This page was last molested on Jan. 4, 2008.

Welcome to Jeff's


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Hi, my name is Jeff King, and I can't use the excuse of this being my first web page anymore, so direct any flames/compliments/smart-assed remarks to me at [email protected] and I'll do my best to either answer you or shoot the flames right back again!

My new 2001 VW Golf GL TDI (Turbodiesel)
with 345,000 miles as of 1/1/2008 and climbing!

Click on my Golf to learn more about getting 50 mpg on cheap diesel fuel!

I live in the outer regions of the southwest arm of the unfashionable end of SouthWest Suburban KRUM, TEXAS (a town so small we don't even have our own Dairy Queen), about 40 miles due north of Fort Worth, Texas and very near to DENTON, TEXAS. It's sort of like living in BFE, but it's quiet, the stars shine bright at night, and I can do whatever I want without worry. I also have two great kids, one of which just graduated high-school, the other is in the Navy. Proud of both of them.

Click for Krum, Texas Forecast
Click HERE for more Texas weather information

So, where in the hell is KRUM???

I'm into classic cars, and currently own a 1961 Olds Super 88 in (what used to be) very fine condition. (I'm selling it, by the way. See the link below). You can also see some of my previous interesting cars in the "Car Stuff" area of my site. I also love motorcycles ,and have recently gotten a replacement for my 1978 Suzuki GS400. I have finally bought the motorcycle I've been wanting to get since it first appeared in 1989. My newest toy is a 1994 Honda Pacific Coast (PC800). Check it out on it's own page!

Other intrests include computers, ham radio (call sign *** K5ING *** formally N5PNU), storm and tornado chasing for the National Weather Service, stargazing, and a dozen other things including vacationing in Colorado.

"Worry as much about pleasing your partner as you do pleasing yourself"
--- Doctor Jeff

Use these links to go to other pages on this website.

NOTE: denotes a recently updated area.

Car Stuff
Funny Stuff
Misc. Stuff
News and Financial Stuff
Earthquake Stuff
Radios...Ham and Antique
Search Engines
Weather Links
Weird Stuff

Put yourself behind the wheel
of a classic Oldsmobile!

I'm selling my 1961 Olds Super 88.
Click here for more pictures and details!!

I'd like to thank the great folks at GeoCities for providing the space for this web page!

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