
October, 1997: ALACK! We didn't make it to San Francisco or to L.A.'s Coorsfest, but . . . not to worry, this tape version was just a prelude to filming Smoochers! We hope to re-shoot Smoochers on videotape in early 1998, and then, if all goes well, we shall shoot on 16mm. Yes, it's slow, but all of the venture capital in Hollywood is currently tied up in Cameron's Titanicdisaster.

March 20, 1997 e.v. -- Fans of Ryan Phillippe and/or Bruce Weber: rejoice! Interview has contacted us and we will soon be signing the paperwork to use Bruce Weber's sizzling Valentine's Day picture of Ryan in Smoochers. If we're very nice to them, they may let us post it here officially. (If that doesn't quadruple the number of hits on this page, nothing will!)

May 22, 1997: Actually, it MORE than quadrupled our hits. Ryan's pic fell off of the wall and onto Jason's bed, so here's a still of what Ryan looks like on some other guy's bed (please excuse our wicked innuendo):

Jason (Walter A. Lutz, Jr.) and Paul (J. C. Hopkins) are interrupted after school.
Photo: Ron Hitchcock, Phoenix Studios.
Ryan Phillippe calendar page by Bruce Weber courtesy of Interview
Digitized by Brian Dean Jennings.

Sean (Owen Graham) and Debbie (Lisa Records) indecently. . . smooch.
Photo: Christian Leopold Shea. Digitized by Brian Dean Jennings.

Moms always liked young Jason (Shawn Nicholson) better.
Photo credit: Ron Hitchcock, Phoenix Studios. Digitized by Brian Dean Jennings.

When he was a kid Sean left Guinn Turner out of his twisted fantasies.
Photo: Ron Hitchcock, Phoenix Studios. Digitized by Brian Dean Jennings.

April 21, 1997: Here's a big THANK YOU! to all of those who have kept inquiring about the status of Smoochers, our sad tale of thwarted teen lust . . . er . . . romance . . . OKAY! . . . Smooching! A pending film project is slowing down work (as is the miserable humidity here in Gollywood), but we continue to plod along. We still await word from the Festivals. (We're also working {slowly} on the blasted insurance. Yeccch!)

Encouragement to the producer to get publicity materials for SMOOCHERS printed is welcomed. Failure to assist may result in a visit from the one responsible for all of this -- Dr. Yawneb:

"Artsem is your FRIEND!"

VISIT Jason!

Our very own Walter A. Lutz, Jr. ("Jason," in Smoochers) has his own Web page. Drop by and say, "Hi!"

O Muse With the Jaundiced Eye, take me home!

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