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Instamatic History

One of the most significant, yet almost humorous, events to occur during the 'Lost Weekend' was John Lennon signing a document that would formally dissolve the Beatles.

One might imagine that this would be a very carefully staged event with the press and the electronic media present to witness this historic occasion.

Actually, it was quite low-key.

John had refused to sign at a previously arranged venue at the Plaza Hotel (New York) ten days earlier. May recalls to Shelley Germeaux of 'Daytrippin' Magazine', "Paul and Linda had already set up cameras to take photos of everyone signing it, and George was there because of the show (Dark Horse Tour), and Ringo had signed it previously in England but was on the telephone to confirm his signature."

But John didn't show up, he had concerns that these original papers might cause tax issues.

Then on Dec. 29, 1974, in Florida, in a room at the Polynesian Hotel, at Disney World of all places, with neither drum-roll nor ceremony, John Lennon penned his signature to that historic document as May Pang pointed her camera over his shoulder to snap one of the most significant events in the history of popular music... the very instant the most influential band ever was officially dissolved.

In fact, John had actually encourged May as he joked, "C'mon Linda, take the picture!"

That little snap more than covered the cost of May's camera. According to the British Daily Mail (Feb. 2008, article: 513300) May has had the photo valued at a cool �1,200,000 !!!
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