Characters and Cast

Jim Ellison Blair Sandburg Simon Banks Megan Connor

Detective James Ellison
Detective James Ellison is the sole survivor of a reconnaissance unit sent into Peru to set up militia with the local tribes. Believed to be dead, Ellison spent 18 months in the Peruvian jungle. In that time he developed heightened senses.

After being rescued from the jungle, he returned home to Cascade Washington and joined the Cascade Police Department, his hypersenses having returned to normal. While on a four day stakeout, the hypersenses return.

James Ellison is played by Richard Burgi.

Blair Sandburg
Blair Sandburg is an anthropology student working on a doctoral thesis based on a theory of Sir Richard Burton's. Sandburg explains: "In all tribal cultures, every village had a sentinel, someone to patrol the borders. The sentinel would watch for approaching enemy, change in the weather, movement of game. Tribal survival depended on it. These sentinels were chosen because of a genetic advantage." According to the theory, humans with that genetic advantage could develop their senses beyond those of normal humans, honed by solitary confinement in the wild.

Though Sandburg has collected hundreds of documented cases, Ellison is the first one he's encountered with all five senses heightened. He teams up with him as his 'guide' to study Ellison and help him understand and take control of his senses.

Blair Sandburg is played by Garett Maggart.

Captain Simon Banks
Captain Simon Banks is the only other person on the force who knows about Ellison's special abilities. Banks and Ellison initially got off to a poor start when he first became Captain of the department. He now trusts Ellison and usually goes along on his hunches, often bending the rules. Banks is recently divorced and has a teenaged son, Daryl.

Simon Banks is played by Bruce A. Young.

Inspector Megan Connor
An inspector in the New South Wales (Australia) Police Service, Megan Connor has earned a few awards and citations along the way. Her arrival in Cascade with an officer exchange program is under false pretenses --- she is using it as an opportunity to track down Scott Burnell, a criminal who has taunted her personally. In her eagerness to nail Burnell, she blows a stake-out, and Banks nearly sends her packing. In the end she works with Ellison and Sandburg and once Burnell is behind bars, she accepts the option to stay in Cascade.

Megan Connor is played by Anna Garvin.

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