There lived a girl named Leanne. She was born in Singapore in November and studied in a girls school. She was also the youngest child in her family.

She enjoyed surfing the net, writing to her penpal, swimming, writing poetry, writing in her diary, listening to the radio, playing the piano and reading.

Her favourite authors were Lurlene McDaniel, Robin Cook, Frances Hodgson Burnett and Sidney Sheldon. She also liked to read the Chicken Soup series. Her favourite movies, Harry Potter, Jack and Enemy at the Gates. To her, Robin Williams and Haley Joel Osmont were very talented actors.

Her ambition was to work as something associated with healthcare, children, music or Literature and she wanted to have a child. She also wished to travel the world, living in a country for a year or so to experience its life over there before moving to another place. She also wanted to help the poor and ill in troubled areas.

As you probably already have guessed, that girl is... ME! :)

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