And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place

Original Airdate: October 14, 1996
Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by David Eagle
Episode #: 64
Production #: 320 

Guest stars: Louis Turenne as Brother Theo. William Forward as Lord Refa.


Ambassador Mollari sets a trap for Lord Refa. Delenn presents Captain Sheridan with the resources to fight the Shadows.


Note: This synopsis came from Time-Warner's official Babylon 5 page.

With the rivalry between Lord Refa and Londo threatening to destabilize the Royal Court, Centauri noble, Virini arrives at Babylon 5 to decide who should be elevated in the hierarchy. Lord Refa also accompanies him to the station.

To aid his position, Londo devises a plan. He instructs Vir to tell G'Kar that Na'Toth, his former aide, believed to be dead, has actually been taken prisoner and is being held in a cell on Narn. Knowing he will come to her rescue, Londo sets a trap and arranges to have guards present to arrest G'Kar, who is a fugitive on Narn. Upon hearing the news, G'Kar unknowingly asks Garibaldi to smuggle him to his homeland.

Meanwhile, Refa kidnaps Vir and has a Centauri telepath get into his mind to expose Londo's scheme. Learning of the plan, Refa travels to Narn and asks for Drigo's help in capturing G'Kar. Later, Londo rescues Vir.

Arriving on Narn, G'Kar asks for the assistance of G'Dan to help find Na'Toth. Using an underground tunnel, they begin their search only to find their path blocked by an awaiting Refa and a group of imperial guards. G'Lar then pulls out a black box containing a full-size holographic image of Londo, with a message explaining how Refa was the one who orchestrated the bombing of the Narn homeworld, against his advice, and was the force responsible for the creation of death camps which killed millions of Narns.

Londo meets with Virini carrying a datacrystal containing information making Refa out to be a traitor. The results were enough to discredit Refa and remove all controversy in the Royal Court in Londo's favor.

Meanwhile, Sheridan is frustrated because he cannot make any sense of the random attacks employed by the Shadows. Upon further investigation, Sheridan and Delenn determine that the Shadows are driving thousands of ships, escorts and refugees from a dozen worlds to one central area so that they can undertake a major offensive.

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Unanswered Questions



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