The Captain Power Revival Saga

26 September 1997 - Post sent to,, about the possibility of CP being renewed on the 22nd September 1997. I then received a reply from J Michael Straczynski [also posted on to] which indicated that he had contacted the people at Landmark and they had stated that there were no new episodes being planned.My original post only stated that it might be revived and there was the possibility of 1 hour episodes.

JMS post was as follows:

Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: More "Captain Power" Info
Date: 24 Sep 1997 03:57:28 -0400

The entire story is bogus. This is just some company or person who has the rights to the old episodes, and may be trying to whip up enthusiasm.

Whatever the case...we spoke to the folks at Landmark today, which company owns CP lock, stock and barrel, and they categorically denied that ANYthing is in the works. They've been trying to get something off the ground for a long time, but no, there are NO new episodes in the pipeline. It's a bogus story.

An interesting snippet about CP then appeared on Ain't It Cool News', who did some digging of their own into the matter with some interesting results.

"CAPTAIN POWER"(Courtesy of Glen Oliver, Ain't It Cool News .)

There seems to be a lot of confusion over image that was posted a few Updates back about a possible series revival of "Captain Power".This confusion was exhaserbated by "Babylon 5" creator J. Michael Straczynski's newsgroup-posted indications that Landmark Entertainment - the company the image announced was bringing forth the new "Captain Power" episodes - knew nothing about the series and said it wasn't happening. Even more confusing - he seems to be right. So - how did this image come to be? What happened?

I'm about to tell you EVERYTHING I know about this, and allow you to draw your own conclusion. No matter how you cut it - I think Mr.Straczynski probably answered it best. In his own words:

"This is just some company or person who has the rights to the old episodes,and may be trying to whip up enthusiasm."

While I'm not entirely sure how the *rights* issues on "Captain Power" were resolved once the series left the airwaves (I thought Landmark Entertainment owned the rights to the series, to both old episodes and whatever else might come later), I did a little bit of snooping around and came up with the following information.

The "Captain Power" image in question was being distributed as part of a "Folder". "Folders" are distributed by people at sales conferences, etc. in order to try to whip up support for a product - engage investors, etc. For an another example of this, take a close look at the "Voyage Of The Star Wolf" folder that was also included on Monday's Update. Notice the expected arrival date of the series? "One Hour Episodes Available Spring 1997". Never happened. So - these Folders are an attempt to get people geared-up for the show. An attempt to get the show made. Sometimes things work out. Sometimes they don't. "StarWolf" being such a case.

Back to "Captain Power". I have been able to ascertain that its Folder actually got distributed in at least one convention/meeting, if not more. Indications are, the folder also made it overseas (possibly where it was initially distributed).

Now - here's the interesting part. At the bottom of the series background/pitch that is in The Folder (which includes, incidentally, a "production design" of updated series nemesis Lord Dredd) , there is the following information. Notice - it doesn't lay claim to ownership of the series, but *does* claim to be licensed to use the title and summary material which you can find further down this article. Distributed by MediaWorks International, 1219 Morningside Drive Suite #213 Manhattan Beach, CA 90622 Captain Power TM and associated trademarks and copyrights are owned by Landmark Entertainment Group and are used under license. Copyright 1997 Landmark Entertainment Group. All Rights Reserved.

Well - I picked up the phone and called Information for Manhattan Beach, asked for a listing for MediaWorks. There was no MediaWorks. I had them switch over to Los Angeles and look up MediaWorks. There was no MediaWorks. Maybe they moved somewhere else. Maybe they never existed. While I'm not saying this company *does not* exist, I can't find any evidence (other than the "Captain Power" artwork) that the company does exist.

Which brings us to the big question. Was MediaWorks actually licensed by Landmark to be distributing this folder? If not - then Straczynski is right and it was just the case of some overzealous people trying to resurrect a series they once had fun with and believed in. If they *were* actually licensed to see what ground could be gained in getting a reborn series off the ground? Well - the implications were obvious.

I must admit being floored by the amount of excited mail "Captain Power"s potential return generated. There are a lot of people out there who want to see this happen. If the series could be resurrected with the same hard-edged but warm-hearted sensibilities it had in its initial run, the base of fan support would be large and open minded and waiting with open arms. So, if there is anyone out there that has the capacity to make a difference in bringing this taunting specter of a possibility to fruition, give it a good think through.

I think you'll find a lot of people out there will be watching. And for now, they are waiting...

A big thanks to ISIS and GURMO for helping me to shed what light they could on this bizarre-o "Captain Power" mystery. Everyone gave it their best. As always, your help is invaluable.

More to come as more comes my way...

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