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Tribute to Elvis

This site will contain pictures, links, and stories related to the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. I will also include lyrics from some of the songs sung by Elvis. Since there were over 700 songs in his repetoire, I will only include my favorites.

I have gathered pictures from the four corners of the Internet, and don't think I have used any which I should not have. However, if you see a picture of yours here, and wish me to remove it, please drop me an e-mail, and I will delete it immediately.

If you would like to contact me and discuss Elvis, please do.

If you have ever seen Elvis in person, either in concert or anywhere else, please drop me a line with the details and I will post them here for all to read.

Now, without further ado, let us proceed to the Greatest force in Modern Music, The King, Elvis Presley.

Elvis Pictures
More Elvis
Memories of Graceland
My Other Life
My friend, Patricia's, Page

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