Wally'$ World'$ Fine$t

So It Was Written...

The two biggest superheroes of all time; Batman and Superman. It's been said that everybody falls to one side or another, they're either a Batman person or a Superman person. Me personally, I'm a Batman person. It's also been said that these two heroes are like opposite ends of the spectrum. By this analogy it's meant that they are flowing in the same direction (fighting crime), but each follow a different path to pursue these means. It all started after Crisis on Infinite Earth's. Well, at least the Batman and Superman I'm referring to. Sure the original World's Finest series spotlighted these two characters, but in such a flaky way, with their lighthearted and chummy dispositions. That would never work in contemporary comics!

...And So It Shall Be Done

The Superman and Batman this side of the Crisis each have their own distinct attitudes, nothing like their pre-Crisis counterparts who were basically clones of one another with the exception of different powers as well as different tights. They had no depth! But now, when you get these two together for a story, one can feel the tension. I have to hand it to DC in their character development department nowadays, they have the best all around! Everyone of their characters are so much richer today then they ever were, or any other companies are.

Coming To Terms

When the term World's Finest is used, Superman and Batman immediately come to mind. There have been a slew of stories from various writers since the Crisis each capturing the tensions between these two World's Finest superheroes in their own way. What does this mean? Strong sales. The Superman people who follow the Superman titles, and the Batman people who follow the Batman titles are sometimes compelled to buy the opposing characters book when their character makes an appearance. With all that said it's time to switch tones. . .

The Arrival Of The Bat

I have been following The Batman Animated series on the tube since the beginning. When it first came out it was great, I watched it religiously. I even have them all on tape. I also followed The Batman Adventures comic which was based on the show. It too, was great. Then came the Batman and Robin Adventures. I still watched the cartoon and followed it's comic. But, let's just say that I was losing faith in this religion. There was just something missing from these new stories, in the books and on the tube. Maybe the creators were just exhausted and needed a chance to renew their passion.

Then Came Superman

Next came the Superman Animated Series and it's accompanying comic. I checked them both out at the beginning, but like I said before, I'm a Batman person. I still check them out once in a while, but I'm no convert. I don't feel that this was made as good. But. . .

The Two Become One

I'm glad that there is both a Superman and Batman Animated Series. Now that there is a Superman/Batman hour (again) it seems that this might do the trick and renew their passions, it certainly rekindled mine. I can't wait to see the animated movie of the Worlds Finest meeting again for the first time. Although I'm not going to talk about that, I am going to mention it's comic book adaptation, which is the substance that prompted me to write this column. But, not the way one might think.

Only Fools Rush In

As I last visited my local comic shop I came across the Batman and Superman Adventures: Worlds Finest comic adaptation of the movie yet to come. I got a little excited and plucked this prestige format book off the wall. About to spontaneously combust with the same kind of excitement I had when Superman made his first adventures style appearance in The Batman Adventures #25. I love the fact that when these post-Crisis icons get together that they never hit off. You can tell that they respect each other for the amount of good that the other does, but can't stand the methods by which the other takes to achieve this good. Anyway, as I got to the counter to pay for the book, expecting to pay only the average $4.95 for a book of this quality, I got walloped by the inflated price of $6.95. If I didn't eat a good breakfast, I might of fainted.

How Much For A Good Time?

For all those with the will power to not pay this price, I commend thee. But, me, I was too weak. I don't want to spoil it for the people who are waiting for the movie. But, I'll say this, the tensions between the two were at an all time high.

Marketing's Finest

It's definitely a good story though, just not $6.95 good. Somebody in marketing certainly knew what they were doing here. They realized that they wouldn't get enough idiots, like myself, to shell out seven bucks after the movie came out, so they got us early.

Column by Wallace "Wally" Frost
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