October - December 1997


No more Total Justice. Gone. Kaput. And where's the justice in that? DC fans all over the world, anticipating an avalanche of DC toy product, have been left out in the cold. With Kenner closing the book on the line of impressively sculpted DC characters, we're back to square one: nothing but endless variations of Batman in some sort of freakish armor, and re-painted villains we've all seen before. Has the modern age of DC toys hit an all-time low? Apparently. Inducing tears in the eyes of fans, the selection of DC toys in stores today, especially when matched up cardbacker to cardbacker with the countless Marvel superheroes currently available, is a pitiful sight. It's plain to see that DC and Kenner feel that only secured franchises can thrive in the toy word, and that means more Bat-product based on the Animated TV show and past movies. What does this all mean? Unless Lobo, Martian Manhunter, Hitman, and Aztek pop up in the series (highly unlikely), you ain't gonna be puttin' your mitts on 'em. On the bright side, the Superman animated series (and upcoming live action movie) guarantees just as much Supes product, and that could mean cool figures such as Supergirl, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and another Flash (a guest star on the show). It will be tedious for collectors in the months to come, but hopefully DC will wise up and give in to the consumer's demand...examples of successful attempts in the past include Harley Quinn and Parallax. Also, for kicks and/or complete and utter horror, you could resort to picking up some Steel toys from the motion picture. But none of us are that desperate, right? Check out Wizard's ToyFare #6 for more on the DC toy crisis, which includes an article by some young punk named Matthew Brady, entitled "Hey! Why aren't there more DC toys?" (ingenious). If the recent Nightwing 1/2 promotional comic offer in Wizard is any sign of things to come, we could be seeing some exclusive DC toys offered through Toyfare. At least Wizard is good for something. Ha! Just kidding, guys. Maybe.


I've got you have yours (big shout out to [email protected])? Harley Quinn is the hottest Batman Action figure this side of the original Penguin. This supposedly non-shortpacked figure is being gobbled up by honest collectors and sleazebags alike, so keep your eyes peeled for this $15-$25 gem. It doesn't sing, it doesn't dance, but it sure can make a fanboy's heart race. Also, it melts at extremely hot temperatures. Don't believe me? Try it, I dare you! And if you do, send polaroids.


The final Total Justice line of action figures is burning it up the charts this week, speeding ahead of the Spice Girls and closing in fast on Hanson. New on the charts, just behind Puff Daddy's latest patchwork piece of shlock, is...Lex Luthor! Yup, good ol' Lex is starting to rake in the dough in his Man of Steel form. This hard-to-find shortpack from the Supes line that preceded the current Animated Series line is the goldmine that most collectors assumed it would be. Keep an eye on this one, as it could reach B:TAS Penguin status by the end of 1998 (You know what won't? Steel.). Batman collectors should also be aware of the unbelievably cool Rogues Gallery currently available as a Diamond exclusive. This huge mother of a gift set includes classic villains, re-presented and re-painted, including Catwoman, Man-Bat, Scarecrow, the Joker, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, and Clayface. You'll see this at comic stores going for around $50-$60, but these things are guaranteed to fly at their initial price. Making this piece even cooler is the Arkham Asylum display of the set. Get off your duff and shell out some cash!


Well, it's the time of giving...and more importantly, receiving. Hopefully I'll have that Peter Criss MEGO doll I've been waiting for in the stocking come Christmas day. Or perhaps the lights of Hanukkah will be made brighter with a large assortment of Star Wars light-up figures (the ones that sure look pretty, but cost way too much). Anyway you look at it, it's time to rejoice, and fill in those collection gaps. Happy holidays to you all, and remember: One Harley Quinn under the tree is worth a sack of Steel toys in the fireplace. Take that for what it's worth. Adios!
Column by Eitan Shapiro
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