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The More You Know About Advertising, the Better It Works for You!

If you understand the rules in advance, you can make financial decisions based on FACTS and use your money, credit cards and Biz Budget, wisely! Understanding Value and Cost can help you save money.

Learn How to Shop Around

Like shopping for anything, it's just smart to evaluate BENEFITS before you buy advertising. Engage your brain when you shop for good promotional prices, value and benefits. This will enable you to pick up smart buying habits. Look for a strong Guarantee! Comparing apples to oranges is useless when it comes to promoting your e-business.

Remember that one day late means LATE! Are your ads fully covered if all ads don't get sent out....for ANY reason? That could be worth its weight IN Gold. Bad links? Dead Deals? Computer problems? Family emergencies?

Control your advertising and promotional costs with a budgeted ad campaign. Get HELP designing an ad campaign that fits your wallet! Remember: Knowledge is Power!

Money, business, life and happiness ALL make up the promise you make to yourself. You must develop a healthy perspective on HOW all these things relate to each other.

It's been said that GRACE can be described in more than one way.

1. A delicate etiquette class by Miss Manners herself!

2. Don't forget the time you spend praying for the money to operate your internet business.

3. Last but not least....remember the amount of time you have before you make a credit card payment for your e-business bills. That's your Grace Period!

All advertising is NOT created equal. Do your best to shop where your best interest, is always in the advertiser's mind. A well balanced, comprehensive promotional effort, can help you shop wisely and stretch those dollars!

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