Original Airdate: February 8, 1995
Written by Larry DiTillio
Directed by Jim Johnston
Episode #: 32
Production #: 210

Guest stars: Paul Winfield as Gen. Richard Franklin.


General Richard Franklin, Dr. Franklin's father, arrives on the station with 25,000 Ground Pounding troops. Babylon 5 receives a defense grid upgrade.


Note: This synopsis came from Time-Warner's official Babylon 5 page.

Babylon 5 is overrun by 25,000 Gropos (short for "ground pounders," or infantry), soldier from Earthforce led by Dr. Franklin's father, General Richard Franklin (PAUL WINFIELD). Posing as relief troops, the army's secret mission is to use Babylon 5 as a staging area for a military strike on a nearby planet. General Franklin orders the station's weapon systems upgraded immediately, a move that makes Captain Sheridan uneasy as Babylon 5 is supposed to be a neutral port-of-call.

General Franklin's arrival also brings about mixed emotions from his son. The two have fundamental differences regarding the sanctity of all life, human and alien. Commander Susan Ivanova urges him to talk with his father about his feelings, something she never had a chance to do with her father. Later, Dr. Franklin and his father acknowledge their differences and reaffirm their family love.

While some of the surly Gropos interact peacefully with their hosts, there are many disturbances on the overcrowded station, including one involving Ambassador Delenn. Her presence in the Zocalo sparks a fight because she is Minbari, and the Gropos are still bitter about the Minbari War. There is also another huge brawl later involving both Gropos and station personnel.

Finally, the troops ship out to crush a rebel insurgence. General Franklin reports a 60% loss of life among the Gropos, including many who had started friendships with the crew of Babylon 5.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions



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