
Welcome to the JZR Pilots' Association

CX500 spins into a JZR

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Diary Dates

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Members Reports1
Members Reports2


JZRs etc. for sale

Spares List& regalia

JZRPA ownersGroup forum - You can join and add pictures or ideas

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The JZR Pilots Association was formed in 1992 - The objective then, as now, - a no rule, no committee, no fuss organisation, to cater for like-minded individuals. Present membership totals almost 200, over 50% of the 320 JZRs produced and includes members in N. Zealand, Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Holland, Sweden, and believe it or not Rwanda. Members come from many walks of life, including a Bishop. He'll bless your car, but still advises membership of the R.A.C. They tend to be of mature years, albeit young in spirit!

The link between Members of the Association is provided by our Pilots Notes, issued quarterly and contains reports and advance information on events, technical information and member's grouses and opinions. Trike chassis are manufactured by and spares are available from John Ziemba. John can be contacted at JZR Trikes, Nancy Street Yard, Nancy Street, Darwen, Lancs BB3 3HP. Tel: 01254 760 620.

Association Officials

Malcolm Lindley - Chairman
Email [email protected]
Steve Owen - Editor
Email: [email protected] or 01745 730075.
Tony Simpson - Membership Secretary and treasurer
Email:[email protected] or 01246 823895
Keepers of the Web Site -
Brian & Evelyn Lofty
Email:[email protected] or 02380322847


John Kettlewell - Scotland. It is with great regret that we announce the death of John after a long illness. Our thoughts are with Doreen and the family at this time. Pilots have known John for many years and have been on rallies where they have appreciated his organisation and friendliness. He will be sadly missed by a large circle of friends.

Check out our Stoneleigh gallery 2009

Caux Retro 2009 - Stop Press The Slovenian group are organising a run from Le Havr� to a weekend in Slovakia in May 2010. They would like provisional numbers of those intersted by September 2009 - Contact Renauld Spencer on [email protected] or 0033322302193
We all had a magical time in France. There were about 24 British Kitcars - JZRs, Citroen Specials, Grinnalls, Pembletons and several Specials. This was the most that had ever attended. there were some 300 motors/bikes all together and we all shared meals and runs for the whole weekend.
For a full report see Recent Topics

Ingleton. The JZR rally at Ingleton organised by Brian Pearce was well attended and enjoyed by everyone. The weather was much better than in many other parts of the country and a good run was enjoyed on both Saturday and Sunday. It was very good to see that John Baker from Australia and his wife Lucy were there. Ian Avery had a breakdown but was helped on the run and the trike was repaired during the next few days by John Ziemba.

If you are attending the Welsh Wanderers Rally in September. Please let Kath and Frances know as soon as possible. Details in 'Dates for your Diary.'

The new batch of Fred's Manuals are in and are available. Details on Regalia.

Joe Jamieson from Australia is visiting in August. Looking forward to meeting him and Thelma.

Membership fees are �13 per year. Paypal is available at an extra �2 for charges.

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