"Every day they face the possibility of destruction, risking their families, finances, jobs, dignity, and health. They come from all walks of life: ministers, physicians, therapists, politicians, executives, blue-collar workers. Most were abused as children -- sexually, physically, or emotionally -- and saw addictive behavior first-hand in their early lives. Most grapple with other addictions as well, but their fiercest battle is with the most astoundingly prevalent 'secret' disorder in America: sexual addiction."
---Patrick Carnes, author of Don't Call It Love

Simple translations of this page by AltaVista:


To Helpful Organizations and Websites

Helpful Publications

(Note: Those resources marked with LDS generally sustain principles of the restored Gospel as well as Church doctrine, but this designation does not mean they are officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.)

Allen, James. As a Man Thinketh (e-book, study program, meditations, etc.)

LDS Ballard, Elder M. Russell. Councils. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book?
Includes a good section about Church disciplinary councils.

LDS Beck, Martha Nibley & John C. Breaking the Cycle of Compulsive Behavior. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book. 1990. $15.
These LDS authors testify of the need to rely on the atonement of Christ as the only way the vicious cycle of compulsive benavior can be broken. It is written by two psychologists when they were active Latter-day Saints and uses an approach based on LDS doctrine for compulsive behavior. It is an excellent resource, since it deals with the root of compulsive/obsessive disorder rather than the "leaves" (e.g., the person's acting out behavior of choice -- overeating, kleptomania, sex, drugs, alcohol, anorexia, etc.)

LDS Bednar, David A. "In the Strength of the Lord." Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on October 23, 2001

Bennee, Archibald J., M.D. Regaining Self-Control. $10.
A practical explanation on conquering obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Bernhard, Colleen C. (See Harrison, Colleen C.)

Bradshaw, John. Healing the Shame that Binds You. $10.
The classic work on how toxic shame leads to compulsive behavior.

Bradshaw, John. The Homecoming: Championing Your Inner Child.

LDS Brown Jr., Victor L. Human Intimacy. $10 hard cover.
Dispels the myth of intimacy through sexual gratification and self-indulgence which prevails in today's society. Discusses what true intimacy is and the commitment to kindness, discipline, consideration, and love required to attain it.

LDS Byrd, A. Dean, and Mark Chamberlain.Willpower is Not Enough. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995. $12.00.
This book explains why we don't often succeed and change even though we tell ourselves "no!", and use all our willpower. It takes you through a step by step process of enlisting the powers of our hearts instead of just our heads in order to make a change. Excellent reading.

LDS BYU. "Cyber Secrets: The Problem of Pornography".
A series of presentations given at a special conference sponsored by Women's Services and Resources, a department of Student Life at Brigham Young University. This site offers the presentations in streaming audio or in print.

Carnes, Patrick J. Contrary to Love: Helping the Sexual Addict. 1989. Published by Hazelden Educational Materials, P.O. Box 176, Center City, MN 55012-0176.
In this sequel to Out of the Shadows, Dr. Carnes adds to his original discussion of sex addiction, describing the stages of the illnesses. He presents here his sexual addiction screening test, useful to therapists and addicts alike.

Carnes, Patrick J. Don't Call it Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction (formerly titled Sexual Addiction). New York: Bantam Books, 1991. ISBN 0-553-35138-9. $15.
Based on research involving over 1,000 recovering sex addicts and co-addicts, this comprehensive work outlines the stages of recovery and presents advice from the addicts and co-addicts themselves as they work to overcome their compulsive behavior. Recommended both for counselors and for recovering people.

Carnes, Patrick J. A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps. 1992. Published by Hazelden Educational Materials, P.O. Box 176, Center City, MN 55012-0176.
This is the first workbook on the Twelve Steps specifically designed with sex addicts and co-addicts in mind. It offers comprehensive and practical exercises for each of the Twelve Steps for anyone working a sexual recovery program.

Carnes, Patrick J., David L. Delmonico, and Elizabeth Griffin. In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior.
Revealing how desperate life can become for someone addicted to online sex, this book brings hope and healing to men and women struggling to understand and overcome this compulsive behavior. Drawing on their collective clinical expertise as well as current research, the authors equip readers with specific strategies for recognizing and recovering from compulsive online sexual behavior.

Carnes, Patrick J. Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction. Minneapolis: CompCare Publications, 1985. Also published by Hazelden Educational Materials, P.O. Box 176, Center City, MN 55012-0176. ISBN 0896380866.
This is the landmark book introducing and legitimizing the concept of sexual behaviors and sexual fantasies as an addictive disease. Dr. Carnes proposes three levels of sexual addiction, describes the addiction cycle and its progression, and presents the faulty core beliefs of the addict and the co-addict and their healthy counterparts.

LDS Chamberlain, Mark D., Daniel D. Gray, and Rory C. Reid (eds.) Confronting Pornography: A Guide to Prevention and Recovery for Individuals, Loved Ones, and Leaders.
The plague of pornography is real, and it is growing. For those who are trapped by its power, the way out may seem impossible. This is a collection of essays by professional counselors and Church leaders as well as from people who have overcome the addiction. This book is designed to offer help to those individuals caught in pornography's clutches and hope to all those who love them.

LDS Chamberlain, Mark. Wanting More: The Challenge of Enjoyment in the Age of Addiction. Shadow Mountain, 2000. ISBN 1573458171.
Help in dealing with addictive substances and behaviors, through understanding what brings true enjoyment and fulfillment. This book tells how to reverse the trend in society today of getting caught in a downward spiral of aquiring more and more and enjoying it less and less. It's a compelling look at time honored principles of self-control, patience, and increased awareness which can work for anyone.  

Cline, Victor B. "Treatment and Healing of Pornographic and Sexual Addictions."

LDS Condie, Spencer J. "A Mighty Change of Heart."

"Coping with Urges"

LDS Covey, Stephen R. Spiritual Roots of Human Relations.
Bro. Covey really understands the spiritual side of our relationships to each other and Gospel principles that can guide us in our lives.

LDS Steven Cramer's website
Excellent thoughts from someone who has succeeded in his own spiritual recovery from addiction through the Atonement. Also includes a complete list of his publications and some unpublished but very helpful talks.

LDS Cramer, Steven A. "The Atonement and You" (cassette tape).

LDS Cramer, Steven A. Conquering Your Own Goliaths. Available from Cedar Fort Publications at 925 No. Main, Springville, Utah 84663 or (800)759-2665. Fireside cassette also available.
This book discusses how to take advantage of the Lord's atonement, how to overcome the spiritual barriers that keep us apart from God, and and how to conquer the Goliath-sized weaknesses and habits that prevent us from enjoying the fullness of His love.

LDS Cramer, Steven A. Draw Near Unto Me. Available from Cedar Fort Publications at 925 No. Main, Springville, Utah 84663 or (800)759-2665. Cassette tape also available.
25 short essays that represent, summarize, restate, and culminate most of what Steven Cramer has tried to share and teach throughout his twenty years of authorship. The author believes this book may make the principles more practical to grasp and apply than any of his previous books.

LDS Cramer, Steven A. Great Shall Be Your Joy. Available from Cedar Fort Publications at 925 No. Main, Springville, Utah 84663 or (800)759-2665.
How to draw upon Christ's power and grace to compensate for our weaknesses, how to partner with Him in the struggle to overcome our humanness instead of trying to be our own savior. Our Savior Jesus Christ has repeatedly given the assurance, "My grace is suficient for all men."

LDS Cramer, Steven A. "If Thine Eye Offend Thee." (Cassette tape.) Available from Covenant Communications at P.O. Box 416, American Fork, UT 84003 or (800)662-9545.
This tape describes why pornography is so harmful, why Satan promotes it so vigorously, why it is so addictive and difficult to overcome, how and why it destroys relationships with loved ones and the Lord, and how it can only be overcome and healed through Christ.

LDS Cramer, Steven A. In His Image. (Book and double fireside cassettes.) Available from Covenant Communications at P.O. Box 416, American Fork, UT 84003 or (800)662-9545.
This book teaches how to grow closer to the Savior through mastery of the natural-man weaknesses we all face through the improper desires of our fallen flesh. It teaches how to rise above the carnal and reach for the spiritual as we make temples of our bodies instead of allowing them to become prisons that control us.

LDS Cramer, Steven A. In the Arms of His Love. (Both book and cassette.) Available from Covenant Communications at P.O. Box 416, American Fork, UT 84003 or (800)662-9545. Book on cassette also available.
An assurance of the Savior's infinite and unconditional love and concern for every person, regardless of present life-style, plus how we can better prepare ourselves to meet the Savior, plus how to draw closer to God and share His love with others.

LDS Cramer, Steven A. Putting on the Armor of God: Winning Your Battles with Satan. Available from Cedar Fort Publications at 925 No. Main, Springville, Utah 84663 or (800)759-2665.
Presents a detailed analysis of Satan's cunning devices, manipulations, strategies of defeat and temptation, as well as step-by-step instructions for drawing upon the armor of God and his grace and power to defend ourselves and win our battles with Satan

LDS Cramer, Steven A. "Winning the Battles with Satan" (cassette tape).

LDS Curtis, Gerald (aka Steven A. Cramer) and LoAnne Curtis. The Worth of Every Soul. Available from Cedar Fort Publications at 925 No. Main, Springville, Utah 84663 or (800)759-2665.
The revised and expanded version of Bro. Curtis' original book about his success in overcoming his sexual addictions through the power of Christ. An excellent book for those who need to repair and restore a healthy self-image based on principles of the Gospel. It is a personal account of 32 years of addiction to pornography and sexual compulsions which finally resulted in excommunication but was eventually healed by a conversion to the power of the Savior's love and atonement.

Davies, Bob, and Lori Rentzel. Forming Healthy Friendships.
This Exodus booklet is about finding new freedom in our closest peer relationships. It discusses some of the problems encountered in learning how to develop healthy relationships.

Davies, Bob. Overcoming Pornography.
Finding freedom from a common form of sexual addiction. Learn about the successful strategies others have used to find freedom from pornography. This Exodus booklet covers the topics of: the appeal of porn, the addictive cycle, toots of addiction, behavior patterns, triggers, fake vs. real relationships, and finding freedom.

Delmonico, David L., Elizabeth Griffin, and Joseph Moriarity. Cybersex Unhooked: A Workbook for Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior.
This a workbook that helps individuals identify if they have a problem with compulsive online sex and, if so, what they can do to begin to break free from these problems in their life.

LDS Dew, Sheri. "Living On the Lord's Side of the Line." Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on March 21, 2000.

Earle, Ralph, and Gregory Crow. Lonely All the Time: Recognizing, Understanding and Overcoming Sex Addiction. 1989. Published by Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
This book addresses the needs and concerns of all sexual addicts, regardless of their sexual orientation, and also of the addict's codependent partner. They authors explore the causes and symptoms of sex addiction, .They also include a comprehensive and practical approach to recovery for the addict and family.

Earle, Ralph H., and Marcus R. Earle. Sex Addiction: Case Studies and Management. 1995. Published by Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003.
Written for the professional who treats sex addiction, this book describes a comprehensive treatment program for the addict and family. It is highly recommended for professionals.

Evans, Katie, and J. Michael Sullivan. Treating Addicted Survivors of Trauma.
This book provides the tools professionals need to help adult and adolescent survivors of childhood abuse and other traumas who struggle with addictive disorders.

LDS Evergreen's article on sexual behavior

Exodus International. "Compulsive Masturbation and Sexual Addictiveness." Video.

The 14 Steps of Homosexuals Anonymous

LDS Goode, Rex Rex's Essays on Springs of Water

LDS Goode, Rex. "An Uncertain Sound."

LDS Goode, Rex. "The People Who Walked in Darkness".

LDS Gray, Dan, and Todd Olson. The Tool Box.
A valuable source of quick help in the recovery from sexual addictions. Indexed with valuable helps and short suggestions for keeping on track with the steps of the recovery process. It offers suggestions for helpful tools, such as a first aid kit for preventing problems. This booklet is a result of the combined experience of these therapists in working with and developing programs to help with the recovery from sexual addictions.

LDS Hafen, Bruce C. The Broken Heart.

LDS Harrison, Colleen C. He Did Deliver Me From Bondage. Revised edition 2002. Wyndhaven Publishing, P.O. Box 282, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. ISBN 1-930738-14-5. Available from Rosehaven Publishing and Deseret Book.
A fantastic workbook especially for Latter-day Saints who desire to use 12-Step principles as taught in the Scriptures to overcome addictions. Recommended by Steven Cramer and used in many self-help groups, including some sponsored by
LDS Family Services.

LDS Harrison, Philip A. Clean Hands, Pure Heart. 2004. Wyndhaven Publishing, P.O. Box 282, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. Available from Rosehaven Publishing.
An excellent book for Latter-day Saints about overcoming sexual addictions written by someone who has successfully applied Gospel principles to this challenge.

Hart, Archibald D., and Timothy F. Hogan. How to Find a Therapist.
Seeking help in a time of crisis often does not bring the help we really need. This booklet goes through most of the practical considerations that should be a part of choosing a counselor who is right for you and who will help guide you in achieving your personal goals.

LDS Hinckley, Gordon B. "Reverence and Morality." Ensign, May 1987

LDS Holland, Jeffrey R. "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence." Ensign, March 2000. Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on March 2, 1999

LDS Holland, Jeffrey R. "I Stand All Amazed."

LDS Holland, Jeffrey R. "Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments." Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on January 12, 1988.

LDS Holland, Jeffrey R. "Personal Purity."

Hope and Recovery: A Twelve-Step Guide for Healing From Compulsive Sexual Behavior. 1987. Published by Hazelden Educational Materials, P.O. Box 176, Center City, MN 55012-0176.
This was one of the first books to comprehensively describe the application of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to sexual addiction and compulsivity. It also includes a wide range of personal stories in which recovering sexual addicts share their experience, strength, and hope.

"How to Start an SCA Meeting" (useful ideas for any support group)

LDS Hulbert, Ryan J. The Sun Is Always Shining: Finding Joy through the Light of Christ.
Simple, powerful techniques to find joy through focusing on the Light of Christ. It's easy to let life's problems and frustrations get us down, and to allow worry, stress, and depression to prevent us from experiencing true joy. This book can help people to have a more joyful perspective on life by learning to recognize and follow the Light of Christ. These unique concepts and techniques are easy to use.

LDS Jeppsen, Rod. Lord, I Believe: Help Thou Mine Unbelief.
This book is for a family member who is trying to deal with the discovery that their loved one is viewing pornography or engaged in other compulsive behaviors. Even though one may believe in Christ and His Atonement, the hurt and pain caused from this shock is overwhelming. This book takes you on a healing journey as you walk through the hurt, resentment and anger created by your loved one’s choices. You will find encouragement from others who have traveled down this lonely road and discover what they have done to make healthily choices and begin the healing process. The book contains numerous quotes from the Apostles and Prophets that can guide and direct you. The workbook format will help you to record your thoughts, take responsibility for your emotions and learn productive ways to turn your trial over to the Lord. He has the power to heal. This book addresses the typical questions and points out the only sure resolution - a Christ-centered pathway for healing. Each chapter discusses one of the twelve Principles for spiritual and emotional healing, based on the Articles of Faith. Application of these principles will enable one to avoid inappropriate quilt, endless self-blaming, and harmful attempts to control a loved one.

LDS Jeppsen, Rod. Turn Yourselves and Live: Is Any Thing Too Hard for the Lord? ISBN 0-9661898-0-9. $18. Available from Evergreen, Deseret Book, and BYU Bookstores.
This is a workbook with ten steps outlined for overcoming compulsive sexual behaviors. It is not a book by a psychobabbling professional. It's by a fellow struggler and former bishop who has used Gospel truths to affect his own recovery.

Kasl, Charlotte Davis. Women, Sex, and Addiction: A Search for Love and Power. 1989. Published by Ticknor & Fields, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017.
This book is a major contribution to the understanding and healing of sex addiction, romance addiction, and sexual codependency in women. It is full of wisdom and insight, shedding light on what happens to women in our society, how they survive it, and some roads to self-respect.

LDS Kastleman, Mark. Healing Hearts Mending: Understanding and Overcoming an Addiction to the Drug of the New Millennium, Pornography.

LDS Kimball, Spencer W. The Miracle of Forgiveness. Published by Bookcraft Publishers, Salt Lake City, UT, 1969.
This book walks one through the repentance process, showing love and compassion toward the sinner. President Kimball offers us hope as he shows how the Lord can and will forgive sin.

Lamb & Brinley. Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy.

Lauser, Mark. Faithful & True: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction. 1992. Published by Zondervan Publishers, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI 49530.
This book approaches sex addiction and recovery from a Biblical perspective. Dr. Laaser traces its roots in families and in culture, shows how sex addiction can poison the lives of pastors and lay people alike, and describes a Twelve-Step program for treatment and recovery.

LDS LDS Church - Gospel Topics. Pornography Addiction Recovery Resources.

LDS LDS Family Services. A Guide to Addiction Recovery and Healing.
The 12-Step guide specifically prepared for the LDS Addiction Recovery Program.
Also available in booklet form through LDS distribution centers and in bookstores for $5.

LDS Mental Health Resource Foundation Library
Includes resources on addiction, depression, codependence, marriage & divorce, pornography, suicide, etc.
Same-Gender Attraction Guidebook
Articles on same-gender attraction
Other LDS resources on same-gender attraction
Pornography addiction recovery resources
Suicide prevention resources

Lighted Candle Society
Researches and distributes info regarding the preservation and enhancement of moral values.

Lundberg, Gary & Joy. I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better.

Lutzer, Erwin. How to Say NO to a Stubborn Habit. $10.
Gives Biblical strategies for resisting evil and overcoming sin.

LDS Maxwell, Neal A. "A More Determined Discipleship." Ensign, Feb. 1979. Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on October 10, 1978.

LDS Maxwell, Neal A. "Swallowed Up in the Will of the Father." Ensign, November 1995.

zMedinger, Alan P. "Lust: The Great Escape."

LDS McGrew, J. Michael, ed. "What Every Bishop Should Know about Men with Pornography Addictions."
An excellent article that can help addicts and family members, too.

LDS Millet, Robert. Alive in Christ.

LDS Millet, Robert L. "Healing Our Wounded Souls." Taken from an address delivered at the 2000 Evergreen International Conference Fireside.

Mower, Richard King, Ph.D. Overcoming Depression.
Dr. Mower describes what depression is and gives some helpful techniques for alleviating it and increasing joy. He identifies four key areas that affect depression: 1.) thoughts & ways of thinking, 2.) daily enjoyment of the world around us, 3.) relationships with other people, and 4.) physical health.

NCSAC Position Paper. "Women Sex Addicts."

LDS Nelson, Russell M. "Self-Mastery."

Newell, Lloyd D. The Divine Connection. $14.
Understanding your inherent worth. Building healthy self-esteem.

LDS Nibley and Beck. Breaking the Cycle of Compulsive Behavior. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990 (still in print)
This book is written by two LDS psychologists and uses an approach to compulsive behavior based on LDS doctrine. It is an excellent resource since it deals with the root of compulsive/obsessive disorder rather than the "leaves" (e.g., the person's acting out behavior of choice -- overeating, kleptomania, sex, drugs, alcohol, anorexia, etc.)

LDS Oaks, Dallin H. "Free Agency and Freedom." Papers from the 3rd Annual Book of Mormon Symposium, BYU, pp. 1-17.
This 10/11/87 fireside address discusses how wrong choices limit our freedom. People susceptible to certain addictive behaviors have impaired freedom, but still have agency and are responsible for their acts.

LDS Oaks, Dallin H. "The Challenge to Become." Ensign, November 2000.

LDS Oaks, Dallin H. "Pornography." Ensign, May 2005, p. 87.

LDS Oaks, Dallin H. "Timing." Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on January 29, 2002.

LDS Packer, Boyd K. "Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness".

LDS Packer, Boyd K. "Covenants." Ensign, November 1990.

LDS Packer, Boyd K. "The Light of Christ." Ensign, April 2005.

LDS Packer, Boyd K. "The Standard of Truth Has Been Erected." Ensign, November 2003.

LDS Packer, Boyd K. "Ye Are the Temple of God".

Peele, Stanton. Seven Tools to Beat Addiction. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2004.
A hands-on, practical guide to overcoming addiction of any kind. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction but do not find that 12-Step or other treatment programs work for you, this book can help. A program for addiction recovery based on research and clinical study and grounded in science is presented. This program utilizes proven methods that people actually use to overcome addiction, with or without treatment. It includes in-depth, interactive exercises that show you how to outgrow destructive habits by putting together the building blocks for a balanced, fulfilling, responsible life. This approach is founded on values, motivation, rewards, resources, support, maturity, and higher goals. This no-nonsense guide will put you in charge of your own recovery.

LDS Pontius. Following the Light of Christ into His Presence.
A truly life-altering book that comes highly recommended. Deals very well with the topic of having one's calling and election made sure.

LDS Rasband, Ester. Confronting the Myth of Self-Esteem: Twelve Keys to Finding Peace. $10.
An LDS approach to gaining confidence instead of the worldly goal of self-esteem. Teaches how to overcome self-consciousness, stop blaming others, and give with our hearts.

Regeneration News articles

Rekers, George, ed. The Journal of Human Sexuality.

Roberts, Ted (with foreword by Jack W. Hayford). Pure Desire: Helping People Break Free from Sexual Addictions. Paperback, 300 pp. ISBN: 0830723358. Gospel Light Publications, 1999. $12.

LDS Robinson, Jeffery W. "Overcoming Masturbation" (DVD).
This 60-minute workshop at the 2000 Evergreen Conference explores ways of overcoming masturbation. The author lists 10 top lies Satan tells to keep someone masturbating and gives 11 suggestions on how to overcome this problem.

LDS Robinson, Stephen. Believing Christ and Following Christ. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company.
Bro. Robinson illustrates the power of the Savior as he uses analogies and parables, as well as scriptures and personal experiences in these moving books. As long as we progress in some degree, the Lord will be pleased and will bless us. We must not only believe in Christ but also believe Him - believe that He has the power to exalt us, that He can do what He claims. People will better understand the doctrines of mercy, justification, and salvation by grace after reading these books.

LDS Ropelato, Jerry. "Cyberporn and Internet Safety."

Satinover, Jeffery, M.D. Feathers of the Skylark: Compulsion, Sin, and Our Need for a Messiah.

Schaeffer, Brenda. Is It Love or is it Addiction? 1987. Published by Hazelden Educational Materials, P.O. Box 176, Center City, MN 55012-0176.
This book helps readers understand love addiction and to sort out the unhealthy, addictive elements in their romantic relationship. Brenda presents a solid theory of love addiction and healthy love, with practical examples to illustrate her concepts.

Schneider, Jennifer P. "How to Recognize the Signs of Sexual Addiction."

Schneider, Jennifer P & Burt. Sex, Lies, and Forgiveness: Couples Speak on Healing from Sex Addiction.
First-hand information and healing words from couples dealing with the challenges of sex addiction recovery.

LDS Scott, Richard G. "Finding the Way Back".

LDS Scott, Richard G. "Finding Forgiveness".

LDS Scott, Richard G. "Healing Your Damaged Life".

LDS Scott, Richard G. "Obtaining Help from the Lord".

LDS Scott, Richard G. "To Acquire Knowledge and the Strength to Use It Wisely." Ensign, June 2002. Taken from a BYU Devotional Address delivered on January 23, 2001.

LDS Scott, Richard G. "To Be Healed".

"Sexual Disorders" (from Psychiatry On-Line Vol.1, Issue 1, Paper 2)

LDS Signs of Sexual Addiction/Compulsion

Skoglund, Elizabeth. Loneliness.
Helps in understanding both the psychological and spiritual aspects of loneliness. It speaks of how the problem of loneliness is presented in the New Testament with both psychological and spiritual aspects. Christ Himself had need of relationships with His friends as well as with His Father. Developing a healthy understanding of our own value is necessary to finding others who will value our friendship and association. The second half of the booklet centers on developing our relationship with God and with others who share our values and beliefs.

Stanford, Linda T. Strong at the Broken Places. $5.
Refutes the idea that victims of abuse are inevitably trapped in the cycle of abuse. Survivors can break free from the patterns of victimization and abuse and go on to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Discusses key issues such as self-image, intimacy, work, and spirituality. Often, successful people can become strongest at their most injured places.

Truman, Karol K. Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.
This book is very helpful in the process of inner emotional healing and unique in its approach to getting to the bottom of emotional hangups and really letting them go.

Watters, Steve. In Your Face, In Your Mind: Resisting the Power of Pornography.
From the 2000 Focus on the Family series "Dare to Dig Deeper," this booklet contains personal stories of individuals who were addicted to pornography and their eventual triumph over it. It explains the dangers and misconceptions it creates in the minds and lives of those who indulge in it. It also explains how it destroys, rather than creates, real intimacy.

The Web of Addictions

Weiss, Douglas. The Final Freedom: Pioneering Sexual Addiction Recovery. January 1998. $23.
This claims to be the best information on sex addiction to date. This book explains the biological and psychological reasons someone becomes a sex addict. The new cycle of sex addiction as well as a practical outline for early recovery is also found in The Final Freedom.

Weiss, Douglas, and Diane DeBuske.Women Who Love Sex Addicts: Help for Healing from the Effects of a Relationship with a Sex Addict. 1993. Published by Discovery Press, 6500 West Freeway, Suite 202, Fort Worth, TX 76116. Revised 10/96.
A practical guide for sexual coaddicts.

Many of these items can be obtained from
LDS Evergreen Bookstore at (800)391-1000 or [email protected]
Exodus Books at (407)599-6872 or via this online form
Regeneration Books (410)661-0284 or (703)591-4673 or via e-mail
LDS Cedar Fort Publications (800)759-2665 or [email protected]
LDS Covenant Books (800)662-9545 or [email protected]
LDS Deseret Book (800) 453-4532 or via this online form
LDS Seagull Books (800)999-6257 or [email protected]
and other LDS bookstores near you.

Helpful Organizations and Websites

LDS Addiction Recovery Program
To locate the nearest ARP support group (which can help with sexual and other addictions), visit their website or call LDS Family Services at (801)240-6500. If there is no support group operating within a reasonable distance, you can get a group started by having your stake president call LDS Family Services and request an information and instruction packet.

AIDS & STD Information (Centers for Disease Control)

AIDS & HIV Information


AIDS Research Alliance of America

AIDS Resource Center of the Journal of the American Medical Association

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

LDS ARCH - Addiction Resource Center for Healing
Specializing in same-gender attraction, addictions, and obsessive disorders. Group therapy offered.
Jim Lewis and Rod Jeppson
9500 So. 500 West, Suite 107
Sandy, UT  84070
or (801)598-3332

Befrienders - Need to talk to someone?
They work worldwide to provide emotional support and reduce suicide. They listen to people who are in distress. They don't judge them or tell them what to do - they listen.

An e-mail support group for people with pornography problems.
Founded and moderated by
Rex Goode.

LDS Clean Male WWW Forum
A members-online online discussion forum for men who struggle with issues of moral cleanliness.

LDS Clean Teen WWW Forum
A members-only online discussion forum for teenagers who struggle with issues of moral cleanliness.

Codependents of Sexual Addiction (COSA)

Articles, books, self-test, and links to other resources.

LDS Different Needs -- LDS Self-Help Resources
Rebecca Box

LDS Heart t' Heart
12-step organization founded by Colleen Bernhard of Utah State University for addictions with an emphasis on the Book of Mormon
[email protected]

Internet Filter Reviews:

LDS Latter-day Sexual Recovery Website

LDS LDS Therapists listed at LDSR

LDS LDS Family Services
James B. Lewis
10 E. South Temple #1250
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(800)453-3860 (LDS Church switchboard)

LDS LDS Depression Support e-mail discussion group

LDS LDS-Divorce e-mail discussion group

LDS LDS-Divorce-Support e-mail discussion group

LDS LDS-Divorced-Dads e-mail discussion group

LDS LDS-Hope e-mail discussion group (for people who are HIV+)

National Council on Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity (NCSAC)
[email protected]


LDS Thomas E. Pritt, Ph.D. and Ann F. Pritt, MS
690 E. Center Street
Kaysville, UT 84037

Program for Sexual Dependency and Sexual Trauma
(in particular, Dr. Patrick J. Carnes)
Del Amo Hospital
23700 Camino del Sol
Torrance, CA 90505

LDS Provident Living -- Social & Emotional Strength
Library of Helpful Information (incl. discussions of things like abuse, anxiety, conflict resolution, depression, divorce, homosexuality, marriage, mental health, parenting, pornography, self-esteem, single adulthood, suicidal ideation, and more. A service of LDS Family Services.

PureNet Communications
Fighting against pornography

Repentant Saints
Repentant Saints is an online support group for Latter-day Saints and others who wish to overcome inappropriate attractions toward minors or other particularly destructive moral weaknesses.

Renewal from Sexual Addiction

LDS Ruth and Esther
An electronic mailing list for LDS women who have been affected by sexual abuse

LDS Salt Lake Counseling Center
Sexual Trauma & Recovery (STAR)
Mark Chamberlain, Dan Gray, Todd Olson
151 E. 5600 South #204
Murray, UT  84107

Setting Captives Free
A free 60-day Christian sexual addiction recovery program that emphasizes the teachings of the Scriptures and offers daily help from mentors who have successfully overcome their own addictive problems

Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)
National Service Organization
P.O.Box 70949
Houston, TX 77270
(713) 869-4902
[email protected]
Listing of SAA meetings

Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)
P.O. Box 650010
West Newton, MA 02165-0010

#SLAA support meetings on IRC
Fridays at 6:00 a.m. MDT (Noon GMT)
Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:00 p.m. MDT (2:00 a.m. next day GMT)
Starlink servers:
More information about the #SLAA meetings from
[email protected].

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
P.O. Box 111910
Nashville, TN 37222


Sexual Addiction Recovery Resources

Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA)
P.O. Box 1585
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10011
[email protected]
Other SCA contact data
SCA Online Support Meetings
(Get password for entry from
[email protected] or [email protected].)


Sexual Recovery Anonymous
P.O. Box 80704
South Burnaby, B.C. V5H 3Y1
P.O. Box 73
New York, NY 10024
212-340-4650 (24-hour recorded information)
[email protected]

Sexual Addiction Online Resources (including online support meetings)

How to find SCA, SAA, and SLAA meetings

It is my belief that the resources listed above can be helpful, but no endorsement or recommendation is implied. I encourage each of us to always pray for guidance.

If you know of any corrections to the above details or can offer information about any more useful resources, please e-mail me such information.

*Sexual addictions are often, though not always, connected with homosexuality. There is also a list of Resources for Same-Sex Attraction available on this site.

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