Marv Wolfman

Marv Wolfman's contribution to the Captain Power universe was the episode 'Fire in the Dark'.He is more well known however as a prolific comic book writer for Marvel Comics. For a full list of his credits, visit Marv Wolfman's website. All questions to Mr Wolfman in BOLD.

How did the opportunity to write for CP come up?

Joe Straczynski simply asked me. He'd been a fan of my comic books and thought I'd do a good TV episode.

What projects are you working on at present?

I just co-created an animation series called Pocket Dragon Adventures which will be premiering this coming September. Beside that I've written Reboot and am now writing both Godzilla and War Planets, War Planets being the new show from Mainframe, the producers of Reboot.

What projects would you like to work on?

Some live TV shows. Science fiction, mystery, horror and adventure.

How old are you?

That's classified.

Any hobbies or personal interests?

Making stained glass. Reading. Travel.

Do you prefer comics to writing live action?

I love writing, whatever the form. Comics lets you control more of what you write. TV pays far better and you can be more realistic in your writing. The dialogue for live action flows easier than comics dialogue.

How long have you been in comics/animation?

About 30 years.

How did you get your start in comics/animation?

In comics I kept submitting stories until someone finally bought one. Then I slowly kept workig on my craft until more and more people bought them. As far as animation, I was asked to write a GI Joe because the story editor liked my comics work. Again, the rest is history.

Can you tell me a little bit about how you came up with the story for the episode 'Fire in the Dark?' What aspects of the Captain Power universe were you looking to explore if any?

One of the things I liked about Captain Power was Joe Straczynski telling me he wanted good drama. Yes, it was a kid's adventure show, but he allowed me to do a story that was solely about people. This particular one explored an elderly blind woman who was once an artist. In our villain's mind he created paradise and wanted it immortalized, but she saw it for what it was. It was a very sophisticated concept for what was considered a kid's show. There was no attempt to dumb it down. I attribute that 100% to Joe who wanted smart, not dumb.

Any comment on your perception of the characters of the Captain Power universe? Who was your favourite character or who did you enjoy writing about the most?

I frankly don't remember much of the series. I liked the female character a lot - I don't remmeber her name now. Sorry. She was my favorite, but I tend to prefer strong female characters to most male characters.

Would you have liked the opportunity to write a few more scripts?

I would have loved to. I enjoyed working with Joe, and would have liked to get a chance to show what I learned doing the first story.

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