The Human Being in Me

Some ideas on:


During moments of ease, life is but a path that flows effortlessly through a shaded forest nestled carefully between the folds of time. Here, true friendship is like a well that simply adds fresh water to the many (sometimes exotic) tastes offered by those bountiful trees that extend their fruits to the bewildered hand. But in times of hardship, that which was once a sheltering forest becomes a scorching desert. That water which once seemed so banal becomes a precious balm for ones weary limbs, replacing what strength was leeched by the trials of life.

But Beware!

If a well is not tendered, shrubs and wilderness will soon taint its waters. If rain doesn�t fall, eventually it will go dry. Care actively for your friends for there is nothing of more precious. Don't disabuse them, else the well will exhaust itself offering to the thirsty throat only rocks and dust. Nothing but the despair of solitude shall ensue, unless the protection of goodness is present (but not always does goodness and innocence protect! Things are not as tehy should be.). Remember the saying:

Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro

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The beauty of complexity relies on the harmony of the interaction of many simple things. To fully understand and appreciate complexity it is therefore of fundamental importance not to limit our attention to the glory of the whole but to consider also the finness of the part. A cathedral is built with many stones, each one can be admired separately for the quality of the workmanship that gave it life. Details are therefore the essence of reality. It is when there is no harmony in the interaction of simplicity that things start to break down. That which was once complex slowly disagregates till it finds a simpler form were all the elements which constituted it initially, once again, find their harmony.

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Many people tend to confuse the concepts of chaos and anarchy, considering them synonymies. In reality they are two different concepts. Chaos is nothing but the sum of potential. It includes and can give life to both order and anarchy or some solution somewhat in between. Therefore anarchy is contained within chaos and chaos is the source of richness and variety. Which is a good thing if you consider that democratic institutions are chaotic by nature.
(Ever went to a session of parliament?)

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The World

The world is a steak; go out there and cut out your piece!!!!! The wizard of ID. . . I think by Parker and Hart. Some things are litteral some things are metaphoric . . . Q'ran.

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