Prelude to Christmas

Well, It just about that time of year again, so I'm devoting this month's column to the preparation of Christmas. I love hearing stories of good will and Christmas spirit. But, unfortunately, (as we all know and I'm sure have experienced) that the hustle and bustle of this time of year instead brings out the worst. I wish it wasn't so! This is a review of some of the Christmas books out there that maybe can help set the mood.

Does anyone know how many shopping days are left?



This book came out in 1988 with a $2.95 cover price. But I wouldn't pay that for it when it could easily be found in a fifty-cent pile. This book has over a hundred pages, which are all reprints.

BATMAN: "Wanted Santa Claus: Dead or Alive"
OK, we're starting out with a pretty lame ten page story here, as a missing star from a nativity set shows up in time to shed some light on the case for Bats. It was a good try, but it just wasn't inspirational. This was reprinted from DC Special Series #21, which will be reviewied latter in this column.

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA: "The Man Who Murdered Santa Clause"
Does anyone see a theme building here, that's two in a row so far where the writer wants Santa Clause dead. The story stars Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Black Canary, and Red Tornado with cameo appearances by Barry Allen, the Atom, Elongated Man, Aquaman & Mera, and Hal Jorden who slips on a bar of soap and knocks himself out (Bwa-ha-ha!). In this twenty page story the Justice League takes on The Key. Although it's not very Christmasy, it's a decent read. The end has the introduction of Red Tornado's red and yellow costume, which sewn by Black Canary and given to him as a Christmas gift. The is a reprint from Justice League #110 and dated March-April 1974, which can probablly still be found for just a couple of bucks.

TEEN TITANS: "The Teen Titan's Swinging Christmas Carol"
This is a full (of should I say "fool") 23 pages that should never of been put in this issue. This is a poor revision of Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol (which may of been "hip" at one time) that would leave Mr. Dicken's spinning in his grave if he read it. The members of the Titans said so may things that I was embarrassed to be reading like Robin's battle cry "Come on Titans, bug out!" and Aqualad saying, "Groovy, twinkle toes." to Kid Flash. As if it wasn't bad enough that the title contained the word "swinging", Tiny Tom (yes Tom) says, "Groovy". And at the end, once again, Aqualad (I guess trying to fit in with the lingo; being from Atlantis) says, "Hey Robin-O, how could anyone have as marv a Christmas as we are?" I know what you thinking, and no, there are no typo's in that sentence. After reading this mockery of classic literature I decided to view this piece as a modern day comedy. Heck, now that I think about it, you shoud read it just for a good laugh. This was reprinted from Teen Titans #13 dated January-February 1968 (and it shows it's age), It's also a pretty pricy issue at about twenty-four bucks.

LEGION OF SUPERHEROES: "Star light, Star Bright...Farthest Star I See Tonight"
In the twelve pager that I can go only so far and dubb okay, Superboy brings the rest of the gang on a hunt for the Christmas Star. What they find after poorly navigating through space, is a world on the brink of an ice-age. The Legion gets the planet's inhabitants to work together, showing them that only by working together they will survive. This is another reprint from DC Special Series #21 which will be reviewed later in this column.

SUPERMAN: "Twas The Fright Before Christmas"
This was another full twenty-three page story which was a re-print from DC Presents #67 which has a cover price of seventy-five cents, but don't look futher than a fifty-cent pile for it. In this story Superman teams up with...ah...Santa Claus to take on the Toyman. This story tries to capture emotion but, (yawn) it didn't work for me.

BATMAN: "The Silent Night of The Bat"
Yet another Batman Christmas story fails to make the grade as the powers that be in the eight pager gives Batman, Jim Gordon, and the entire on duty Gothem police squad the night off to sing Christmas carols. Yes, Batman does sing!? This is a reprint from a back-up in Batman #219 dated February 1970 with a cover price of fifteen cents, but today's approximate value is twenty-two bucks. So, unless this is on your Christmas list, I'd stick with the fifty-cent reprint, it's just as cheesy.


This book came out a year after #1 with the same cover price but only half as big. This can also be found for fifty-cents so if you didn't get it then you didn't pay too much. This book also differs from the first, where as on the cover it states "All New". So, you know what that means, if you're looking for another "far-out" and "groovy" story like in the first one you'll just have to settle for renting the Brady Bunch movie. It's almost as funny.

SUPERMAN: "Ex-machina"
I don't know, IS that title a foreign language? A man's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere during a blizzard. After a few hours, he decides that suicide is a better alternative than freezing to death. But, faster than a speeding DC bullet, Superman saves the day. This is kind of touching in a Christmas spirited way, making it worthy of a Christmas read.

BATMAN: "Land in The Depths"
Ten pages of another Batman Christmas snoozer. ZZZZZZZZ!

This is a nine page story of a woman pastor down on her luck and is about to give up. She confronts Wonder Woman who is questioning her beliefs and and helps Diana to keep her faith, which in turn makes her realize her worth and decides not to give up trying herself. This story is okay, but just barely one for Christmas.

ENEMY ACE: "Silent Night"
Here we have a story living up to it's title, a story told by pictures only; no words. Showing he too has some Christmas spirit, he delivers supplies to the other sides medical unit in their time of need.

JLA: (Well, really just G.L. Hal Jorden & Flash Barry Allen)
This is a great ten pager without a title. It's a story that makes you feel good when it's over. The two Justice Leagers show a depressed man that there are a lot of people out there who really do care.

DEADMAN: "Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot"
Deadman, probably the lonliest person in the DCU, gets his Christmas wish. Someone with the ability to see him and spend time with him. This is another good story.


This book came out last year and over all it's pretty good for Christmas. It came out with a $3.95 cover price, but if you don't have it yet, I'm sure you can find it cheaper.

SUPERMAN: "The Benefaction of Peace"
This is a touching thirteen page story of a lonely man whom Lois talks out of jumping off the Daily telling him a lonlier Superman story.

NEW GODS: "A Highfather Christmas"
Personally I don't like the New Gods, but this is a good story; all eight pages of it. Highfather plays Santa Claus while Orion plays an elf in a New York City department store on Christmas-eve, spreading joy and happiness. I like joy and happiness!

CATWOMAN: "Bearing Gifts We Traverse Afar"
Yes, even Catwoman sinks her claws into Christmas and does a good deed for this ten page christmas story. But, it's not that good though.

DEAMON: "Santa's Little Helper"
I don't even want to comment on this two page filler where I'd rather of read an ad. And, just to let you know, there's a typo in this title on purpose. It was another guy in red, not Santa, who shouldn't even be associated with this holiday!

This is a ten page Hanukkah story showing that miracles do happen as Kyle's uncharged power ring mysteriously works to get him out of a jam. This was a slightly entertaining story.

FLASH: "Present Tense"
This eight pager depicts Wally West trying to find that perfect gift for Linda Park. Even though no magical things happen or nobody is spreading joy and happiness, it's still a good read.

BATMAN: "Just Another Night"
I think this two page flop should of been renamed when it went to the presses to "Just Another Story." As a lonely Alfred gets a gift from Batman. Whoop-de-doo!

DCU HOLIDAY BASH #2: coming soon, to a store near you!


STARMAN #27: "Christmas Knight"
This is the kind of Christmas story I like. It's a touching story, one that after I'm done reading it, I want to go and do something nice for somebody. This book which came out last year with the cover price of $2.25 probably won't rise in value because no good Christmas story ever really does. They're usually stand alone issues; self contained, not relying on continuity. But the reason I buy comics is for it's entertainment value, and here, I was entertained.

SECRET ORIGINS #10: (Starring The Phantom Stranger)
This book has four separate stories in it, but only the first one pertains to christmas, so it will be the only one I'll talk about here. This book is also a spin off of the "Legends" mini-series with a release date of January 1987 and a cover price of $1.25 (and worth it!).

PHANTOM STRANGER: "Tarry Till I Come Again"
This ten page story depicts the Phantom Stranger as a wandering Jew who tells a confession to a Catholic priest. This confession is his origin story when he met Jesus. This is by far the best Christmas story that I have ever read. It's also the most original. You should be able to find it in a fifty-cent pile, so hunt this baby down.


This book was dated January 1995 with a cover price of $2.95. There is also four stories in this issue, one of which, is making this book a semi-hard-to-find book. Read on...

BATGIRL: "Jolly Ol' St. Nickolas"
In this thirteen pager Batgirl goes against Clayface, who, for this story is just a two-bit thug doing nickle and dime robberies. Although this story lacks a good plot, there are a few humorous scenes of Harvey Bullock as Santa, like when he tells a kid sitting on his lap to pull his finger.

BATMAN: "The Harley and The Ivy"
A twelve pager where Poison Ivy kisses Bruce Wayne and puts him under her spell so he can take her and Harley out for a Christmas shopping spree.

BATMAN: "White Christmas"
Well, here it is folks! The cover story of this issue, and the best Batman Christmas story I've ever read. In thirteen pages Mr. Freeze steals an artificial snow making machine to try and freeze Gotham, (makes you wonder where they got the idea for the recent Batman & Robin movie, huh?). But, in the end you realize what motivated Freeze and even Batman finds himself sympathetic to the situation. Also, this is the introduction and origin of Mr. Freeze to the Adventures Universe. So if you can find this rare piece (which really hasn't risen in value), pick it up!

BATMAN: "Should Old Aquanitance Be Forgot"
This is a New Year's story with the Joker.

DC SPECIAL SERIES #21: Superstar Holiday Special

This book which has five stoiries with a cover date of 1980 and cover price of $1.00 is the exception to what I said earlier about Christmas stories never rising in value. I've seen it go for fourteen bucks, and it's all because of the Batman story.

JONAH HEX: "The Fawn and The Star"
This is an okay ten page story about Jonah helping a family find food for the holidays, while also rustlin' up some bushwackers.

BATMAN: "Wanted: Santa Clause--Dead or Alive"
I talked about this piece earlier in this column as a reprint, and I still don't like it! But, what I failed to tell you is that this is what certian people are looking for, not because of the story, but for the art. This was Frank Miller's first take on the Batman. Do I have to tell anybody who Frank Miller is?

HOUSE OF MYSTERY: (no title)
Eight pages of the clan sitting around telling cheesy Christmas stories. Overall, it's pretty lame.

SGT. ROCK OF EASY CO.: "The Longest Night"
Here's another ten pages of a "follow that Christmas star" story. But, at least this is on the boarder of capturing a Christmas emotion.

LEGION OF SUPERHEROES: "Star Light, Star Bright...Furthest Star I See Tonight"
This is the second story from this book that found it's way to a reprint, which was also talked about earlier.

Well, there you have it! But, these are only the books that come to mind. I'm sure there are plenty more out there, so go out and find them. And while your out there, maybe you can do something nice for sombody to help set the mood for the coming season. Remember, everything you do has a ripple effect (action/reaction), we are all contributing members to our society, so don't be a Scrooge!

Happy Hunting!

Column by Wallace "Wally" Frost
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