New Order: The Sky Shall Swallow Them (Part I)

Written by Larry DiTillio

"What are we waiting for? Lets boldly go where no man has gone before."
"Beam me up,Scottie. There's no intelligent life down here".

- Tank and Scout, joking about the attack on Volcania.

Scout and Power meet a springer (Data Thief) named Locke, who has for sale, data about the remaining phases of the infamous 'Project New Order'. Before the deal can conclude, Soaron appears on the scene. He has been tracking Locke. Discovering Power's presence, Soaron informs Dread, who orders Blastarr into the fray. Blastarr is to deal with Locke while Soaron pursues Power. Scout departs on the skybike to rescue Locke from Blastarr while Power deals with Soaron. After despatching the Bio-Dreads, Scout and Power depart after ensuring Locke is safe and the data disk is handed over.

Back at the Power Base, Mentor deciphers the contents of the disk, which contains details on the final two phases of Project New Order - Icarus and Prometheus. The Icarus phase involves the launch of the Icarus platform, a sub-orbital platform armed with a long range digitiser. The platforms purpose is mass digitisation of the human population. Upon reaching optimum firing position,its first target is the eastern starboard population of the United States.

Prometheus is set to follow on from Icarus. Dread has constructed at Volcania a plasma station that will release energy into the atmosphere and cause plasma storms, burning away all life.

Power decides that it is time for them to launch a major offensive against Dread. He informs the team their plan will be to attack the Icarus platform and then proceed to Volcania to complete the task of destroying Project New Order. Raised eyebrows all around - a mission like that would be suicidal. But Power is confident that they can do it if they pull off the first attack.

As the Jumpship speeds towards the Icarus platform, Dread sends in Soaron to intercept and eliminate. Power sends Hawk out to deal with Soaron while they proceed to the platform. To Dread's ire, Soaron focuses on Hawk, thus allowing the Jumpship to escape. Upon reaching the platform, Scout, Tank and Power mount Skybikes to provide cover for the Jumpship, which has to fly through a heavily fortified trench to access the platform's central console. Negotiating the trench, Pilot bull-eyes her target and heads to the pre-designated rendezvous to meet Hawk. Power,Tank and Scout proceed to Icarus control on foot.

Blasting their way through biomechs guarding the entrance, they storm the platform's control center. With seconds left, Scout gains control of the platform's guidance systems and blows the station, aligning its re-entry trajectory so that it will impact with Volcania. Back at Volcania, a disbelieving Dread is informed by Overmind that the platform is headed directly for Volcania. He orders Overmind to proceed ahead with the Prometheus stage, determined to raze the earth one way or another.


This is one of the more action packed episodes though it could certainly not be accused of blind robot blasting for the sake of robot blasting. The trench access scenes are reminiscent of similar scenes in Return of the Jedi. The episode is very much a set up for the episodes that followed 'Retribution'. The build up to New Order is very apt - with so many small missions under their belts, the team was ready for something meatier, and more incisive towards Dread. It also represents a culmination of a continuing theme throughout the season - the mysterious Project New Order.

Dread's digitize and burn plan is a variation of the traditional 'scorched earth' strategy. Instead of burning and destroying in order to avoid anything falling into the hands of the enemy, Dread is scorching the earth to pave the way for his vision of humanity.

A couple of unresolved questions about Pilot emerge in this episode. For example, Pilot tells Power she knows Volcania - a mission to Volcania would be suicide. This seems to suggests that Pilot has not really been away from the Dread Youth THAT long but on the other hand, in Gemini and Counting a bemused Pilot notes that some things have changed in Dread' security system. We're left a little in the lurch on the question of just how long has Pilot been a member of the Power team?

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