The Potential of Nerves

Basic Electrical Concepts
potential (or potential difference) is the difference in charge between two points
the movement of charged particles results in energy -- electrical energy

Resting Potential : The Polarized State
voltage across a resting neuron membrane averages -70mV, which means the inside of the cell is negatively charged with respect to the outside (it can vary from -40mV to -90mV)
Cytoplasmic makeup : less sodium ion and more potassium ion than the extracellular fluid
ionic differences are the result of
differential permeability of the cell membrane to Na and K ions (it is ~75 times more permeable to K than Na)
the ATP-driven Na+/K+ pump

Graded Potentials
a graded potential is a short-lived, local change in membrane potential
"graded" because their magnitude varies with the intensity of the stimulus
caused by a stimulus that causes gated ion channels to open
graded potentials are named based on where they occur and the function they perform
receptor potentials occur when a receptor of a sensory neuron is excited by some form of energy
postsynaptic potentials occur when the stimulus is a neurotransmitter sent by another neuron

Action Potentials
only cells with excitable membranes (neurons and muscle cells) can generate action potentials (APs)
simply put, an AP is a brief reversal of membrane potential -- from -70mV to +30mV -- over a few milliseconds
unlike graded potentials, APs, do not decrease in strength over distance
threshold stimulus is needed to generate the AP (also called the nerve impulse)
only an axon is capable of generating an AP
a local graded potential that occurs in a dendrite and spreads to the axon may result in an AP
the transition from graded potential to AP takes place typically at the axon hillock
the special voltage-regulated gated channels that allow an AP to be generated are found only on the axon
the process of AP generation involves three consecutive, overlapping changes in membrane permeability, which are all due to opening and closing of active ion gates :
resting state : active channels closed -- all voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed. Some K+ is leaking out; even less Na+ is leaking in.
depolarizing phase : increase in Na+ permeability and reversal of the membrane potential -- when the axonal membrane is depolarized by the graded potentials spreading from the soma and/or dendrites, voltage-dependent Na+ channels open, and Na+ rushes into the cell. This causes even further depolarization of the area, and the intracellular area becomes even less negative.
threshold is between -50mV and -55mV, at which point the depolarization becomes self-perpetuating (a depolarization of 15-20mV)
Na+ influx is due to positive feedback
once all Na+ channels are open, Na+ permeability is ~1000 times greater than at resting stage
depolarizing phase : decrease in sodium permeability -- as the membrane potential becomes positive, the ionic gradient begins to resist further influx of positive charges, and the Na+ channels begin to close after a few milliseconds of depolarization
repolarizing phase : increase in potassium permeability -- once Na+ entry declines, the voltage-regulated K+ channels open, allowing K+ to rush out of the cell, following the electrochemical gradient (more negative and less K+ outside the cell). As a result, the cell's interior becomes more and more negative, with respect to the extracellular fluid.
undershoot : potassium permeability continues -- the K+ channels are slow to respond to the depolarization signal, so more K+ leaks out than is necessary to restore resting potential, allowing for a brief period of hyperpolarization.
Propagation of the AP
the impulse will move away from the point of origin due to the closed sodium gates of the area where an AP was just generated.
All-or-none principle
there is a point (threshold) where the AP will be propagated.
below that point, nothing happens at all.
above that point, an impulse occurs.
an impulse, not a "strong" impulse or a "weak" impulse, but an impulse.
either the impulse happens or it doesn't. That is the "all-or-none" principle.
given that, the CNS determines a "strong" or "weak" stimulus by the frequency of impulses, not the strength
a strong stimulus will result in a greater frequency of impulses
Absolute and relative refractory periods
the absolute refractory period occurs when an area is currently generating an AP and the sodium gates are open. At this point, no matter how strong the stimulus is, the neuron is absolutely incapable of responding to it.
directly after the absolute refractory period is the relative refractory period, when the sodium gates are closed, the potassium gates are open and repolarization is occuring. During the relative refractory period, there is a possibility for another impulse, but the stimulus must be extremely stronger; the threshold has been elevated.
a nerve fiber may conduct an impulse up to 100m/s
rate of conduction depends on axonal diameter -- wider axons conduct more quickly (they have less resistance)
rate of conduction also depends on the presence of a myelin sheath -- myelinated fibers (white fibers) conduct impulses more quickly than unmyelinated (gray) fibers.
myelin acts as an insulator to prevent charge leakage from the axon
the nodes of Ranvier are the only places where current can pass through a myelinated axonal membrane
all voltage-regulated Na+ channels are located at the nodes, so the local depolarizing current does not dissipate through the membrane, but is maintained and moves to the next node
this is called saltatory conduction
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disorder of an autoimmune nature.
symptoms : visual disturbances (blindness), muscle weakness and clumsiness, incontinence
myelin sheaths in the CNS are gradually destroyed and replaced with hardened sheaths called scleroses
loss of myelin slows and eventually stops nerve conduction in the affected fibers
axons are not damaged, and generate more and more Na+ channels to try to compensate, which may account for periods of "remission"
Other things that affect nerve impulses :
alcohol, sedatives, anesthetics : block nerve impulses by reducing membrane permeability to Na+.
cold and continuous pressure interrupt blood circulation to the neuronal processes, which will also impair nerve conduction

Nerve Impulse Synaptic Transmission CNS Notes 1 CNS II The Cerebellum Functional Brain Systems Blood Brain Barrier The Spinal Cord Reflexes Peripheral Nervous System The Eye The Ear Into the Labyrinth Autonomic Nervous System

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