Rising Star

Airdate: October 20, 1997

Episode # : 87

Production # : 421

Guest stars: Denise Gentile as Lise Hampton Egars, Rance Howard as David Sheridan, Beata Pozniak as President Luchenko and Walter Koenig as Bester.

Episode Plot

ISN Special Report

The ISN anchor reports President Clark's suicide. As she VO's, the scence shifts to the President's office. A white sheet is draped over Clark's body, with a sign that says "TRAITOR TO EARTH" hanging around his neck. An EA investigator holds up the "SCORCHED EARTH" message.

The ISN anchor continues her report. Captain Sheridan is seen with other EA officials in a conference room. The anchor reports that Sheridan turned himself over to Earthforce. The officials will determine whether or not to press charges against him. Sheridan's actions have to be explained and justified, even though public opinion favors him.

Clark's successor, Susanna Luchenko of the Russian Consortium, holds a press conference.

Luchenko: "We realize that many of you want revenge against those who caused such great pain and suffering. We ask that you listen to the better angels of your nature. Give the courts and the legal system time to locate and prosecute those who are responsible. Only a sane, careful study of the facts can allow us to separate those who were willing partners in President Clark's reign of terror from those who cooperated only in fear of their lives."

Anchor: "Our thoughts especially go to Sheridan's second in command, Susan Ivanova, critically injured when Clark's forces attempted to ambush the multi-planetary fleet. Our prayers go out to her."

White Star

A very angry Dr. Franklin is trying to make the White Star go faster.

Babylon 5

Marcus and Ivanova are still hooked up to the alien healing machine. Two medtechs enter Medlab, and are shocked at the sight.

Babylon 5

Dr. Franklin's shuttle docks with the station. A medtech advises Franklin of Ivanova and Marcus' condition. Marcus is in complete metabolic shutdown: his heart and brain aren't functioning.

Franklin: "What about Ivanova? Is she stable?"

Medtech: "After a fashion."


Ivanova is sitting on the floor, staring at Marcus. Franklin enters and she wants him to go away.

Franklin: "Susan, it's me. You ok?"

Ivanova: "Dammit, Stephen. Why did he have to do it? I didn't want him to. I never would have asked him to. How did he find out about the machine?"Franklin: "After we gained custody of the alien healing device, Sheridan and I decided that it was just too dangerous to let others know about it, so I encoded all of my log entries. He must have hacked his way through half a dozen security overrides."

Ivanova: "Typical. He was always pulling crap like that. You know, I never knew what to do with him. He was the most undisciplined, most annoying. . . I was just lying there and I was feeling myself letting go of my body. I can remember the last thing I thought was: I'm gonna die now. It wasn't so bad. Then I heard this voice coming from far away, saying 'I love you.' I thought: Is this God? This is God? I mean, he really did have an English accent just like in all those old movies. Then I felt myself being pulled down, and I got heavy, so heavy and tired and forced my eyes open, and there he was, next to me. We were hooked up into that damned machine. I tried to pull it apart. I swear, Stephen, I tried. I couldn't even move. I couldn't move"

Franlin: "Look, it was nothing that you could do, alright? Your system was traumatized. You can't blame yourself."

Ivanova explains to Stephen that everyone she ever loved either left her or hurt her. The ones who stayed had no depth. She knew that Marcus loved her, but she didn't want to admit it to herself. In two years, Marcus gave her so much, and wanted little in return; just a smile or kind word. All she gave him was grief.

Franklin: "You knew it wasn't going to work out. You were just protecting yourself from being hurt again, that's all."

Ivanova: "Maybe, but maybe I should have tried just one more time. I could have done that for him. Now I can't. At least I should have boffed him just once."

Franklin: "Boffed?! Did you just say boffed?"

Ivanova; "It's the typ eof thing he would have said. I mean, it's not like I was doing anything else."

Franklin: "Well, I guess that's one way to deal with unrequited love."

Ivanova: "All love is unrequited, Stephen. All of it."

B5 Docking Bay

G'kar is impatient. Londo enters, and G'kar accuses him of being late.

Londo: "I'm not late. You're early"

G'kar: "I am never premature."

With the "premature" line from G'kar, Londo goes off on a tangent about how Centauri sexuality is much more rewarding than Narn.

Vir joins them. Both Londo and G'kar accuse him of being late. Vir wants to speak privately with Londo, regarding a matter of state. Centauri Prime sent word that the Regent is ill. The Royal Court wants Londo to return to the homeworld.

Vir: "They say the Regent will leave us early in the coming year. When that happens, the Royal Court has decided that we need your voice to guide us. You're going to be emperor, Londo, isn't that wonderful news?"

Londo isn't pleased with the prospect. Vir is confused, but he hurries off with Londo.


Sheridan is in a conference room. Bester enters.

Bester: "Hello Captain. I hope you don't mind my stopping by to visit. I told the staff we were such good friends. Like Holmes and Watson, Rebo and Zooty. . .

Sheridan: "Fire and water, snake and mongoose."

Bester activates a small device which will prevent their conversation from being monitored. Sheridan tells Bester he knows about Garibaldi's programming and use as an instrument to uncover the plot against the Psi-Corps.

Bester: "I'm sure Mr. Garibaldi thinks I'm responsible for a lot of things."

Sheridan: "Like the murder of William Edgars."

Sheridan asks Bester what happened to the vials that contained the anti-telepath virus. Bester acts surprised. He "knows" nothing about such a virus, but explains that if such a virus were to exist, it would be destroyed. He also claims to know nothing of the whereabouts of Lise Edgars.

Bester: "As for the rest, it's Mr. Garibaldi's word against mine. Unless you'd like to bring in a telepath, in which case, in order to be admissable in an Earth court, the teep would have to belong to the Psi-Corps. "

Sheridan: "You really think you've got it all covered, don't you?"

Bester: "Almost. Except for one thing. I want to know if my lover was one of the telepaths you used to disable the fleet in your little war. Because if she was, and if she was killed because of it, you have to understand: you will not leave this room alive."


Sheridan isn't afraid of Bester's threat.

Sheridan: "I find it amazing that you think that threats still mean anything to me. Do this or you're a dead man? Death! Been there, done that!"

Bester: "Not a threat, Captain, merely a statement of fact. I can have half a dozen sharpshooters cover this building. The moment you step outside they'll put a bullet in your head."

Sheridan is infuriated at Bester. The difference between him and Bester is that Bester enjoys using people. Using the teeps against the EA ships was Sheridan's hardest decision of his life. The Resistance used only single teeps with no family.

Bester: "Carolyn was single, she had no family."

Sheridan: "I know what it's like to lose someone, only to find her, then lose her a second time. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even you. No, she's back on Babylon 5. She'll be transferred here when things calm down."

Bester thanks Sheridan, but John isn't through yet.

Sheridan: "I know you. Even with Clark gone, you'll keep moving your telepaths into positions of power. Then you'll try to take over the government."

Bester laughs; tells the Captain that he's delusional.

Sheridan: "Oh, you'll wait a few years, until things quiet down, and then you'll start a war between the telepaths and the normals. And in the end, Mr. Bester, you will lose."

Bester (getting up to leave): "We'll see."

Sheridan: "Assuming you make it that far. You see, Mr Garibaldi is finishing up some personal business on Mars. And once it's done, he'll turn his attention to you. To tell you the honest truth, I'd rather face those sharpshooters of yours than what he will do to you when he finds you. I don't know exactly how he plans to settle the score, but I'm sure it will be creative, colorful and extremely unpleasant."


Garibaldi is beating someone, a high ranking member of the Mars Mafia. He knows that Lise went to the Mafia to get off of Mars, and someone got greedy and kept her, in order to get a few million credits. He demands to know where she is.

Henchman: "They'll kill me."

Garibaldi: "Well then you better decide what you prefer. Now, do you want to die fast, or do you want to spend the rest of your life eating your meals through a straw?"

White Star

Londo and G'kar meet Delenn in a conference room on the White Star. She addresses Londo as emperor. When Londo asks how she knew, since he only just found out himself, Delenn explains that there is little that doesn't reach her now. She hands Londo and G'kar a document. Since the Narn and Centauri have considerable influence with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, she wants them to know first. G'kar is fascinated, and Londo, in his own words, is quite giddy.

Londo: "I"ve never been in the presence of living history. You realize, of course, you are quite mad."

The League ambassadors enter, and Delenn and Londo invite them in. Londo explains that Delenn has a very fascinating proposal.


Captain Sheridan is in the conference room, obviously very restless. A general enters, informs him that the President wants to see him. Sheridan stands at attention as Luchenko enters.

Luchenko: "Well, Captain, you have caused quite a stir. Half of Earthforce wants to give you a kiss on the cheek, and the Medal of Honor. The other half wants to have you shot. As a politician you learn how to compromise, which by all rights means I should give you the Medal of Honor, and then have you shot. I admit it had a certain appeal to the joint chiefs when I talked to them."

Luchenko gets to the point and explains that there were many in Earthgov who wanted to move against President Clark and his administration, but the timing was never right. Sheridan interrupts, says that while they were waiting for the right time, thousands of innocent civilians were being killed. Luchenko responds that planetary security was at stake; to move against Clark would have invited invasion. She refuses to argue morals with Sheridan.

Luchenko: "Right or wrong, you lead an insurrection against against your own government. That's mutiny at best. Treason at worst."

Sheridan: "So, morally I was right. Politically, I was inconvenient."

Luchenko explains that even with the justifiable rightness of his actions, he still mutinied against Earthgov. Now, with or without his help, they must clean up the mess. Sheridan is willing to help, asks what he can do.

Luchenko: "I have called a press conference for tomorrow morning. I want you there. The event will be covered by ISN. You will explain that you did what you did for the good of Earth, but your conscience does not permit you to remain in Earthforce any longer. You will tender your immediate resignation, and I'll see to it that you will retain your military pension with full honors. I'll guarantee amnesty for your officers and crew who served under you during the crisis, but I want you gone."Sheridan: "And if I refuse?"

Luchenko: "You'll be dishonorably discharged, court martialed and brought to trial. Same for Ivanova and the rest of your staff. I'll make sure the military tribunal is stacked with generals in the "shoot-him" category. Don't make the mistake of assuming that this is a conversation; it isn't. You have no other options. The bitch of it is, you probably did the right thing, but you did it in the wrong way, the inconvenient way. Now you have to pay the penalty for that. I know it stinks, but that's the way it is. So you tell me, which way do you want it?"

Sheridan: "Will you put the amnesty for my crew in writing?

Luchenko nods to affirm his request.

Sheridan: "Then I'll resign."

Luchenko, satisfied, leaves Sheridan alone.


In a Mars Mafia hideout, an agent walks in. The man in charge asks if he informed "THEM" that they've got "HER." (regarding to Garibaldi and Lise???) Also, he asks if he found out how much it's worth to "THEM." There is a knock on the door. The paranoid boss orders the door opened. Another agent walks outside and picks up a colored box. The agent gives the box to his boss. When the boss holds the box, he pushes a small button. The Porky Pig That's all folks sounds before the box explodes. Garibaldi breaks down the door and several Rangers rappel down ropes into the room. Garibaldi draws a PPG and looks for Lise. He finds her in a small room. The Rangers have secured the location, and Garibaldi and Lise escape.

White Star

The White Star exits hyperspace into Earth space. Delenn, looking very pleased, sits at a table. Lennier enters, and she tells him that it is done. This day will be talked about for a hundred years. Lennier wishes that Marcus could be present. He became used to having Marcus walk the same path with the rest (of the B5 gang) and he knew Marcus would be happy. Delenn is happy for Marcus. He led an unhappy life before joining the Rangers. Now, he has followed the path of his heart, and Delenn asks Lennier how many people have truly done that. She hopes that now Marcus can truly find peace.

Lennier: "Delenn, did they tell you what Ivanova said at the end? That all love is unrequited?"

Delenn: "Yes, they told me. She's wrong, of course."

Lennier (still shaken up): "Of course."

Delenn gets up and pauses at the door, looking at Lennier, before leaving.

Presidential Suite

ISN reports the press conference.

President Luchenko: "Fellow citizens of Earth, honored guests, I have come before you today to commemorate those who have taken part in this recent struggle, who fought as they believed they had to fight. Their choice was an unenviable one: follow the orders of your superior officers in acts that violate your conscience, or, rise up in opposition. Both sides have risked much, and suffered greatly. But, in the end, the battle they fought was the same: to protect and preserve an Earth that they could proudly call home. Caught in the center of this particular whirlwind was a man of great integrity, honor and courage. His task was a difficult one. He executed it with care to preserve the lives of his fellow officers. Despite what you may have heard, in his heart, he never left us. I give you Captain John J. Sheridan."

Captain Sheridan, dressed in full EA dress uniform, takes the podium and shakes the President's hand. He looks to Delenn, seated to his right, before addressing the audience.

Sheridan: "As a young man, I joined Earthforce because I wanted to ba part of something bigger than I was, something that I could believe in. The belief carried me through the Mars riots, the Minbari War, and the battles that have brought us here today. Everything I did, I did out of love of Earth and love of duty. Bur what happens when those two are no longer the same thing? The time I spent on Babylon 5, I learned about choices, consequences and responsibility. I learned that we all have choices, even when we don't recognize them, and that those choiced have consequences, not just for ourselves, but for others. We must assume responsibility for those consequences. I, and my fellow officers, had to choose between what we were told was right, and what we believe was right. And now, I take full responsibility for those decisions. I love Earth, and now, for my love of Earth, I find I must walk away from my love of duty. My presence will be a constant reminder of what has divided us, instead of that which brings us together. And for that reason, and President Luchenko's generous offer of amnesty for all those who served under me, I'm announcing my resignation from Earthforce. I do this in the hope that those who fought on both sides will put aside their disagreements and come together in a new spirit of cooperation, for we are all children of Earth. Thank you."

Luchenko steps back up to the podium and announces that to commemorate this day, the League of Non-Aligned Worlds has asked to address the gathering. She motions G'kar to the podium.

G'kar: "For many years, all of us have prized our good relations with Earth. You have shown through your example that strength comes from a multitude of voices, brought together in common cause. Humans form communities. In that spirit, we have voted to dissolve the Leage of Non-Aligned Worlds, and create a new alliance, based on mutual cooperation and respect. An alliance, born in the diverse voices of many worlds, joined by their desire to build a better future, and their decision to voluntarily recognize a common authority."

Delenn: "This new alliance will help less advanced worlds improve their conditions, will encourage better relations between our races and promote free trade. Above all, it will work to create peace. Central to this process is a group of humans and Minbari trained to work together, dedicated to the higher principles of duty, honor and peace. They have been entrusted with the most advanced fleet of ships in existence, now that the First Ones hace left us. "

As Delenn speaks, Earthdome violently shakes. Everyone, save the B5 crew, appear uneasy.

Delenn: "Among my people, they are called Anlashok; among your people, they are called the Rangers"

ISN cameras switch to an external view of the sky. The White Star fleet flies low in formation over Earthdome.

Delenn: "They come in peace, and will stay only where invited to stay. They will help protect you from raiders and invasion by other races. They will work with your military to strengthen your borders. But, understand that they will do so equally and fairly. If you are planning a war of aggression against your neighbors, the Rangers will hear about it and so will your neighbors. If other worlds in the Alliance choose to intervene on behalf of those being attacked, the Rangers will provide the information, but will not intervene directly. Their goal is to create the peace, not enforce the peace. This is a political and economic alliance, not one based on military strength. The gains you will achieve by working peacefully with other races far outweigh anything you might achieve by force. The alliance recognizes your sovereign right to govern your own people, by your own will. But, membership in the alliance means that you will honor a code of conduct in your relations with other worlds or risk losing all the things we stand to give you. Finally, each member race will be able to contribute volunteers to join the Rangers, thereby assuring their independence and fairness. All of us have agreed to recognize the independent authority of the Rangers. "

Sheridan looks very pleased as Delenn continues.

Delenn: "Madam President, honored guests: I now invite you to join the new alliance. You may decline if that is your wish. We will leave in peace and honor your decision. If you accept, we believe it will signal a new age of peace and prosperity."

Luchenko's office

President Luchenko confers with Londo, G'kar and Delenn. They discuss the possibility of Earth Alliance joining the new alliance. Many of her generals are skeptical of their claims of neutrality.

Londo agrees that he is also skeptical, and the Centauri are the most prideful of races, but he is tired of war.

Luchenko admits that se is tempted to join the alliance, but, in order to sell it to her generals and the public, she will need something. . . tangible.

Delenn: "Than you shall have it. In the past, we have kept our technological secrets to ourselves. In a gesture of good faith, we will show you how to create energy fields to create artificial gravity.

Londo points out the pros of this technology, and Luchenko is somewhat more satisfied. She asks who she should negotiate with. Delenn replies that the alliance has a duly elected president.

Conference room

An EA general bursts into the room where Sheridan is sitting. Before he can say anything, Sheridan retorts:

Sheridan: "Funny thing about retiring. You know where you want to go on vacation and then someone comes at you with another job offer."

The general accuses Sheridan of knowing all along and demands to see the certificate of amnesty.

Sheridan: "Oh. That. I gave copies to the press outside, and the original is someplace safe."

Sheridan, pleased with himself, explains about the formation of the new alliance. He wasn't completely sure that the League worlds would pull it off, but he is happy with the outcome. Sheridan stands by the door, clears his throat. The general opens the door for him and leaves.

Delenn approaches John and informs him there is someone he would want to see.

Sheridan's father comes around the corner and the two hug.

Sheridan: "Are you alright?"

David: "Find. I'm fine, sone. "David tells John that Earthforce never found his wife; she's safe in Minneapolis. He then approaches Delenn.

David: "I hear you're going to be my new daughter-in-law."

Delenn (smiling fiercely): "Yes!"

David: "Well, welcome to the family."

Delenn: "Thank you. It's been a while since I had a place where I truly belonged."

The general approaches Sheridan and:

General: "Captain. . . Mr. President. President Luchenko is waiting to see you."

The general snaps to attention, about-faces and marches off.

David: "Mr. President?"

Sheridan: "It's um . . ."

David: "Another long story. There will be plenty of time for that later."

Sheridan, Delenn and David walk off together.


The ISN special report continues. President Sheridan and Ambassador Delenn are seated across from President Luchenko. The anchor reports that in an unprecedented act, Luchenko has agreed to join the new alliance. We see her shaking the hands of several human Rangers.

President Sheridan tells the reporters that the rights of the Earth colony worlds must be respected, and that if a majority of their population votes for independence, they must be freed.

Sheridan: "President Luchenko will sign an executive order, declaring Mars a free, and independent world"


Garibaldi and Lise Edgars watch the stellarcast. Garibaldi turns off the broadcast. Lise wants to know if he's going back to Babylon 5. Garibaldi isn't sure.

Garibaldi: "I haven't had a vacation in 5 years. I think a few days is ok."

Lise says she needs someone to help her run Edgars Industries. Garibaldi says if they do that, then people will say he married her for the money. She only replies with "let them." She whispers something into his ears, and then pulls the sheets over their heads. . .

Babylon 5

The ISN anchor continues to say that one of Sheridan's last acts as an Earthforce officer was to promote Commander Ivanova to the rank of full Captain. Citing the loss of a dear friend [Marcus] and other personal reasons, she requested and was granted a transfer to one of the new Warlock class destroyers for a one year shakedown cruise.

White Star

Londo and G'kar watch the stellarcast. The anchor says that Sheridan and Delenn left for B5 after the press conference. It is rumored that they were married in a private ceremony aboard the White Star. Until permanent facilities are set up on Tuzanor, on Minbar, the alliance capitol will be on Babylon 5.

Londo shuts off the broadcast. Londo is drinking something, and G'kar is eating rice.

Londo: "So, how does it feel to make history?"

G'kar: "You cannot make history, you can only hope to survive it."

Londo: "G'kar, you are a very depressing person."

G'kar: "Thank you."

Londo comments that human marriage ceremonies are strange, but Sheridan and Delenn make quite a couple. . . makes one almost wish he could peek in on them to see how things are going . . .With this, G'kar looks uncomfotable.

Londo: "G'kar, the artificial eye Dr. Franklin gave you. Where is it???"

The eye is on a shelf in Sheridan/Delenn's quarters. It appears as though Sheridan and Delenn have already consummated their marriage on a Minbari (i.e. slanted) bed. Sheridan keeps sliding down, but doesn't seem to mind. . .

Delenn voices over the final scene.

Delenn: "It was the end of the Earth year 2261. It was the dawn of a new age for us all. It was the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another. The next 20 uears would see great changes, great joy, great sorrow. The telepath war, the Drakh war. The new alliance would waver and crack, but in the end it would hold, because what is built endures. What is loved endures, and Babylon 5. . .Babylon 5 endures.


Notes / Analysis


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