In the Beginning

Airdate: January 4, 1998 at 8:00 p.m. EST on TNT

Author's note: This is an extremely long document. The first 2 acts take up as much space as an entire normal episode review.


The movie takes place in 2278. Londo Mollari, the emperor of the Centauri Republic, tells two Centauri children the story of the Earth - Minbari War, which took place in 2245 - 2247, Earth Calendar.


The movie opens with a narrative by Delenn, aboard a White Star class ship. She introduces the movie:

"It is said that in every age, there is one singular event that forever changes the world around us, a nexus, if you will."

The scene changes to a view of Earthforce and Minbari ships fighting. Then, G'kar addresses us:

"It is said that the future is always born in pain. The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is born of that pain, matures into the promise of a better world, because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the past."

More footage of Earthforce and Minbari ships fighting. Several are destroyed. Delenn continues:

"But in the pain of that war, the future is born. A future that would one day have a name whispered on a hundred worlds. The final refuge for dreams, and our last best hope for peace: Babylon. . . . 5."


Centauri Prime: Homeworld of the Centauri Republic. The year is 2278.

The capital of the Centauri Republic is in ruins. Buildings are burning and falling. All of the windows in the royal palace, save one, are nailed shut. The only open window is in the royal throne room. Two small children run around in the throne room, unaware that Londo is present. They stumble to the window and glimpse out at the burning city. Their governess rushes after them, upset that they are in the emperor's personal chambers.

Governess: "Luc, Lyssa, where are you. No, no, no, you're not supposed to be here. You can't play here. Luc, Lyssa!

Luc: "What happened to the buildings?"

Governess: "They fell down. Some bad people made them fall down. That's why all the windows in the palace are covered, so you can't see. If they find out you've been looking. . . "

Luc: "Then why is this window open if you're not supposed to look?"

Governess: "This is the emperor's window. He's the only one who can look. We must go."

Before the governess can finish explaining to the children, Londo Mollari, the emperor, addresses them.

Londo: "No. It's alright. It's been a long time since there's been laughter in this room. Very long time. Let me see them. And what are your names?"

Luc: "Luc, and this is my sister, Lyssa."

Londo: "She doesn't talk much, does she."

Luc: "No, we think there's something wrong with her"

Londo: "Yes, or something very right. The quiet ones are the ones that change the universe. The loud ones, only take the credit. "

Luc doubts that Londo is really the emperor, but Londo shows him the seal of the Centauri Republic. Luc is satisfied that Londo is who he says he is. Londo gives the seal to Luc, and allows him to give one order. Luc wants Londo to tell him a story. Luc wants to hear a story about great battles, heros and villains. Lyssa wants it to be a true story.

Londo: "Very well. Then I will give you both what you want. A story about great deeds, about armies of light and soldiers of darkness. About the places where they lived and fought and loved and died. About great empires and terrible mistakes. A true story. You see, I was there at the dawn of the third age. It began with the humans, you know. They changed the universe. . . "

Londo explains the background of the humans. He tells them about the planet Earth. He tells them that the Centauri were first interested by the humans when they found out about the humans' artistic abilities.

Londo: "I know. I was there."

Earthdome. The year is 2245.

Londo Mollari, liason to the Centauri delegation, enters General Robert Lefcourt's office. Lefcourt, Mollari and another man exchange small talk. After, Londo asks them why the meeting was arranged.

Gen. Lefcourt: "Following our victory against the Dilgar, we've taken advantage of the goodwill of other worlds to increase our sphere of influence. We've made trade deals and mutual defense treaties with many in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Most of the races have been very receptive to our advances, a few downright hostile. And a few are still a mystery to us. What do you know about a race called Minbari?"

Londo: "We've had some dealings with them in the past, but nothing in recent years. Why?"

Lefcourt's Assistant: "We're going to send an expedition to their border to see if they pose a threat to our expansion. We understand fully a third of their population is dedicated to warfare."

Londo explains the Minbari caste system. He also advises them to send only one ship, lest the Minbari perceive them as a threat. He appears to be afraid of the Minbari. General Lefcourt, however, is confident.

Lefcourt: "We took care of the Dilgar, we can handle the Minbari."

Londo: "Ah. Arrogance and stupidity, all in the same package. How efficient of you."

The three get into an argument. Londo explains that the Centauri had never opposed the Minbari, even at the height of their expansion. The humans aren't afraid of the Minbari; Londo says they are extremely old and powerful. Lefcourt wants information regarding the location of the Minbari forces, so Earthforce can avoid contact. Londo agrees to provide them with the information, but that is all.

Londo: "I only hope that in your stumbling around, you do not wake the dragon. Good day, gentlement."

Minbar, homeworld of the Minbari Federation.

The head of the rangers [entil'zha], named Lenonn, approaches a leader of the Warrior Caste. They speak briefly of Valen, and then Lenonn asks Callia if his request for more support to the rangers was considered by the Caste elders. Callia tells him that the elders considered his proposal and rejected it. Lenonn is very disturbed.

Lenonn: "Then I demand to speak with the Grey Council. Ir is my right as leader of the Anla'shok to meet with them and make my case personally. "

Callia warns Lenonn that going over the heads of the caste elders will offend them. Lenonn, however, scoffs at his warning.

"You operate here at our sufference, Lenonn. If you force the issue, the rangers may pay the price."

Lenonn: "Ignore my request, and we shall all pay the price for their stupidity."

Later, as Lenonn sleeps, bells begin chiming faintly, and then stronger. Lenonn wakes up and suddenly sees several Minbari, dressed in robes, holding tirangular bell chimes.

Lenonn: "Have you come from the Grey Council?"

The Minbari walk off toward a bridge platform. They will not speak to him directly. Lenonn puts on his robe and follows them.

Lenonn: "Where are you going? Why won't you answer me.?"

He follows them to the end of the platform. They form a circle and he stands in the center. A Minbari transport ship manuevers above them, and the platform lifts up and carries them up to the ship. The transport leaves the planet and docks with a Minbari Cruiser. The robed Minbari lead him to a door, which opens. Lenonn steps inside.

Dukhat: "Well, Lenonn. You said you wished to speak with us. Step into the circle and speak. "Lenonn knows he has entered the presence of the Grey Council, the ruling body of the Minbari Federation.

Centauri Prime, 2278. The Emperor's throne room.

Luc: "You said there was going to be a battle."

Londo: "Excuse me?"

Luc: "You said there was going to be a battle."

Londo: "The young do not understand that in war, there is death. Would it help you to know that these two, isolated incidents would lead to the greatest war in human history? Yes, many Minbari would die in the war, but before its end, Earth itself would stand on the edge of complete destruction. And the terrible truth is, that the blood of many who died in that war, is on my hands. My fault, my fault. "

Governess: "Majesty, I know it is not my place to speak, but you have endured so much these last few years. You cannot blame yourself for the war between the Minbari and the humans. You cannot . . . "

Londo: "Thank you, dear woman. But I know my sins. And the price I will eventually pay for them. Now, young emperor, I was telling you about how Lenonn, head of the Anla'shok, which the humans would one day call the Rangers, was brought before the Grey Council. . . "

Minbari Cruiser. Grey Council chambers, 2245

Lenonn explains the history of Valen's creation of the Rangers. He explains that Valen had predicted the great darkness, the Shadows, would return in 1000 years. Now that that time is almost up, the Rangers are not ready, as Valen had prophecised. He says that the Rangers must be supported in order to win the upcoming Great War.

Dukhat: "This prophecy also said that the Anla'shok will arise. They will be ready and they will be prepared for the next Great War. So why not wait until there is proof. "

Dukhat points out that the Worker Caste must have proof, a reason to begin building weapons of war. He says that the Warrior Caste must know why they will be called to serve and to die for their people.

Lenonn: "All I can say is that I believe. What more is there to say? We need money, resources, people. And we must attempt to meet with the Vorlons"

At this point, one of the Warrior Caste members begins to laugh at Lenonn's suggestion. Dukhat demands to know what the Warrior Caste finds amusing in the situation.

Morann: "Over the last 100 years, we have sent a dozen ships into Vorlon space. None has returned. To send more would be a waste of time, effort and lives. The Vorlons know the prophecy as well as you. They have not come forward to contact us."Lenonn: "Because they know we have fallen from grace, and that we no longer believe."

Morann: "Then let them appear, and give us something to believe in. If the Vorlons do not see the danger, then perhaps the danger does not exist. "

Delenn: "Master? If I may? There may be another way to find the evidence the others require. "

Morann: "Delenn is not formally a member of this council. Though she stands in for Satai Codroni, she has not undergone the ritual. It is inappropriate for her to speak."

Dukhat orders Morann to silence, saying that Delenn's words, though few, are always appropriate and timely.

Delenn: "Valen said, the Shadows would return to their homeworld of Z'ha'dum before moving against us. So why not send an expedition to Z'ha'dum to determine if they have indeed returned?"

Morann balks at her suggestion; says it is a long, difficult journey. Z'ha'dum is mined and rigged. Dukhat accuses the Warrior Caste of cowardice. Morann says that he does not wish to make the people panic. Dukhat says that he won't send an expedition, but that he will take the Grey Council to Z'ha'dum. Dukhat is curious to see Z'ha'dum, having only heard about it in whispers and rumors. Dukhat says they will travel indirectly, taking only a few support vessels. He then dismisses the council.

Delenn and Dukhat leave together. Delenn is confused as to why the Vorlons haven't yet shown themselves, but she also knows that they must prepare for the coming war. Dukhat dismisses the question and asks her to be patient. He leaves for his sanctum.

As Dukhat enters his sanctum, Kosh and another Vorlon come out of the darkness.

Dukhat: "Now it starts."

Kosh: "Yes."


Commander John Sheridan enters General Lefcourt's office. They exchange greetings, and Lefcourt offers Sheridan an interesting assignment. Lefcourt tells him that Earthforce wants to send an expedition to Minbari space to determine whether or not the Minbari pose a threat to the Earth Alliance. Sheridan balks at the assignment, feels obligated to his own ship, the EAS Lexington. Lefcourt tells him that advancement depends on high visibility assignments, such as this one.

Sheridan: "Can I ask which ship is leading the expedition?"

Lefcourt tells him the EAS Prometheus will be the flagship. Sheridan doesn't want the assignment. He doesn't feel comfortable being assigned to the Prometheus because the officers and crew consider the C/O, Captain Jankowski, a loose cannon. Sheridan also points out that Jankowski's involvement with the Omega incident nearly cost him his career, although he was cleared of the charges. Lefcourt is annoyed that Sheridan won't take the assignment.

Gen. Lefcourt: "You are the most stubborn man I have ever seen, and mainly at your own expense. If you want to shoot your career in the foot, fine. Dismissed."

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn walks down a passageway, sees a lot of cargo being delivered. She presses the pilot of the cargo ship for information. He is reluctant to give her information. Delenn is only successful at extracting a small amount of information.

Pilot: "Something about alternate atmospheres"

Dukhat approaches and finds Delenn quizzing the pilot. He reminds her that her ceremony is soon, and she is not prepared. Dukhat asks if she has reconsidered her invitation to join the Grey Council.

Delenn: "Of course not. How could you even. . ."

Dukhat: "Because a member of the Grey Council would not concern herself with things as trivial as cargo shipments, would she?"

Delenn: "No, Master. Except when it may involve larger issues. You see, only an alien lifeform would require an alternate atmosphere."

Dukhat: "What of it?"

Delenn: "I was only thinking of what you said earlier, that aliens have sometimes come to us, pretending to be Vorlons. And remembering, no one alive has ever seen a Vorlon, it's easy to be deceived."

Dukhat: "Are you saying I'm being deceived?"

Delenn: "I didn't say that. I didn't say anything then, and I'm not saying anything now. Unless, you're saying you have seen a Vorlon"

Dukhat: "I'm saying even less than you. Except for this: when the darkness comes, if you ever doubt your actions, all you have to do is look into the face of a Vorlon. Once you do that, all doubt is erased forever."

Dukhat reminds Delenn that she must prepare for her ceremony. They walk off.

EAS Prometheus

Captain Jankowski takes the expeditionary fleet into normal space.

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn's ceremony begins. Members of all 3 castes are assembled, and Delenn approaches the Grey Council chambers. Dukhat blocks her way and quizzes her.

Dukhat: "Why do you come here, Delenn?"

Delenn: "I come to serve"

Dukhat: "Who do you serve?"

Delenn: "I serve the truth."

Dukhat: "And what is the truth?"

Delenn: "That we are one people."

Dukhat: "Will you follow me into fire? Will you follow me into darkness? Will you follow me into death?"

Delenn: "I will."

Dukhat: "Then follow."

Delenn follow Dukhat into the Grey Council chambers to continue her ceremony.

EAS Lexington

The Lexington picks up Dukhat's ship on their scanners. Captain Jankowski can't understand why the Minbari are there, because the area is outside of Minbari transfer points. Jankowski wants to get a good look at the Minbari.

XO: "Captain, our orders were to avoid any first contact situations unless authorized to do so."

Jankowski: "I'm well aware of our orders. Now take us in closer. If we do this right, they're not gonna even know we're here."

The Lexington and the fleet venture closer to the Minbari expedition.

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn continues her ceremony.

Delenn: "I am become grey. I stand between the candle and the star. Between the darkness and the light."

Another Grey Council member holds up the triluminary as Delenn puts her hand up to it. The triluminary glows and the entire council looks astonished, although Delenn is confused. Dukhat hastily looks at other members of the council.

EAS Lexington

The XO confirms the silhouette of the ship is of Minbari design. Captain Jankowski orders the Lexington even closer to the Minbari cruiser.

XO: "Sir, our orders are to. . . "

Captain Jankowski: "Our orders are to bring back as much information about the Minbari as we can and that's just what we're gonna do. Now if we can bring back a profile of one of their warships, they'll be handing out medals by the bucket. And we handled the Dilgar, we can handle a few stray ships. Now bring us in closer."

The XO reluctantly complies and brings the fleet in closer to the cruiser.

Minbari Cruiser

The Minbari Grey Council members know about the presence of the Earthforce ship. They don't know of what origin the ship is, but they know they are being followed. They do not believe the situation warrants concerning Dukhat.

Grey Council member: "We have put the scanners on full power."

EAS Lexington

XO: "Sir, the enemy ships are changing course. I'm picking up scanners, extremely powerful. They've seen us."

Captain Jankowski: "Alright, let's get out of here, prepare to jump!"

XO: "Jump engines unavailable, Captain. Alien scanner rays interfering with our engines."

Captain Jankowski: "They're doing this deliberately. They wanted to lure us in closer so they could shut us down."

XO: "Sir, you said you wanted to get as much information as possible about their ships. What is they want to capture our ships for the exact same reason?"

Captain Jankowski: "Then we will make sure that does not happen. Go to Red Alert! Open up a channel, tell them, we mean no harm."

Minbari Cruiser

The Grey Council is assembled and Dukhat asks who the aliens are. Delenn suggests they are the humans she has been studying about.

Warrior Caste member: "They try to contact us, but we do not understand their language. As is custom, we are approaching with our gun ports open."

Dukhat: "On whose order?"

EAS Lexington

XO: "Alien gunports are open. They have opened all gun ports."

Minbari Cruiser

Warrior Caste member: "It is tradition of the Warrior Caste. It is a sign of power and respect. We approach them with gun ports open, they see we approach them open-handed."

EAS Lexington

XO: "Enemy presumed to be hostile. Weapons hot!"

Captain Jankowski: "All batteries! All forward guns! Fire at will. I repeat: FIRE!!! FIRE!!!"

Minbari Cruiser:

Dukhat is hit by falling debris. Delenn catches him, but too late. He whispers something to her and slumps dead. Delenn is hysterical. The crew is panicked.


The Earthforce ships have the element of surprise. The Minbari cruisers caught, but begin to fire back. The Earthforce ships take heavy damage.

EAS Lexington

XO: "Enemy scanner rays hit. Jump engines online!"

Captain Jankowski: "Alright. Get us the hell outta here!!!"

The Earthforce ships retreat into hyperspace.

Minbari Cruiser note: stock footage from Atonement.

Morann "Delenn. We need to strike back but the council is divided. Do we follow them back to their base and take revenge, or do we wait, try to figure out what happened? Yours is the deciding vote, Delenn. "

Delenn: "He was the best of us. Animals! Brutal! They struck without provocation, there was no reason, they deserve no mercy. Follow them back to their base and kill them! All of them!! No mercy!! No mercy!!"

Centauri Prime, 2278

Londo: "With the death of their leader, Dukhat, the Minbari went mad. They swore revenge. They began a holy war, that could only end with the complete annihilation of mankind. "

Earthforce base, 2246

Military Intelligence shows Earthforce members footage of Minbari attack. The Minbari completely annihilate the planetary defenses and Earthforce destroyers defending a deep range colony.

General Lefcourt: "The incident you have just seen has been repeated at half a dozen bases over the last few days. Where the Minbari strike, nothing is left alive. Ships no longer capable of fighting are targeted and destroyed, so surrender on any scale is not an option."

Lefcourt and another general inform the officers how grim the situation is. They inform the officers of the Minbari caste system, and military intel stipulates that the Minbari tactics are in concurrence with the caste structure: destroying military defenses first, and leaving the civilian population alone.

General Lefcourt: "They intend to eliminate our defensive capability all the way to Earth. Then, with no one to stop them, they'll head back out again and finish the job of wiping out every last man, woman and child of the human race."

The generals explain the technological supremacy the Minbari have over Earthforce. Also, a stealth technology prevents Earth destroyers from locking onto Minbari cruisers.

General Lefcourt: "We called you here because we wanted you to see for yourselves. We need you to go back to your units and make them understand two things. ONE: We need a victory, any victory to increase morale. TWO: Unless we find a way to stop them, the human race ends with the current generation. Dismissed."

Commander Sheridan and his CO, Captain Stearns, discuss the concept of an "undefeatable" enemy. Sheridan says that any ship can be destroyed. While the Lexington is being outfitted, Stearns strongly advises Sheridan to go visit his family. . . he may never have another chance.

In the fighter barracks, pilot Ganya Ivanov has a visitor. When he goes to the visitor's area, his sister, Susan is there.

They visit for a few minutes; Susan is worried about her brother. He says that the military takes care of its own. Susan is happy to hear that, because she will join the military in a few months. Ganya concedes. They share a few parting words and he goes off to his assignment.


An Earth politician meets with Londo Mollari. He asks Londo to provide weapons to Earth. Earth is desperate. The politician says he'll pay any price.

Politician: "Londo, if you'll just listen."

Londo: "To what? A voice that is about to become extinct?"

Londo refuses to help the Earth Alliance and leaves. The Earth politician walks into an adjoining room to find G'kar waiting for him. G'kar knows that Londo wouldn't help.

G'kar: "They'd rather see your entire world burn than lift a finger to help you."

G'kar offers to sell as many weapons as Earth can afford. He says the price will be high, since Earth currency has been devalued.

Politician:"Aren't you worried about the Minbari finding out?"

G'kar: "We were under Centauri rule for 100 years. When we drove them away, we stole many of their weapons, studied them, learned how to improve them."

G'kar explains that even if the Minbari find the weapons, they will assume that they came from the Centauri, and the Narns won't be traceable.

G'kar: "Assuming we have a deal."

Politician: "We have a deal, G'kar."

Minbari Cruiser

Morann enters Delenn's quarters, where Delenn and Lenonn are already present. Morann brings a report to Delenn regarding the latest victories of the war. Delenn is somber.

Morann: "I should think you would be more pleased by the progress of the war."

Delenn asks him why she should be pleased with beating an enemy that never had any chance of victory for itself. Morann is surprised by Delenn's apparent sympathy. He says that the war is retribution against the humans for Dukhat's death.

Delenn: "This has gone beyond simple retribution. This is genocide."

While Morann is considering her words, Lenonn steps in and agrees with Delenn. Lenonn agrees that the humans cannot oppose the Minbari, and wonders why the Warrior Caste has embraced the war so enthusiastically. He ponders the idea that the Warrior Caste loves to win and hates to lose. Lenonn says that the Warrior Caste would rather face a weaker enemy and be guaranteed victory than face a stronger enemy and risk losing. Morann thinks that Lenonn is again referring to the shadows.

Morann: "Are we back on the Shadows again? Legends, nothing more. The humans are an enemy I can touch, see and kill."

Morann questions Lenonn's loyalty and accuses him of being a coward. At this point, Delenn orders Morann out of her quarters. After he is gone, Lenonn tells Delenn that he recreated Dukhat's sanctum, and believes Delenn should visit it very soon.

Dukhat's sanctum

Delenn enters and admires the simple furnishings of the sanctum. She hears something and truns around quickly. Kosh is present, as is the other Vorlon. She asks them why they are here. Kosh's eye expands, and an image of Dukhat is produced.

Dukhat: "If you are seeing this message, it is because I am dead. I leave this in trust of the Vorlons to give this to the right person at the right time."

Dukhat explains that the Vorlons have come to the Minbari in secret to prepare for the coming Shadow War. The Vorlons say that the Minbari will require allies, specifically the humans.

Dukhat: "If we have not already done so by now, it is my hope that you will work with the Vorlons to find these humans and bring them into the battle on our side. The allies of the Shadows are gathering at Z'ha'dum. Their masters cannot be far behind. They must be stopped. Finish the work I began. Finish it."

The image disappears, and Delenn is dumbfounded. Kosh says the humans are the key.

Delenn: "He couldn't know. He couldn't know we are at war with them. ."

Lenonn: "And that is why it must be stopped. We have lost too much valuable time already. This great war must be stopped before it starts, or millions of lives will be lost."


Dr. Stephen Franklin shows off the newest medical facility to several EA officials. He explains that when it goes operational, it will be the most advanced facility of its kind in Earthforce. He explains that it is specially equipped for all types of radiation poisoning. An EA general, the same one who was with Gen. Lefcourt while showing the footage of teh Minbari destruction of an EA colony, enters.

General: "What the hell is wrong with you? Get out, this is private."

Everyone else leaves, and the General confronts Franklin. He received a report from Earthforce, saying that Franklin hitch hiked on spaceships, trading his medical services for free passage before the war began. During that time, he encountered a group of Minbari.

Franklin: "Yes, it's all there in the report."

General: "The hell it is. I see statements about their physiology, their language, a little about their culture. Now I know you Franklin, you weren't out there sightseeing. You were gathering important medical data. Now was there an autopsy?"

Franklin: "Yes."

General: "And did you or did you not collect detailed information about their DNA, their biology and other areas that may be of vital importance to the biogenetic warfarce division?"

Franklin: "Yes, I did."

General: "And where are those notes?"

Franklin: "Sir, I am a doctor. My job is to save lives. In my opinion. . ."

General: "Son, I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion. I want those notes!!"

Franklin: "Sir, I can't do that."

General: "Excuse me? I don't think I heard that right."

Franklin refuses to help create a weapon that could conceivably wipe out entire civilizations.

General: "That's what they're trying to do to us. Or haven't you been following the news lately?"

Franklin is aware of the situation, but he stands by his decision to keep his notes confidential. The general calls in security guards and places Franklin under arrest.

General: "Dr. Franklin is under arrest. He will be held in custody until he produces the information I've requested. I want his office searched, I want his house searched. I want everything, every record confiscated by 1600 hours. God help you, Franklin. From now on out, the blood of every soldier that dies in this war is on your hands! Get him out of here!"

EAS Lexington

Commander Sheridan enters a personal log into his files. Two more ships were destroyed in hit-and-run attacks. He believes that the Minbari are softening up the fleet for a major offensive. There are rumors that an ace cruiser has destroyed a dozen ships within 2 weeks, but no one has been able to confirm, because no one has survived an attack by it.

Sheridan picks up Minbari style transmissions. It is a Minbari flyer. Captain Stearns wants to stay put, wary of a decoy, but Sheridan suggests that they keep an eye on the flyer. Stearns launches a starfury to follow the flyer. Ganya Ivanov is the pilot. Ivanov follows the transport for a while until it stops dead in its tracks.

Ivanov:"Eagle 7 to Lexington, she's flamed out."

Stearns is wary, but he orders the fleet to pursure the ship. Sheridan doesn't like the situation.

Sheridan: "Sir, I don't like it. Just before that transport flamed out, she fired her forward thrusters, cutting acceleration down to almost nothing. Now if I was trying to escape, engines failing I'd try to keep my inertia going on the off chance I'd get away, not just lie there waiting to get caught."

Captain Stearns: "Maybe they'd rather get caught, rather than risk being destroyed in that asteroid field. "

Sheridan: "Or maybe they want us in a precise pre-determined location. Captain, their jump engines are a lot more precise than ours, they can target an area of less than a hundred yards. If they were to open a jump point while we were. . ."

Captain Stearns: "Oh, hell. This is fleet command. All ships break off. . . "

It is too late. A Minbari cruiser opens a jump point right on top of the Earthforce fleet. Several ships and starfuries are immediately destroyed. Other ships are damaged, entire sections of the ships being torn in two. The fleet is completely wiped out within seconds of the cruiser entering normal space. Ganya Ivanov fires at the cruiser, but is hit and crashes into an asteroid.

Sheridan: "Weapons and jump engines down. Only navigational thrusters left. Orders? Captain? Orders?"

Sheridan looks behind him to see if the captain is alright. He sees the captain's chair a wreck under a huge pile of debris. Blood floats up from underneath in the zero gravity environment. Sheridan knows the captain is dead. Everyone on the bridge notices and is shocked. Alarms and buzzers sound. The ship is functioning on emergency power.

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn: "The situation is getting out of control, Lennon. So far, we have hit only the outer colonies, sparsely populated worlds. Soon, we will begin to hit colonies and stations closer to the homeworld of the humans. Every day sees more death, and every death will make it that much harder to intervene."

Lenonn asks what she plans. Delenn says that the Minbari must find a way to open negotiations to end the war. She cannot contact the humans directly, nor can anyone else on the Grey Council. She asks Lenonn to contact the humans, because of his career of service and reputation of unchallenged loyaly.

Lenonn: "I appreciate the compliment, Delenn, but, how do I do this?"

Delenn: "Our intelligence reports that the humans have made a deal with the Narns to buy weapons. Through the Narns, we will contact the humans in neutral territory. But, it is risky."

Lenonn: "To live is to risk. I will instruct my Rangers to make contact with the Narns. With luck, the meeting could take place in 3 weeks, perhaps 4."

Delenn: "Thank you, Lenonn."

Lenonn: "No. Thank you. At my age, I fear that I would never again have the chance to serve my people, as one of my order should. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I will greet whatever comes with joy. "

Delenn promises to provide him with information regarding human language, culture, etc., that the military intelligence has been gathering.

EAS Lexington

Sheridan, now in command of the Lexington, is trying to assess the damage. The engine room is still down. Sheridan wonders if they can send a distress signal to Earth. The communications officer replies that if they attempt to send a message, the Minbari Cruiser will come back and finish them off, since it left only because it thought the Lexington was dead.

Sheridan looks at all of his officers, and then makes a decision.

Sheridan: "Firing control, do we have any tactical nukes left?"

Firing control: "Roger that sir, three 2-megaton warheads with proximity detectos."

Sheridan: "Alright, I'm authorizing the use of tactical nukes. Firing control, remove the warheads and get them down to launching bay 9, ASAP. Communications, prepare to send a distress signal to Earth, but not until I give the order."

Sheridan tells everyone that he's not sure if the tactic will work, they may blow up with the enemy. However, they will at least have a chance of taking the enemy out with them.

Sheridan: "Unless anyone has a better idea. Then we'll stick with my plan. I didn't want to live forever anyway."

EAS Lexington

The firing team finishes placing the nukes in place. On board the Lexington, Sheridan orders communications to send the distress signal.

Communications: "Commander, I think your wish may be coming true. We have an echo on vector approach. Coming into view now."

Sure enough, the Minbari Cruiser has come back to finish off the Lexington. Sheridan orders navigation to use their docking thrusters to move the Lexington behind an asteroid to block the cruiser's shot.

Sheridan: "Let them think we're trying to evade. If they want to finish the job, let them come to us."

As the cruiser enters the asteroid field, it moves into range of one of the nukes. Sheridan detonates it and the cruiser is badly damaged.

Communications: "She's out of range of nuke 2. Only one left."

Sheridan: "See you in hell."

Sheridan detonates the final nuke, which vaporizes the Minbari Cruiser.

Earth military base

Footage of Sheridan's victory against the Minbari Cruiser is played for the entire Earth Alliance. EA officers cheer. Sheridan and General Lefcourt address the base.

Gen. Lefcourt: "Needless to say, we plan on broadcasting this to every major planetary network for the next three days. The Black Star was their flagship. We've shown that we can out think it and outfight it. And if anyone in the Press corps asks about the morality of sending a distress signal and then destroying the enemy, remind them that the Minbari do not take prisoners. They were on a mission to murder the remaining crew of the Lexington. They paid the price. Dismissed."

As everyone leaves, Lefcourt congratulates Sheridan.

Lefcourt: "That was quick thinking on your part, Commander. You're to be commended."

Sheridan: "Thank you, sir."

Lefcourt: "You were right to stay where you were. Thanks for arguing with me. Now I have an assignment for you."

Sheridan: "But my ship. . . "

Lefcourt: "It's going to be in spacedock for some time, being repaired. I need you for this immediately."

Lefcourt's office

Lefcourt introduces G'kar to Commander Sheridan. He tells Sheridan that G'kar is selling weapons to Earth and has arranged for a covert meeting with the Minbari. A Narn ship will take him to an abandoned outpost in the Epsilon system, in neutral space. In theory, he will meet with a representative of the Minbari. He explains that some parts of the Minbari government are tiring of the war, and wish to discuss peace. Sheridan's assignment is to meet with the representative. If it is not a trap, Earth will send in the negotiators.

Lefcourt: "Once we know it's safe, we'll send in the negotiators."

Sheridan: "Anyone else on my team?"

Gen. Lefcourt brings in Dr. Stephen Franklin, who will confirm that the representative is a real Minbari. Since Franklin has had contact with the Minbari before the war, he will be the "expert" on the Minbari. G'kar adds that the Minbari contact has studied the English language, but G'kar will accompany Sheridan and Franklin to help translate.

Sheridan: "And if the only way out is to surrender?"

Lefcourt: "Officially, that's up to the negotiators. Those are my orders. Unoficially, we're losing this war, John. If the only way the human race will survive is to surrender, then we will surrender.

Centauri Prime, 2278

Londo: "Orders. We all have our orders. You don't understand that yet. You think to go to bed early is an order. To clean up your room is an order. The hard orders, those are the ones you discover later. The order to leave your friends on the battlefield. The order to fire on the weak and the powerless. My orders. My orders were to prevent the Narns from using the war to establish stronger relations with Earth. My spies learned of the Narn mission to the Epsilon system. We assumed it was an arms shipment. We didn't know it was an attempt to end the war. And so, I gave the order to intercept it. Great Maker, forgive me."

Epsilon System, 2247?

A Narn battleship jumps into normal space and launches a shuttle. The shuttle heads toward the planet and lands. Sheridan, G'kar and Franklin enter one of the abandoned buildings and activate the power generators. A Minbari transport also enters the system and lands on the planet.

G'kar: "You know, Commander. If we are unable to resolve this war of yours, there is always a place for someone like you among my people. We could create a safe haven for you; a few others."

Sheridan: "Thanks. But if my world goes, I'm going with it."

G'kar: "A waste of material, most unfortunate. Ah! Doctor I was just telling. . . "

He sees that Dr. Franklin is being walked into the building at gunpoint by Lenonn. Lenonn shuts the door after entering and explains the weapon was for precaution only.

Lenonn: "We know more than you think. I know what you did to the Black Star."

Sheridan: "We did exactly what you would have done to us. We just did it first."

Lenonn: "I know. It was necessary. I also know that many of my people will not forget. I speak to you for them. We must find a way to resolve this so that many more of your people will not get killed. We. . . "

Lenonn is interrupted as the Narn battleship contacts G'kar and tells him that a ship is coming through the jumpgate. Before they can identify the ship, it destroys the Narn ship and fires on the outpost. Everyone hits the deck. The ship, a Centauri cruiser, leaves the system as quickly as it entered.

Centauri Prime, 2278

Londo: "They never knew who had attacked them. Each side assumed it was a renegade arm of their own government. But it was us, and it was my order that destroyed their last hope for peace."

Epsilon System, 2247?

G'kar throws some rubble off of himself and sees that Franklin and Sheridan are both alright. Lenonn, however, is fatally wounded.

Sheridan: "We need him alive."

Lenonn: "That may not be possible. I'm sorry, I made things worse. You must listen. They will come looking for me, and they will blame you for me, and the war will grow worse. Listen carefully, repeat exactly. . . "

Lenonn tells Sheridan something and dies. Sheridan got the message.

Minbari Cruiser

Lenonn's body is shown to Delenn. Several Minbari bring G'kar, Franklin and Sheridan to her. They say they will kill the humans and send the narn home. Delenn approves, and as they are being taken away, Sheridan shouts at her.

Sheridan: "I have a message! I said I have a message! I know what's in Dukhat's sacred place! I know what's in Dukhat's sacred place!"

At the mention of Dukhat's name, Sheridan's captors beat him as he continues to say he knows what's in Dukhat's sacred place. Before they knock him unconscious, Delenn stops the beating.

Delenn: "Stop! What is in Dukhat's sacred place?"

Sheridan, not having any idea what he is saying, yells I'Sil'Zha. Upon hearing this, Delenn orders that Franklin and Sheridan be released back to their people, there has been enough death for one day. As their bonds are cut, Franklin asks G'kar what I'Sil'Zha means.

G'kar: "The future."

The three are led away, presumably to be released.

Centauri Prime, 2278

Luc: "Is that the end of the story?"

Londo: "The end? No, not the end. The point that I am describing, maybe 60,000 humans had died. With their last hope for peace destroyed, the war became worse. The greates slaughter still awaits. It changed everything, everything."

Centauri Prime, 2278

Londo describes the destruction of Centauri Prime. He says he had 4 wives in his life and he cared for them all, but he loved only Centauri Prime. And now, he has destroyed it. But, he explains there is still hope for his planet. He continues with the story. The humans knew they were doomed. With that knowledge, the humans fought with even greater resolve. The humans would cry, pray and say goodbye to each other and then throw themselves at the face of death, never surrendering.

Londo: "No one who saw them fight against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears. Their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used knives, and sticks and their bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope that when it is my time, that I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes at the end. They did this for two years. They never ran out of courage. But in the end, they ran out of time."


The President of the Earth Alliance addresses the planet:

President: "This is the President. I've just been informed that our mid range military bases at Beta Durani and Proxima 3 have fallen to the Minbari. We've lost contact with our bases at Io and must conclude that they too have been destroyed by an advanced force. Our military intelligence believes that the Minbari intend to bypass Mars and attack Earth directly, and the attack may come at any time. We continue to broadcast our surrender and a plea for mercy. They have not replied. We can therefore only conclude that we stand at the twilight of the human race. In order to buy more time for our evacuation transports to leave Earth, we ask for the support of every ship capable of fighting to take part in a last defense of our homeworld. We will not lie to you. We do not believe that survival is a possibility. Those of you who join the battle, will never come home. But, for every 10 minutes we can delay the military advance, several hundred more civilians may have a chance to escape to neutral territory. Though Earth may fall, the human race must have a chance to continue elsewhere. No greater sacrifice has ever been asked of a people but I ask you now, to step forward one last time, one last battle to hold the line against the night. May God go with you all."

As the massive fleet of thousands of Earthforce warships takes position to defend Earth, an even larger fleet of Minbari ships masses in hyperspace.

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn meditates in her chambers. Kaplan enters and informs Delenn that they are almost to the homeworld of the humans. The great campaign is almost over.

Delenn: "What glory is there in eliminating an entire race, Kaplan?"

Kaplan: "Not as much as in the beginning. It's been a long road, Delenn, but we are nearly at the end of our holy war."

Delenn: "But are we any longer holy?"

Delenn expresses her remorse in killing the humans, but Kaplan urges her to come to the Grey Council chambers; the entire council should be assembled to witness the final destruction of Earth.

Delenn first enters Dukhat's sanctum. She is soon greeted by Kosh and the other Vorlon.

Delenn: "Are you still here?"

Kosh: "We have always been here."

Delenn: "I've failed. In a little while, the final slaughter will begin. I know the others do not want it. Even Morann is tired of war, tired of blood. I think, I think the others only need a reason to delay, to reconsider. But, there is no such reason. I don't know what to do. Tell me, tell me what to do."

Her question is only answered by the silence of Kosh and his companion. However, as Delenn leaves, Kosh addresses her:

Kosh: "The truth points to itself."

Delenn: "I do not understand."

Vorlon: "You will. Go now."

Kosh: "Go, before it's too late."

Delenn leaves as Kosh and his companion continue their activities.


A squadron of advance starfuries patrols the area near the moon for sign of Minbari activity. They soon detect a Minbari scout party and lock onto them. Sinclair, leader of the squadron, instructs his starfury pilots.

Sinclair"Hold the line! Nobody gets through, no matter what!"

Sinclair's squadron and the Minbari scouts battle it out for a while. Then, all hell breaks loose as Mitchell, Sinclair's wingman, targets one of the ships. Suddenly, the entire Minbari fleet jumps into Earthspace. Mitchell locks onto one of the cruisers.

Sinclair: "Mitchell! It's a trap! Mitchell!!"

Mitchell doesn't hear Sinclair's warning and is destroyed by enemy fire. Sinclair watches his entire starfury squadron be destroyed by Minbari fire.

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn: "They fight bravely. They cannot harm our ships, but they continue to try."

Kaplan: "Whether they fight or not, they know they will die anyway. So really, is this bravery, or simple desperation."


Sinclair's starfury is hit by enemy fire, but is not destroyed. His computer reports that the stabilizers and weapons are destroyed. His reactor plant is at critical mass.

Sinclair: "Not like this! Not like this! If I'm going out, I'm taking you bastards with me. Target main cruiser! Set thrusters on full velocity ram! Afterburners on my mark! Mark!"

Minbari Cruiser

Delenn persuades the council that in order to know what the last defenses of Earth are, they should bring aboard a human for questioning.

Kaplan: "Very well, Delenn. Choose, but quickly. We are fast running out of candidates."

As Delenn turns to pick a candidate, Kosh's voice saying "the truth points to itself" is heard. She points to Sinclair's starfury, which is on a collision course with the cruiser. Sinclair's starfury is disabled with a energy beam and towed in with a Minbari tractor beam.

Kaplan: "I'll see to the interrogation."

As more and more Earthforce ships and starfuries are destroyed, Sinclair is wheeled aboard the Minbari Cruiser, strapped to a gurney.

Sinclair: "Why are you doing this?"

Delenn can no longer bear the sight of all of the death, so she leaves the council chambers. As she does so, she runs into Kaplan, who informs her that while he was probing the human [Sinclair] with the triluminary, he saw something.

Kaplan: "You should come and see. Get the others, you should all come and see"


Sinclair is shackled to a triangular piece of metal. Delenn, hooded, approaches him with the triluminary. As she holds it up to her, the triluminary glows. She returns to the other Minbari and removes her hood.

Delenn: "The triluminary confirms it. The human has a Minbari soul. And not just a Minbari soul, a soul of Valen."

Kaplan: "I still can't believe it. But the triluminary is our most holy relic. It cannot be questioned."

Delenn: "Minbari do not kill Minbari. It is our greatest law. Valen must have been reborn in this form to tell us that the humans are important in this next phase: the coming Shadow war. We cannot destroy them. In the name of Valen, and the one who is Valen's shadow in this life, we cannot kill them. Tell the ships to stop firing. Tell them, tell them now."

Morann: "What about the human? He knows what we have found. We cannot kill him, and we cannot let him tell anyone else. "

Delenn: "Send for a telepath. We will remove this memory from his mind."

Morann: "He will have to be watched, to be sure he does not remember."

Delenn: "Leave that to me. We will keep him close to us, one way or another."

In space, the Minbari ships all stop firing.

Centauri Prime, 2278

Londo: "For the next ten years, one question would obsess a hundred worlds: why did the Minbari surrender at the Battle of the Line? On the very eve of victory. The answer to that question would change the galaxy forever."

Luc: "What happened when they found out?"

Londo: "That. . .is another story, for another time. You cannot expect to hear all of the stories at once, you know. But shortly after the war ended, the earth president made a decision."

Earth, 2247?

President: "Today, the Senate has approved funding to begin construction of the Babylon station, located in neutral space between several major governments. Together, we stood on the eve of destruction as a result of a terrible, terrible mistake. A mistake none of us can afford to make again. The Babylon station will provide a place for us to work out our problems peacefully. It is, we believe, our last, best hope for peace."

As the President concludes her speech, the Babylon station is shown under construction by the Earth Alliance. At the end of her speech, the station explodes.

Londo: "But, like all good things, it took a while to work it all out. There, you have a story. You must go now, I have things to do. "

Governess: "I hope we were not an inconvenience majesty."

Londo: "No, thank you, for allowing me to see joy, before it gets too dark for me to see anything. Children, will you remember this story, will you remember me?"

Luc: "All my life, majesty."

Londo: "Very well, go."

As the children and the governess leave, Luc turns to ask a question.

Luc: "What about Sheridan, and Delenn? What about the end of the story?"

Londo: "Sheridan became President of a great alliance, Delenn ever at his side. The story is not over yet. The story is never over. Now go."

Lyssa: "Did they live happily ever after?"

Londo: "That remains to be seen."

The children leave, and Londo picks up a small bell and rings it. A guard instantly appears.

Londo: "I need another bottle. I will need several more bottles. And then, wait one hour, and bring the prisoners here."

The guard leaves to follow Londo's orders. Londo picks up a small control device and activates a holographic image viewer. He watches Sheridan and Delenn in their cell (War Without End), as they say their "final" goodbyes.

Londo: "To the future, my old friends."

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions



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