played by Tim Russ

Tuvok is a Vulcan male; he poses as a member of the Maquis to gain information about their activities; he currently serves as a Lieutenant and chief of security aboard Voyager. (Caretaker)

As part of his investigation in to the murder of Professor Ren, Tuvok mind melds with Paris in order to witness the murder himself; he has been married for 67 years. (Ex Post Facto)

Tuvok decides to acquire the trajector matrix from the Sikarians since Janeway is not ethically able to do this herself; he admits that he was the senior officer involved in the incident and expects that he will lose his commission and be court martialed because of it. (Prime Factors)

Tuvok and Chakotay's shuttle is attacked when it passes near the dark matter nebula; an alien possesses Tuvok in order to lead Voyager to the nebula where the neural energy of the crew will sustain the Komar for many years to come. (Cathexis)

Gaunt Gary gives Tuvok the nickname Vulcan Slim. (Jetrel)

Tuvok taught at the Academy for 16 years; Janeway has him instruct four of the former Maquis crew members that seem to be having trouble adjusting to being on a Starfleet ship; he has trouble getting through to the trainees until he learns to "bend" a little. (Learning Curve)

Neelix goes to Tuvok for advice about whether or not he should have a child with Kes; Tuvok has 3 sons and 1 daughter. (Elogium)

The Bothan cause Tuvok to hallucinate that he sees his wife, T'Pel, on the viewscreen. (Persistence of Vision)

Tuvok's cell membranes to through hyper-thermal induction and his blood temperature rises by 37 degrees in a matter of seconds when Kes demostrates the psychokinetic abilities that Tanis taught her. (Cold Fire)

Tuvok and Torres are arrested by the Mokra troops in the Alsaurian marketplace; the Mokra torture him to try to get information about the Alsaurian resistance; they escape when Janeway causes a disruption in the shields around the prison. (Resistance)

Tuvok mind melds with Suder so that he can understand why Suder killed Darwin and to help Suder gain self-discipline to control his violent nature; the meld helps Suder to be calm and controlled, but causes Tuvok to lose his emotional control and become violent; Tuvok says he is trained in the martial arts of many alpha quadrant cultures; he decides justice would be served if he executes Suder; Tuvok almost kills Suder before he begins to regain his emotional control. (Meld)

Tuvok remains on board with Janeway after she sets the self-destruct sequence just in case she is injured and unable to complete the mission. (Dreadnought)

Quinn asks Tuvok to represent him at the hearing since Tuvok is familiar with Federation asylum procedures and Vulcans approve of suicide in certain cases. (Deathwish)

Tuvok was the one who suggested that Chakotay not be told about the plan to use Paris to flush out the spy on Voyager since the spy was probably a Maquis. (Investigations)

Tuvok says that his wife was in labor for 96 hours during the birth of his third child. (Deadlock)

Tuvok and Bennet crash on one of the moons of Drayan 2; Tuvok discovers several children who are afraid of a creature they call a morrok; Tuvok tells the children that Vulcans believe that a person's katra, or soul, continues to exist after the body dies and that he believed this when he was younger, but now he believes that there is more within everyone than science has yet explained; Tuvok can go several days without rest if necessary; Tuvok's youngest son is very fond of Tuvok's lute playing and always asks Tuvok to play Falor's journey. (Innocence)

Tuvok and Neelix are on the planet looking for a variety of orchid that may be a valuable nutritional supplement; when Tuvok and Neelix are being beamed up, their patterns merge into one; Kes says that Tuvok is completely devoted to his wife; Tuvok was once stationed at Jupiter station temporarily; Tuvok and Neelix are restored during the separation procedure with the radioactive isotope. (Tuvix)

Janeway turns over command of Voyager to Tuvok; Tuvok decides not to contact the Vidiians since Janeway had ordered him not to; he relieves Kim of duty when Kim questions his orders and he tells Kim that he will relieve him of duty permanently if he ever questions his orders again; Kes persuades Tuvok to reconsider contacting the Vidiians. (Resolutions)

Suder names his hybrid orchid after Tuvok. (Basics, Part 1)

Tuvok taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. (Basics, Part 2)

Tuvok experiences what seems to be a repressed memory where he is trying to save a girl from falling into a precipice; the Doctor says he is experiencing T'lokan schism and that Vulcan usually use a mind meld to reintegrate the memory back into the conscious mind; he trusts Janeway more than anyone else on Voyager; during the mind meld, he and Janeway appear on the bridge of the USS Excelsior 80 years earlier during his first deep space assignment; on the Excelsior he was an ensign, 29 years old and served as one of several junior science officers; Tuvok joined Starfleet under pressure from his parents and resigned his commission after his assignment on the Excelsior was complete; his experiences at the Academy and aboard the Excelsior were not pleasant; he left Starfleet for 50 years partly because of a conflict with humans; after resigning, he returned to Vulcan and spent several years in seclusion where he immersed himself in the Kohlinar; he was 6 years into his studies when he began Pon Farr and took T'Pel as a mate and started a family; he postponed his studies to raise his family and returned to Starfleet later when he wanted to expand his knowledge of the galaxy; the parasite is passed from Valtane to Ensign Tuvok when Valtane is killed; the Doctor is able to kill the parasite with thoron radiation; Tuvok is pleased that he was part of the days when Kirk, Spock and the others were in Starfleet. (Flashback)

Paris and Tuvok go to Griffith Observatory to find out who sent the message to Voyager and to see what they know; Tuvok downloads all the info from Rain's computer and then deletes her hard drive so that it looks like a computer error; Tuvok tell Rain that his ears are a family trait. (Future's End, Part 1)

Rain says that Tuvok is a real freakasaurus; Tuvok tried to talk a parking enforcement officer out of giving them a citation by using pure Vulcan logic, but it didn't work. (Future's End, Part 2)

Tuvok sneaks into the Imperial Hall to try to use the synaptic stimulator on Tiernan, but Tiernan is able to detect him using Kes's mental abilities. (Warlord)

Tuvok assists Bahrat in the investigation into Sutok's murder. (Fair Trade)

Tuvok attempts to help Kim control his emotions through Vulcan meditation; Tuvok learned to play Kal-toh on Vulcan at the age of 5; he took lessons from a master; Tuvok beams over to the alien ship in the inversion nebula; "Marayna" wants Tuvok to stay with her but Tuvok persuades her to let him and Voyager go; he offers to teach Kim how to play Kal-toh. (Alter Ego)

Tuvok did a reading of Vulcan poetry for Neelix's talent night; Tuvok works with Kes to try to increase the range of her perceptions, but they are unsuccessful; Tuvok records in his tactical officer log that he has lost a good friend whom he can never replace. (Coda)

Tuvok has an artificial implant in his arm since it was necessary to replace the elbow joint after he was injured in a combat simulation. (Blood Fever)

Tuvok, Neelix, and Sklar take a shuttle to the surface to try to find Dr. Vatm; Tuvok says that his lungs are capable of respirating in extremely thin atmosphere; Neelix says that Tuvok hides his emotional side beneath his Vulcan calm and that Tuvok is filled with contempt and sarcasm; Neelix believes that Tuvok has feelings against him; Sklar pushes Tuvok off the roof, but Tuvok manages to hang onto the carriage and eventually get back inside the carriage, Tuvok puts a special commendation for Neelix in his mission report. (Rise)

Tuvok is able to construct a weapon from the power cells and relay circuits from the food dispensers; Tuvok says that the Starleet survival experiences seemed less of a challenge since he had already experienced the rite of Tal'oth in which he survived in the Vulcan desert for 4 months with only a ritual blade. (Displaced)

Tuvok admits that he wrote the Insurrection Alpha program as a tactical training program for junior security officers to prepare them for the possiblity of a mutiny after the Maquis crew came on board; he deleted the program after the Starfleet and Maquis crews began working together and the possibility of mutiny became unlikely; he and Paris collaborate to write the ending for the program; Paris and Tuvok are trapped in the holodeck with the safety protocols off; he booby-traps a phaser rifle in order to kill the holographic Seska and end the program. (Worst Case Scenario)

Tuvok works with Kes with a series of guided meditations to help her explore the depth of her new abilities; Tuvok mind melds with Kes to try to delay her transformation until she can get off of Voyager. (The Gift)

Tuvok's tactical analysis indicates that the least risky course of action would be for a single crew member and Ambassador Treen's commando unit to attempt to rescue Chakotay; Chakotay almost shoots Tuvok since he thinks Tuvok is a Kradin beast; Tuvok convinces Chakotay that the Vori have brainwashed him after he shows him that the Larhana village is just a Vori training camp. (Nemesis)

When Tuvok first met Janeway, he dressed her down in front of 3 Starfleet admirals for failing to observe proper tactical procedure; he has known Janeway for 9 years; Janeway promotes Tuvok to Lieutenant Commander because of his outstanding service as chief tactical and security officer. (Revulsion)

Tuvok and Paris go after Seven in a shuttlecraft; Tuvok beams onto Seven's shuttle hoping to surprise her and administer the genetic resequencing vector; he loses consciousness when Seven uses the Vulcan neck pinch on him; he volunteers to go to the lunar surface with Seven to see what is there. (The Raven)

Tuvok walks in on Torres and Paris kissing in Engineering when he brings Torres the power usage data she requested; 13 department heads report to Tuvok every day. (Scientific Method)

Tuvok tries to modify Voyager's shields to protect the ship from the chronoton torpedoes but he is unsuccessful; he is blinded by the explosion of the chronoton torpedo lodged in the Jeffries tube on Deck 11; he uses a tactile interface at the tactial station on the bridge. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Tuvok says that his trust in Captain Janeway is absolute; Janeway sends Tuvok, Neelix, Seven and the Doctor to the Mawasi ships. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Tuvok gives Nimira a tour of Voyager and its security facilities; Tuvok tells Nimira that he admires the Mari culture and that he has enjoyed her company; Nimira asks him for help after Talli is killed in the second attack; he mind melds with Torres in order to experience her memories surrounding the crime; Guill senses that Tuvok is a telepath and the he struggles with his violent thoughts; Tuvok offers to telepathically exchange violent images with Guill; Tuvok tells Guill that he is interested in acquiring Torres's violent thought because her violent tendencies have always fascinated him but he has never been successful in probing her mind; Tuvok attempts to take Guill into custody but then Tuvok is attacked by Malin and another Mari man; Tuvok initiates a mind meld with Guill and shows him thoughts so dark that Guill begs him to stop; Tuvoks says that he has modified his views of Mari society somewhat; he tells Torres that he has a new respect for her inner struggle. (Random Thoughts)

Janeway and Tuvok go to the Northern continent of the planet to try to track down Voyager's main computer processor; Da Vinci says that Tuvok has curious ears; Tuvok tells Da Vinci that he is from Scandanavia. (Concerning Flight)

Neelix requests that Tuvok commence the celebration of Prixin with the traditional salutation; Neelix records in his log that he is grateful to Tuvok for the opportunity to earn his respect and that Tuvok's wisdom and strength was an inspiration to him. (Mortal Coil)

In Tuvok's dream, he shows up naked on the bridge. (Waking Moments)

Tuvok receives a letter from his wife; Tuvok's first son is names Sek; Tuvok learns that he is now the grandfather of a female named T'Meni after Tuvok's mother; Tuvok says that he has never lied except if he was under orders from a superior officer; Tuvok and Seven are captured by the Hirogen. (Hunters)

Species 8472 makes telepathic contact with Tuvok. (Prey)

Tuvok takes on the persona of the bartender of the Le Couer de Lion as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1. (The Killing Game, Part 1)


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