Basic Crochet

Free Patterns and Instructions

Hi! My name is Jaime Reese. My mother taught me how to crochet when I was only five years old. At first I only chained whole skeins, but then I entered the wonderful world of Granny Squares. I love making piece afaghans, but I hate piecing them together. I just find it easier to make the small squares rather than carrying around a large blanket. I have made about seven blankets in all, although all of these are not finished. I seem to collect afaghan patterns. Right now I probably have about 300, and my dream is to make them all, but that is extremely doubtful. I love experimenting with differant color combinations and new stitches. I'm always looking for new patterns and will help others out in their quests for new and interesting afaghans. These links I have listed below provide instructions for those who do not know how to crochet, and free patterns and tips for those who do. Check them out!

Links to other sites on the Web

Crochet Musings
Crochet Lessons
Carlin's Index of Patterns

If you have any questions or would like to trade afaghan patterns just e-mail me! You are visitor number

� 1997 [email protected]

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