limit the number of clubs that can receive the signal. The committee would make every effort to work through these problems in order to have the maximum participation in this event.

Technical Details:

Technical details will be published when and if the dance is scheduled at some future date.


Special Talents Being Sought:

If the dance is scheduled at a future time we would be in need of a few talented individuals who are familiar with production and direction of shows. We would also need a technical person to help with the technical aspects of this project, a financial manager/treasurer and someone with legal background to advise on any legal issues.


Committee Members: Click on the name to send Email

David Ameeti - Chariman - West Jordan, UT

Daryl Clendenin

Steve & Patty Greene - Deering, NH, USA

Albert Kaesler - Neptune, NJ, USA

Robert Keller - Honolulu, HI, USA

Joe Landi

Greg Malinowski - Winhall, VT, USA

Martin Podlaha - Prague, Czech Republic, Europe

Dave Wallace - Shreveport, LA , USA

Supporters of the Project: Click on the name to send Email

Charlie Robertson - Lou-Mac Records

Don Wood - Lou-Mac Records

This page was last revised on December 10, 2000

Webmaster - Dave Wallace- Shreveport La.

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