
Written by Larry DiTillio

"Eden II's a myth! "

- Hawk, when Vi tells him where they are headed.

Power sends Hawk to investigate the existance of a group of resistance fighters, operating independently outside the mainstream movement. Power wants to know what their motives are and if they are prepared to join the resistance. Hawk flies into the area just as the fighters, uttering the battlecry 'Wardogs!' are attempting to commandeer a supplies transport. They seem successful in capturing it but are suddenly caught by a stray trooper manning a mounted laser cannon. Sensing their difficulty, Hawk destroys the remaining trooper with a single wrist rocket, only to find himself being shot down by the fighters heavy weaponry.

Surrounding the fallen Hawk, whose suit deactivates, they refuse to believe his protests that he is not a 'clicker' [Bio-Dread] as they believe. He is taken to their base, a cave in the mountains where he meets their leader - to his surprise, it is an old friend, Colonel Vi, a woman whom he fought with in the Metal Wars. They embrace warmly to the surprise of Hawk's captors, Heiko and Cherokee.

Meanwhile, Power, concerned by radio silence from Hawk, decides to set off for the point of his last radio transmission. Just then, Scout and Tank report that they have discovered a hidden Dread base. Confronted with the choice, Power decides to go after Hawk, but tells Tank and Scout to keep watch.

Hawk finds out that Vi is the leader of the Wardogs, which comprises of several members of the Wardogs Company, a former military squad from the Metal Wars. Their intentions are however, far from the altruism Power and Hawk have accredited to them. Vi and her troop are not interested in resisting Dread; instead, they are looking to find a way to Eden II, a supposed haven untouched by Dread's destruction. Hawk is skeptical and tells Vi Eden II is a myth. Vi shrugs and says, perhaps it is, but says they have already made up their minds. The talk changes to more personal matters - Vi inquires of JoAnna and Mitch, Hawk's wife and son, and Hawk reveals they were both killed in a Dread attack.

The intimacy of the moment is broken by the arrival of Power and Pilot. Relieved to learn that Hawk is ok, Power informs him that of Scout and Tank's findings, and decides to head out there to check it out. He bids Vi and the Wardogs good luck in their journey to Eden II and heads off, while Hawk stays behind.

Unknown to Power, Dread is already aware of Scout and Tank's presence at the facility and decides to set a trap. Soaron is dispatched to provide assistance and Dread waits to Power to show up. Power and Pilot show up and the team observe the base being evacuated by Soaron. Deciding to take advantage of the 'unguarded' base, they enter the base and plant timed explosives. In the process, they discover barrels on the premises with the Dread Empire emblem and information on Project New Order on the computers.

Just then, troopers storm the building, lead by Overunit Webber. The team are surrounded and Scout's attempt to confuse them by holographically disguising himself as Lord Dread doesn't work. The team escape from a booby trapped room but are still unable to extricate themselves before the explosives detonate.

Hawk learns of Power's difficulties when Cherokee brings news to Vi that Power has been trapped by Dread. Hawk decides to leave to try and help, despite Cherokee's view that he cannot save them alone. He tries to enlist Vi's help but knows she will decline.Vi, knowing Hawk as she does, lets him go, to the surprise of Cherokee.

Hawk flies to the base only to find Soaron waiting for him. His suit already depleted by his first encounter with the Wardogs, Hawk is easy prey for Soaron. Fortunately, before Soaron can finish him, the Wardogs arrive and blast the Bio-Dread out of the sky. They proceed to the base and blast the wall down, saving Power and his team just in the nick of time as Webber and the troopers begin to press their advantage. As they escape the building, the explosives detonate, and destroy the building.

Power is grateful for the assistance of the Wardogs and hints that they would make a formidable addition to the resistance, but he respects their decision. Hawk and Vi embrace again and separate once more.


Some character development for Hawk in this episode, and his background gets fleshed out slightly as we learn about his family. More will be revealed about Hawk's son Mitch later [See Pariah] The underlying attraction between Hawk and Vi is well written - subtle to preserve Vi's position as leader of the Wardogs and yet clearly hinting at a previous romantic entanglement that was not to be [perhaps because Hawk was married?]and perhaps was never destined to be since Vi once again, leaves Hawk.We are left nicely guessing at what their relationship was, and what it could be.

Colonel Vi is a strong, authoritative woman whose character is very quickly stamped and established. Her position of power showcases that in the future, women can be leaders too. This is the introduction we get to Eden II which sets the scene for the future episodes [See Eden Road] as well as the second season, where both Dread and Power discover Eden II. Scenes in the Dread base introduce Project New Order and the barrels in the base are chemicals for the Styx project, which we find out about in future episodes [See And Study War No More ] Note that Power sends Tank and Scout out to recon the base, while Pilot and himself go to look for Hawk. In future episodes, Power is usually accompanied by Pilot and she tends to keep very close to him - perhaps a subtle hint at her attraction to him?

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Inexplicable Oddities

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