Muscle-Bound Notes

General Notes :
Anything that says myo, mys or sarco is referring to muscles
muscle cells are elongated, hence the name muscle fibers

muscle contraction depends on myofilaments

of the three muscle types, we will be concentrating on skeletal muscles

Functions of the Muscle System
maintains posture
joint stabilization
heat generation

Functional Characteristics of Muscles : distinctive characteristics of muscle tissue that allow it to perform its duties
excitability (irritability)

Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
each muscle fiber is surrounded by a fine layer of areolar (loose) tissue called the endomysium
several endomysium-wrapped muscle fibers are joined together in a bundle called a fascicle which is bound together by a dense fibrous tissue sheath called the perimysium
fascicles are bundled together into the muscle itself, held together by the dense fibrous epimysium.
superficial to the epimysium is another sheath of connective tissue called the fascia or muscle belly.
all of these sheaths are continuous with one another, so that when muscle fibers contract, the forces are transmitted throughout the muscle.
each muscle fiber is supplied with a nerve ending to control its activity
each muscle is served by an artery and one or more veins
most muscles span joints and are attached to bones in at least two places
when a muscle contracts, the muscle's insertion moves toward the muscle's origin
muscle attachments are either direct or indirect
direct attachments (fleshy) : the epimysium is fused to the periosteum or perichondrium
indirect attachments : the connective tissue wrappings extend beyond the muscle as a tendon or aponeurosis
tendon : connects the muscle to a skeletal element
aponeurosis : connects the muscle to the fascia of other muscles

Microscopic Anatomy of a Muscle Fiber
each skeletal muscle cell is a long cylindrical, multinucleated cell, a syncytium of hundreds of embryonic cells
the sarcolemma is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
sarcoplasm is similar to cytoplasm, but it has higher amounts of stored glycogen and a protein called myoglobin which binds oxygen
sarcoplasmic reticulum is a specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum of a muscle cell; it regulates the intracellular Ca2+ in the cell
transverse (or "t") tubules are hollow, elongated tubes where the sarcolemma penetrates into the cell's interior; they help to evenly distribute the muscle impulse
myofibrils are rodlike structures that are organized into sarcomeres

Sarcomeres and Muscle Contraction
a sarcomere, or "unit of muscle," is a contractile unit and is defined as the region between two "z" lines
a z-line is a midline interruption of an i-band; it is a coin-shaped protein that anchors thin (actin) filaments and connects each myofibril to the next
the i-band is a light band in a striated muscle; it is light because only actin (thin) filaments are found in that area
an a-band is the dark band in striated muscle; it is dark because of the thick filaments there
the h-zone is a slightly lighter area in the middle of the a-band; it is lighter because it is the point where there is no overlap of thin and thick filaments; they are only visible in relaxed muscle for that reason
in the middle of the h-zone is the m-line, which is a dark band where the thick filaments are joined
the thin filament -- the actin filament -- is actually made up of three proteins: G-actin, tropomyosin and troponin
G-actin contains the active sites to which the myosin heads will bind
G-actin "beads" join together to form F-actin
two strands of F-actin coil around each other
two strands of tropomyosin coil around the two strands of F-actin; they block the active sites during relaxation
troponin, a three-polypeptide complex, binds to actin and to tropomyosin, and helps to control the positioning of tropomyosin
the thick filament -- the myosin filament -- has two distinctive features: the myosin tail and the myosin head or cross bridge
the cross bridge is named for the fact that it links actin and myosin during contraction
the myosin heads contain ATP binding sites and ATPase enzymes to generate the energy needed during contraction

Sliding Filament Mechanism
when a muscle contracts, the individual sarcomeres shorten, but the filaments do not
the sliding filament theory of contraction was first proposed in 1954 by Hugh Huxley
he said that thin filaments slide past the thick ones so that they overlap to a greater degree during contraction
during contraction the z-lines move closer together, the h-zone disappears, and the a-bands gets closer while unchanging in their length but the i-band gets smaller
the cause of sliding filaments
when intracellular levels of calcium are low, the muscle is relaxed and the active sites on the thin filaments are blocked
when calcium ions become available, they bind to troponin, moving the tropomyosin molecule and exposing the active sites and the following occurs in rapid succession:
cross bridges attach
power stroke
cross bridge detachment
"cocking" of the myosin head
sliding of the filaments occurs as long as there are calcium ions available
as the SR pumps the calcium back, and the active sites are blocked, relaxation occurs
the sliding filament mechanism is the best accepted model of muscle contraction, but there is still some controversy
actin has ATPase activity and undergoes conformation changes, so what is their true role?
how many ATP molecules are used? one per power stroke?
rigor mortis illustrates how cross bridge detachment is ATP driven
muscles stiffen 3-4 hours after death (due to release of calcium ions from the SR)
peak rigidity is about 12 hours after death
48-60 hours after death, muscles have relaxed again -- because the actin and myosin are being broken down
at death, ATP is no longer being made, and so when the actin and myosin bind, they can't be detached without ATP
regulation of muscle contraction
skeletal muscle cells are stimulated by motor neurons of the somatic nervous system which form a neuromuscular junction
the neuromusclar junction is not a direct connection, rather it is a very close association separated by a synaptic cleft
the motor end plate is a highly folded part of the sarcolemma that has a great number of ACh receptors in it.
when a nerve impulse reaches the junction, ACh (acetylcholine) is released into the synaptic cleft, fusing with the receptors in the motor end plate, causing a muscle impulse, similar to a nerve impulse
the muscle impulse is the result of depolarizing the sarcolemma
the ACh is rapidly destroyed after being taken up by the receptors in order to allow another muscle impulse; acetylcholinesterase is responsible for this
a shortage of acetylcholine receptors and blood containing antibodies to ACh receptors can result in myasthenia gravis
curare, an arrowhead poison used by natives in South America, binds to ACh receptors and blocks ACh attachment, resulting in paralysis
the muscle impulse moves along the sarcolemma, including down into the muscle itself through the t-tubules
the impulse triggers the release of calcium ions from the SR into the sarcoplasm
the released calcium ions bind to troponin, allowing the binding of cross bridges to the now-exposed actin active sites
calcium is shuttled back into the SR through a continuously active ATP-dependent calcium pump
when intracellular calcium levels drop too low to allow contraction, the tropomyosin blockage is reestablished and relaxation occurs

Skeletal Muscle Contraction
the motor unit is one motor nerve and the hundreds of muscle fibers that it services
when a motor neuron fires, all of the fibers it supplies are stimulated as above
a motor unit may have as many as several hundred fibers associated with it, or as few as 4
the more finely controlled muscles, such as those controlling the fingers or eyes, have fewer fibers in each motor unit
the fibers of a motor unit are not clustered together, but spread throughout the muscle, so stimulation of a single motor unit causes a weak contraction of the entire muscle
the response of a muscle to a single, brief, threshold stimulus is a muscle twitch
a muscle twitch produces a brief spike on a myogram
it may be strong or weak depending on the number of motor units involved
the muscle contracts quickly and then relaxes
this is not the way our muscles work, not normally
graded responses -- variation in the degree of muscle contraction -- are how our muscles work
two ways of grading muscle contraction in vivo : changing the speed of contraction and changing the number of motor units activated
if two identical stimuli are delivered to a muscle in rapid succession, the second twitch will be stronger than the first, and on a myogram, it will appear to "ride" on the shoulders of the first contraction -- this is wave summation, and occurs when the muscle is not completely relaxed before being stimulated again
if the stimulus is held constant and the relaxation time between twitches becomes shorter and shorter, resulting in a "disappearance" of relaxation on a myogram, the sustained contraction is called tetanus
tetanus is a reflection of how muscle contraction typically works in the body because motor neurons deliver a volley of impulses rather than just one impulse at a time
tetanus can not be sustained indefinitely -- eventually the muscle will become fatigued and unable to contract any longer
recruitment is how a muscle can call more than one motor unit into contraction, resulting in multiple motor unit summation
threshold stimulus is the stimulus that results in the first obserable muscle contraction; maximal stimulus is the strongest stimulus that results in increasing contractile force and represents the point where all of the motor units are engaged
muscle tone is the state of semi-contraction that all muscles are in; it keeps the muscles firm, healthy and ready to act, as well as stabilizing joints and maintain posture
isotonic and isometric contractions
sometimes a muscle contracts but does not shorten
isotonic contraction involves shortening the muscle fiber and doing work (concentric); or lengthening the muscle fiber (eccentric)
isometric contractions increase tension, but the muscle no longer changes length
posture maintaining muscles work isometrically
isometric contractions occur when a muscle attempts to move a load greater than the force it is able to develop
muscle fatigue : the muscle is physiologically unable to contract; this results from a relative deficit of ATP or an excessive accumulation of lactic acid or ionic imbalances
muscle fiber types
red slow -- thin cells that contain slow-acting myosin ATPases; have a lot of myoglobin (hence their red color), abundant mitochondria, rich capillary supply; oxygen dependent, very fatigue resistant and have high endurance, but don't generate much power
white fast -- large pale cells with little myoglobin, contain fast-acting myosin ATPases and contract rapidly; contain few mitochondria, large glycogenic reserves, tire quickly, but very powerful
red fast -- also called intermediate fibers or pink fibers, have fast-acting myosin ATPases, and contact quickly, but are more like red slow in that they are oxygen dependent, have a high myoglobin content and fatigue slower than the white but faster than the red slow

Muscular Homeostatic Imbalances

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